
Hi~I am cute!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

SoulMate Look it up.

So I found my soulmate. If u want to know what a soul mate is… well shit, you probably don't. You don't want to find it, because finding it means 1) it was at one point lost. 2) how do you keep such a thing, that thing being a being… a person. Other than thyself. Why? Why want other than oneself for eternity?
One theory of soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but God feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them:
One could imagine the ramifications of such a destiny. One could imagine a movie made perhaps where the one soul, is safe with God, in heaven… a god itself. Ultimately knowing simple peace, happiness, and perfection. Suddenly the soul, finding itself one with God, is shocked to find God's displeasure at the Earth. The earth has forgotten God, and what God is aka I am…. So God decides to take itself, or rather, it's favorite soul (which is it in its imagine… oh what power) and split it in half. The soul, the god, who is a god indeed, is split in half and half is sent down to Earth to help the people. Of course, God also knew the soul, in its likeness could not live in heaven without it's other half. It tried, yes me, going on and on about how great heaven was and how wonderful it was to be in heaven. But then as each moment of time passed it looked more and more down to the Earth, to the part of it that lived there… How could this be, when it once was united in perfect harmony, in perfection of yin/yang, of male female completion? The male is now on Earth and the female above loosing itself as everyday passes. So the female, went back to God and told him that she too wanted to go down to Earth to help them, she would be ultimate perfection, she would be a god down there… and she promised to prove to them that 1) God did indeed exist (along with all the other supernatural truths) and 2) To recreate heaven on Earth, a heaven they so badly needed. There was more to their talk, more to this story, but ultimately the half soul… which was by itself a superior being than those on Earth… nagged God to sent it down to Earth, ultimately it could prove it's love to God, help God, help all the people on Earth, and reconnect itself with itself. God of course laughed at the little god soul… reminding it that it wouldn't remember the conversation, that it would have to be retrained, that it would suffer like a human, that it wouldn't like the Earth nearly as much as heaven even when once again it united with God (on Earth)… the little half god soul wondered about all of this, but as it watched itself and played out the obvious courses of action it had to take, and the others on Earth had to take… it decided to roll the dice and succumb to becoming a human….and indeed to find itself, find it's half….. To be cont.
[Primeval man] could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast …Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods ... Doubt reigned in the celestial councils. Should they kill them and annihilate the race with thunderbolts, as they had done the giants, then there would be an end of the sacrifices and worship which men offered to them; but, on the other hand, the gods could not suffer their insolence to be unrestrained.
Now as a god on Earth it realized this even more…
At last, after a good deal of reflection, God discovered a way. He said: 'Methinks I have a plan which will humble their pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.'
Anyone feel like there are more than one of them in them? Now, since 2005, more than one person to take care of??? As if, we as humans, have indeed been split in mind? ;)
Some people[vague][who?] believe that souls are literally made and/or fated to be the mates of each other, or to play certain other important roles in each other's lives.
Yes of course, because everyone is tied in and every reaction has an interaction. So indeed if x is Sam and y is Susie then in the world Sam does affect Susie and vica verca.
According to theories popularized by Theosophy and in a modified form by Edgar Cayce, God created androgynous souls, equally male and female. Later theories postulate that the souls split into separate genders. If God decreed that I be separated then the separation was a split of my soul.

:) I think of my soul mate or soul mates, for them I pray to Christ Jesus, that we may be reunited quickly and with ease. That we may realized how close we were, can be in Christ. That we may fill a void in the other, and that no deep sins come between us! Amen.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hi! Merry Christmas!!!!

What is the human brain?
The human mind is said to unlock the keys to the universe. Why? It is said to hold unlimited power. Why? It is said that the soul lives in the mind, the two are on, sort to speak, the mind and the soul are intact in me, in us, in all that lives. The mind is different that the brain. The mind is what hold consciousness. Consciousness is the key to life. Without life we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't know live without knowing consciousness. Anything that has consciousness is somewhat alive. Do we every die? Do we ever lose our consciousness, I don't believe so. To lose ourselves means we would have to lose our I, our ego, ourselves, our personal consciousness which is kept safe in our minds.
The brain has been studied for many a years. While the brain and the mind are different, the study of the human mind has incorporated what the brain does…. The human mind is what holds consciousness, consciousness holds our reality and our reality holds us captive while we are alive on this Earth in 20010. The mind is said to be like a big machine, a computer of sorts that like a software program runs so that certain tasks can be completed, so that the body or machine it lives in can run and succeed in fulfilling its needs. I have written before about Maslow's needs. The mind which computes its reality, it's surroundings, the sensatory organs feed it such information and above that information is information personally feed, aka thoughts, and information that might not yet have been realized. The information not realized yet, is where I come in, by being a superhuman on this Earth (another thing I am) I have come to actualize more human potential, which affects the way my mind works. There are many books written on human potential, superhumans, men and women for whatever reason rise above the normal human to be elite, of a higher intellectual mind, or with ability, we call these people genius we call these people gifted. They can achieve the actions they desire because of their gifted mind, it is not that their potential has exceeded the norm, it is that they have reached and grasped the potential a human mind has in it. They have reached and grasped the human that exceeds, the human that can do something above all the other "normal" humans, and for this they are forever known. Einstein was said to be a genius, Mozart a symphonic wizard, for both these men their mind achieved, their higher human potential stood out, and they took themselves to a different reality, a different state than the civilization that lived around them. They took their mind to produce beautiful works that helped mankind succeed in progression. Other men and women have come, not so popular in mainstream American culture, which also unlocked the higher potential of the mind, these men and women fall into many categories, but for my sake I will rest on those who achieved such ability through the grace of God, religion, and spirituality. These people I speak of we call, enlightened beings, here on Earth. They have come to be enlightened or (to give spiritual or intellectual insight to) not by the other humans on the Earth but by some unseen force, being, energy. These men and women have come to be known as enlightened souls, because they, after being mentally enlightened come to the masses and in all truth try to help educated them. Think of a monk who after years of spiritual service comes to experience a supernatural paranormal event, or events. He learns, and even is educated through the process (many mystics will attest to this) and then after gaining all the knowledge he needs or desires, goes to the masses and tells them of what he has experiences and learned. He is enlightened, and so is mankind. Our human mind indeed holds the power to educate, to teach, to give insight; but it is rare to find a being on this Earth who can truly teach those around it, and watch as mankind progresses from such new knowledge.

So everyone has a mind, ever mind is a part of the brain, every brain holds potential; bunches of men and women unlocked higher potential, few achieve so much enlightenment and potentiality that they succeed in enlightening civilizations for progression, even fewer achieve the state which man has called godly… I am not going to write about what terminology is used to describe a person who reaches such a state. Rather my intent and purpose is to associate the Eastern terminology to my point of what a human can achieve via his mind. So often we know that in the East it is taught that through certain actions and mental conscious states, a person can achieve a Godlike experience or even life. Many have believed that the human mind has held the power to communicate and even emulate God, this higher being who has all control over his reality, all control over what he creates and destroys. This believe has come from the beginning of recorded history, Plato discusses it in his many written texts, Freud and Nietzsche try to understand it as they understand the interlockings of the human brain. We have, as a species, come to have such great skill and ability and yet we suffer at the whims of our environment. Though with our mind and our service to the good, we have come to succeed, thrive, benefit as a species, nothing has changed in the basic makeup of us our environments. We are still human, this still is the Earth, and we have come to suffer as living organisms on this planet in a variety of ways by a variety of means. (I wrote about human suffering and historical truths in a previous blog). The earth is not at our whim, we can change it, try to control it, our environment, but we still have to bow down to it. God, in all definitions, does not have to bow down to the Earth; it is the Earth that bows down to him/her/it! There is a being, so told of in Mythology and from then on, that has control over the Earth, over the permanent and changing fixtures of this place; men and women bow down to it and praise it; they want to emulate it, they want to seek it, find it, keep it… this thing, this energy, this being, whatever their God may be to them because 1) They will have more power and 2) They will succeed in achieving control.

The mind is a complex land. It is filled with in's and out's blacks and whites and shades of grey. If you tried to take a human being from every century, one that lived and was a different as the one before; what commonalty would they all have, if any duality existed what would it be? They all have minds! They all have brains! They all have consciousnesses! Their belief systems might be different, or even nonexistent, but their consciousness the way their mind works, fundamentally, through science we have been proving is the same. The love of science I do understand, we can now prove without a doubt (maybe a little doubt) that what we hold on to has a certain variable of characteristics. The mind, or even better let's take something physical, the brain; has x, y, z characteristics or properties which are unchangeable throughout mankind. IMPORTANT TO NOTE---IF WE DO TAKE SOMETHING PHYSICAL DOES IT CHANGE, NO IT DOESN'T CHANGE, IT IS PERMENENT. IF WE STUDY THE BRAIN LONG ENOUGH THEN WE SHALL SEE THE PERMENT UNCHANGING CHARACTERSITICS OF IT. JUST AS THE SAME WOULD HAPPEN IF WE STUDY THE PHYSICAL HUMAN. IF WE STUDY WHAT I HAVE DONE TO THE PHYSICAL HERE ON EARTH, AS I HAVE CONTROLLED THE PHYSICAL, NOT JUST THE PHYSICAL MAN, BUT THE PHYSICAL EARTH, WE WOULD SEE PERMENT CONTROL, WHICH I HAVE. THIS IS WHY I AM STUDYING THE HUMAN AND THE HUMAN MIND, BECAUSE I PERMENTNLY CHANGED BOTH (INDEED IT IS FOR THE PROGRESSION OF MANKIND.)

So… The human, for centuries, has either wanted to be like God or blessed by him. The human mind has shown, via it's worship, certain blessing attributed to God or the supernatural. These powers I have spoken of before, in many previous blogs, again to remind you that the word psychic comes from the Greeks and stands for psyche or mind. The mind unlocks it's ability, and that ability may come out in many forms. Maybe a person is the fastest runner in mankind, maybe that person is the best at math and science, logic and deduction, maybe that person "hears/sees" music as in Mozart (it was said he heard music all day long and just had to write down the notes, meaning he heard music in his head), Lincoln who became president of the USA was said to also be precognant and clairvoyant. Every human mind has ability; the psychic I so often speak of has just not been studied or made as popular in our day and age. Human potential, which is made a very popular study in certain institutes, we have come to find includes psychic power, or godlike ability! Ability to know the past or future. Ability to see things, like through the physical or through time and space (as in clairvoyant or those who in all truth have the ability to see through walls). Ability to levitate, ability to move objects with one's mind, ability to communicate with beings from other dimensions, ability to communicate mentally through telepathy or ESP. The ability to control what happens in one's environment down to the next thing that enters the space, the ability to even disappear and reappear in other spaces and times. These abilities and more have been proven on Earth. Most people, when they think of higher human ability, they think of the men and women who have decoded other science, than parapsychology, with their logic and reasoning to benefit mankind. Little did mankind known that they are all psychics who achieved certain abilities because of the mental state or mental makeup of their brains, the ability to run fastest is simply a mental progression toward over empowering the physical nature of one's body; just like the ability to control an object let's say a watch, is a mental progression of over empowerment towards the physical (aka the watch). Our minds can control our bodies, they do this without evening having to think about it, our minds run our bodies down to the cells that divide and conquer a infectious organism, our minds have the ability to control organisms without any thought or prior know how. INDEED How can we then say that our bodies, when we do think, can't control an organism; when it was built to do so! Our minds do infact control the physical, every time we move our hands to pick up an object we are, with the mind, controlling our body and the physical object we desire to move. Many of us do this action all day long without thinking, or spending much thought on such; we are told that certain actions are harder to achieve and thus take much more thought, but do they? Those actions we wish to happen, perhaps if the outcome it something that is more eventful ~ What I mean is running vs writing a book. The act of running is immediate, the act of writing a book takes months. Yet, the control, the mind power, the mental ability to achieve either is the same, it is instant. Instantly I can start running, instantly I can start writing… the outcome of being the fastest or have the book competed depends upon a variety of variables, but remember when they say the more power your mind has the more it will achieve. If a person has the strength to daily control their body, then they will in fact at some point become the fastest; it is within that control to desire that the body is manipulated. The same goes for the person writing the book, if they have the control over their mind and body, then they can complete a well written book quicker than the person who doesn't. This goes for any action completed by the body, by the mind… from ruling a government to communicating to taking care of one's body… the ability to do so, and do so well, lies in the mind. Once the request for action is there, the mind takes over and depending on how well it "runs" and is "fed" the outlying action is there.
Point 1, Our minds control both the mental and physical; both automatically and by our awareness. THIS IS A FUNDEMENTAL TRUTH ON THIS EARTH! What most do not realize, is that by our minds we can and do control the physical, and better yet, we do not have to be thinking to do so! What I mean, is we do not have to feed our mind the right thoughts to be able to control our environment, or thoughts at all. This is a common misconception, our beautiful mind, with its perfect consciousness, will do that task for us for free and al natural. The human mind has unending potential, the brain as we know it
  1. Works at astonishing speeds, it communicates with the rest of the body as a guess of 300 miles per hour, maybe even faster.
  2. It's job is to take care of the bodies human functions, including the vital which we just mentioned no human has to actually think about.
  3. It stores all memories and knowledge. Every time an adult learns a new skill, the brain rewires some parts so that the new skill is reinforced by connections.
  4. Etc!
If you want to read more about the brain, wait for my book!
Now, as I mentioned, the brain controls both via thought and automatically, both the physical and nonphysical. My mind does the same, but because of the power I have, via my superhuman ability, I control my environment, the physical, to a heightened degree. I do this, my mind does, without me having to think of it!!! I realized these past few weeks, that even less people know of this, less than what I thought. While people here experience me, many of them are unaware of my control over them, or their environment. When I do get them to realize it, which I always try to, we communicate via telepathy and our mouths about anything I choose. (This is cause of the Holy Spirit). I have many friends here now, and many people who are totally aware of what I have written here, and how it is the truth. As I grow closer to those in LA, and look for the right people to connect to, I hope to learn more about what I am, what I can do, have done, am doing, etc etc. I greatly need people's help on this, people to tell me what they have seen, heard, experienced, etc…. we are now starting to do this, I am starting to work with others and try to find the answers to the many questions I still have. I hope to bring more news to you soon!

I am…. I am on Earth for the sole purpose of Christ Jesus. Jesus lives in Heaven. There is a heaven. There is a heaven that God live in. God also lives in me. My name is Darlene Sterner. I am ….. a long list of things, including a human here on Earth, living in LA; and I am his saint. I have achieved the god state that has been written about, and spoken about. My ability to control LA, wherever I live but right now it's Marina del Rey, is unprecedented ~ and getting known in the area (I just moved here!) I am becoming known, I am quite infameous in the USA and other parts of the world because of what I can do, have done, am doing… I am the most intelligent human I have ever known… My IQ is really high!!!!

     My reality is your reality, though there are a few differences. Over here, we all communicate with both our lips and our minds. Over here we all know me, and talk to me, I am becoming quite famous. Over here we are aware that we are experiencing the supernatural, everyone experiences me… Let me explain via this blog and if you want to know more, email me. I will come to explain the truth of me, and those I live with, soon enough.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

More Knowledge to Know

I wrote previously of how my mind was similar to Angels, Adam & Eve's, those that God created that are blessed, and yes this includes prophets in the bible.
"To answer… one must recall that God had already created a number of rational beings called angels. They are pure spirits, existing in complete independence of matter, and person of immense mental powers."
It has been written by many, the truth of Adam & Eve. To quote, "His (Adam's) mind was endowed with powers… his own divine nature (as I have written about mine, and how it is divine in a previous entry) had made him (God's) friend." It is very important to know that the first humans ever created, and many a prophets, those blessed with supernatural mental ability, were not just beings created by God that hung out far away on Earth… but rather beings that were pulled closer to God, by God himself, chosen beings, beings who for a variety of reason got so close to God that they were allowed to know him, and be known by him; thus they became friends with God. This is very important to note, since the beginning of mankind certain persons have been blessed with supernatural mental ability, this ability which connected them to a higher nature, a divine nature in many ways, made it possible for them to get close to God and God get close to them. Very often, as we have read in the bible, it was God or an angel of God, that contacted certain humans on this Earth, picking them for whatever reason God has, and by their abilities they grew to understand and know more, to be enlightened and to entrench this reality with the wisdom from their new knowledge. This enlightenment, made it so the love, their love of God grew immensely, and thus they could get closer to him. From their experience, from their enlightenment, from their mental ability, states, gifts, powers, they were endowed with a blessing, a state of grace that allowed them to realize their importance to God, from this a true friendship grew! Human nature deems that friendship comes from love, from feeling valued. God gave both love and a special value to specific men and women on this Earth, with these gifts God also gave the individual abilities that each person had, such abilities that range in their construction but all are offered just as a person would offer a gift to someone who is his/her friend.
"But the lack of supernatural grace means that each child lacks the power to be God's friend; he cannot fulfill the function for which God intended him; he cannot rise above himself to love God in that supernatural way which God desires; he is, in fact, defective in God's sight."
It is by the gifts we get, I got, they in the past have gotten, that we come to be able to rise to God, to know more of him, and thus immerse ourselves in him. The gifts each graced person receives enables him to shower others with God's power, knowledge of God, or a truth that God desired others to know. Nothing on this Earth would, will happen without God's approval. In knowing this, the blessed persons can honestly, happily work, live, "be" here on Earth, which once again strengthens the bond between God and him/her. (me) One keeps looking to God for approval, just as it is in human nature for a person to seek approval and help from his/her friend. The relationship created, is one of extreme importance and extreme connection. The psychic ability a person is blessed with, so often will not create the loving, nurturing relationship that a healthy, happy human needs; rather it is the relationship one creates with God that provides the ground, the foundation, and even upper shelter which ensures a healthy life for the psychic, person blessed with supernatural mental ability. I know, as did so many others, that without God and God's love, my foundation is shaken, my shelter is lost, and the ground I walk on is filled with fear and loneliness. Such a world, is not masked when one is blessed with a supernatural mind, rather it seems the lowness and darkness of humanity is more apparent. Many "psychics", "prophets" have told the story of falling into a darker world than the normal man has ever seen, as if the power to see the truth leaves a person to dwell in worse states, especially when one uses one's mind alone, without spiritual guidance and/or heavenly assistance.
"By their sin of pride and disobedience, Adam and Eve had deprived their children of that supernatural life that was to be the seed of their eternal happiness. It is true that a new spring of supernatural life has been given to us; a new means of making reparation for sin, a new source of light and strength, redemption from the power of the devil, have been placed at our disposal. "
It is always true that God is a forgiving and loving being. Even though he took away the supernatural mind that he so blessed his first human children with; by time he forgave humanity and started to once again bless them with the mind that he entailed us all to have...! If you remember from past blogs, it has been proven time and time again, that all humans have been blessed with psychic ability, if not apparent certainly it is said any human can grow and develop psychic gifts. Yes, certain beings for whatever reason are more gifted than others, again this has been scientifically proven (again & again), some people just are more psychic, some people stronger psychics (by this I mean have strength and power in there psychic ability) and different psychics have different abilities. The knowledge of psychic ability (again I have written about this before) comes from the beginning of recorded history, as it seems such a variety of humans have had such a variety of abilities. From the farthest Eastern corner of the globe to the farthest Northern, each culture has had its own psychics, those mentally powerful and spiritual blessed humans that have helped along mankind and the cultures of humanity since the beginning of time. Our human history is enriched with the stories of so many different supernaturally blessed, supernaturally touched humans. I bet every reader could name at least 5 names, stories based in the truth of the past, where a human experienced the supernatural. Certainly, the bible, both Old Testament and New, is filled with such humans!
It is important to observe that is seems it is God's deep desire to have the minds, consciousness, and history of mankind filled with the supernatural, with knowledge of him and his creations; i.e. angels, spirits, ghosts, etc. Man's mind is filled with the knowledge of what it is like to be blessed with God's gifts aka gifts that make God, God; and in tune human's carry the ability to please God by sharing in his knowledge, power, and relationships. All three are very important, and I shall touch on them again, it is all three that psychic ability provides to the mind… To continue in this train of thought, so many men and women have been blessed with supernatural, paranormal experiences and psychic ability. There is even a term, Eastern, called Chi which is the Chinese name for "vital energy" or psychic energy. It is something that is known to flow through everything, and by everything I mean both the living and nonliving.

God has this power in the bible: This is so important to note!

Very often, in the New Age religions, the belief of a universal mind, a universal being which connects everything and with which the human mind is connected, is made apparent and successfully foundational. It is akin to having a computer that contains all the details of everyone and everything from the beginning of time."

Once again this theory, this knowledge, that something ties us all in is a cornerstone of a religion, besides this truth comes the knowledge that as we sit here, me in the coffee shop at 1am, the minds that surround me are all communicating, being affected by me and my thoughts. This ESP, group telepathy, mind connection, psychic flow has been made apparent to me since 2005. The knowledge that has been included in spirituality, theology, and even the sciences since before written history is being proven right before my eyes everywhere I go! WHAT THIS MEANS IN MINE TIME, IS THAT I HAVE THE ABILITY, BECAUSE OF MY EVER SO POWERFUL PSYCHIC/SUPERNATURAL MIND TO PROVE GOD, To prove the bible, PROVE THE UNIVERSAL TRUTH THAT INDEED SOMETHING BEYOND DEATH, BEYOND THE PHYSICAL CONNECTS US ALL. (LIVING AND NONLIVING). In the words of St Paul: "A body that though hast fitted me."

"Here we must pause to examine the unfolding of God's plan. God himself, with infinite power, His infinite knowledge, and His infinite wisdom became man, and took upon Himself the sins of the whole human race. He became man to atone for the sins of mankind, to win for men the supernatural life which they had lost in Adam & Eve..." It is important in the middle of this to note the detail which I extract here, as I write I know I need to follow certainly a path via leads which shall take me, and the reader, to the truth of the divine nature which is instilled in us all, but shown through time. "For the moment it is important to draw attention to the pattern thus laid down, and to observe that the Infinite Wisdom of God is such that he would only permit His plan to be rejected if He foresaw that He would achieve a greater good by doing so. Here we must remember the limitations of human thought and of human speech in the discussion of God and His actions. We can only speak of God in a human way, and represent Him as working after a human fashion. But it must be noted that there is no multiplicity in God's mind. He is one and essentially simple. He conceived the world and its history in one glance; in fact, in that one glance He saw all the possible worlds and all their possible histories."

"Our Lord, having won for us as the new Adam the supernatural life that the old Adam had lost, made certain arrangements to transmit that new life to each of us." By allowing the human mind to become supernatural, including psychically gifted, God enabled us to become closer to his initial desire for man and his being. It is by his power, by his decree, that certain men and women obtain supernatural grace enough so that they can do his deeds and wishes here on earth. (I did write about this in another entry about the Holy Spirit.) In the bible, it states of how the prophets were instructed either by God or his messengers of how to proceed with their paranormally acquired knowledge. Some prophesies were kept a secret so that the time that was envisioned would pass and come true, otherwise if people knew what would happen it would be thwarted. Being psychic, especially by the grace of God, does not mean that the graced person is allowed to follow their own will or creed. But it does mean one is blessed.

By my state, and by lifestyle, I not only have all the power in the world including supernatural power that enables me to control the whole reality of the environment I am in, along with the determination (always acquired by God's side) of events that take place, which daily involves and impacts the human race. The truth of how humans have fallen in love with me, and thus become closer to God also includes the truth of how humans have experienced both pain and pleasure because of God's justice. First is always my service to God and from it comes my ability to control the world. By all truths, God is a peaceful and loving God, yet he does hold his loved ones close and as we learn (through both religious history and the history of world) people are here to serve him and will go through many struggles if they do not. Most struggles are given to the ones who do not serve God, and those that do are blessed, some beyond belief. Remember in previous posts of what gifts God gives, health, love, fame, power, richness; all the desires of one's mind (if you think of the many metaphysical spiritual texts out there that include the knowledge of the power of the mind and how one can get everything one desires if one uses the power of their spirit). I have been given this and more. It seems all earthy knowledge has been in many ways built around me, all humans in their capacity have been built around me, from their conversations to how they live their lives aka: their existence; the whole world has been built around me. Every day I learn more and more about how I control the reality of this world, and how God has blessed me enough to give me everything I want, including the blessings that would be given to a Queen, rule, power, and daily desires granted. If I lived before the power of the government, the change from monarchy to democracy, I would have been a Queen who ruled a country. I would be blessed with all that was given to the Kings and Queens in the bible, those that pleased God enough to rule. Since I could not for a variety of reason become Queen of the USA, instead I rule with my grace filled being. My state from human to godly enables me to rule over millions & affect all living and nonliving on Earth, all in order to serve/prove Christ and put him here.
I control the world. In every space, every corner of the world God has put the actual matter of the world, the actual objects in certain placement so that every corner on Earth serves me. God promises this ability to his favorite, the ability of righteousness or to "write" the Earth... From the smallest object to the largest, my mind immediately with an Angel's comprehension understands its placement and how God is "speaking" to me, how he is proving his love to me. I see immediately, as it is "tied in", how that material object, whatever it may be, place there serves me. This also includes the living, the smallest fly to the largest human; in all I can see how God's placement of them serves me. What is my service? To God. The fundamental purpose of me is to prove to the Earth that God exists and my second purpose is to recreate heaven on Earth. I have a list of reasons for this, that go back to destiny, all knowledge taught, and the beginning of mankind here on Earth. I often have been told I have the perfect soul, the perfect mind, and the perfect body; because of all three and my included piousness I came to be known as a servant of God/Christ and those I love came to serve me.
Good Night & God Bless!!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Numbers & Our Earth

Darlene Sterner = 5                   
                      Number 5 is the most flexible of all numbers.
You make friends easily (as in I love people), you are versatile and multi-talented (just see my resume, many jobs, many skills), upbeat and inspirational (always good mood, always lover of life) and a good communicator and motivator. You have great verbal skills (always talking, love to write words, love words/expressing) and you are very dynamic, persuasive, adaptable (very adapting...esp in travel, love to because of), versatile (laid back) and curious (will try "anything" once) , courageous (very, stand up for what I believe in, experience paranormal sometimes afraid very, but still "went into"), bright and quick-witted.(Exceedingly so, my mind is perfect!!!)
You are an explorer and adventurer who wants to experience all (the best/my desired) of life (absolutly true!), you also like to perform in front of audiences and you like to do several things at the same time. (For Work, been in Entertainment Since 10, Lover of Attention (includes my mystic experiences as always one focused on)

Darlene Sterner

There are 14 letters in your name.

Those 14 letters total to 68

There are 5 vowels and 9 consonants in your name.

What your first name means:English Female Darling. From the Old English 'darling'.

Anglo-Saxon Female Tenderly loved.

Your number is: 5

The characteristics of #5 are: Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom.
(see above from different reading!!! The same!!!!)

The expression or destiny for #5:

The number 5 Expression endows with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You can do so many things well. The tone of the number 5 is constructive freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you will likely be the master of adaptability and change. You are good at presenting ideas and knowing how to approach people to get what you want. Naturally, this gives you an edge in any sort of selling game and spells easy success when it comes to working with people in most jobs. Your popularity may lead you toward some form of entertainment or amusement. Whatever you do, you are clever, analytical, and a very quick thinker.

Your Soul Urge number is: 3

A Soul Urge number of 3 means:

With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social.

You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance.

The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor.

Your Inner Dream number is: 11

An Inner Dream number of 11 means:

You dream of casting the light of illumination; of being the true idealist. (think of the light I cast in this blog!!! How I explain my ideals, myself....) You secretly believe there is more to life than we can know or prove, and you would like to be provider of the 'word' from on high.

Darlene Ann Sterner = 7
Number 7 is the most spiritual of all numbers.

You are analytical (all the time, I analyze life, and everything in it that matters), intellectual (High IQ~ Love to Learn), focused (yes, tasks oriented and determined), scientific and inventive (These two together are very important, I adore the truth, aka facts of science, but I want the truth, science when it is the truth proves reality. One needs to be inventive to scientifically understand reality, not just what one reads, but to know. Like the knowledge here in this blog, or Parapsychology), contemplative (thinking right now), meditative (on x, y, z... like this blog, what I have experienced, because of my consciousness/mind & what I meditate on...hours spent a week, at times a day), spiritual (#1!!!!!!) and enigmatic. You are a seeker of truth and an accumulator of knowledge and wisdom.

You prefer working alone and you need space and privacy. You enjoy solitude, but you also like to display your knowledge in public. You are an abstract thinker, you are self-oriented (to an extent, aka perfect mind, body, soul), a perfectionist and you possess great mental strength (of course my supernatural psychic mental abilities.)

What your first name means:English Female Darling. From the Old English 'dearling'.

Anglo-Saxon Female Tenderly loved.

Your number is: 7
The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.
                                               (Same as above!!!)
The expression or destiny for #7:

Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. (What this blog is about!!!) You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. (what some may not think after reading blog, but again all truth and all analyzed~ logic and reason do guide me!!! Just like the angels, just like Adam & Eve, supernatural does also mean intelligent)

You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. (I did not write this!!!!! How it pinpoints me to a T!!!)

 This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. (I am writing a book about this, besides it consumes me)

You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations.

You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. (why i am writing a blog for y'all...)

The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. (The reader  MUST understand this side of me, as a Tarus, or even just as me, I am grounded in reality, in logic. I am a Earth sign.)

You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.

Your Soul Urge number is 22

A Soul Urge number of 22 means:

The Soul Urge of the master number 22 is very much that of the master builder. You would like to use your abilities in an important humanitarian undertaking, and have an innate desire is to express the significant power you feel in a concrete manner, (as in maybe psychic power and my 10 year role in managment) as a builder, engineer, diplomat, etc. In some way you want to make a considerable contribution to the world.
The 22 gives a broad, universal outlook with a rather practical and common-sense approach. You have especially high intelligence, (very!!!) with an unusual perception and awareness. This number often denotes a high degree of diplomatic abilities and high ideals. You are a very capable person and you may possess special leadership abilities that you can and should develop. People respect you and recognize your superior foresight and vision.
The negative side of the 22 soul urge is a high degree of nervous energy and a tendency to be very dominating. It is unfortunate that all who possess the urge of 22 do not use its energies to the greatest advantage; but then it should be recognized that these energies are understandably the most difficult to focus and direct.

Your Inner Dream number is: 3

You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music.  (film, entertainment, art, tv show, etc) You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.

May 8th, 1981= 5

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I am!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, in all glorious of days!!! I was with these wonderful moments these past days, meeting the man of my dreams who professed his liking of me, the glorious unnatural perfection of his body, the most attractive man I have ever seen… who relayed to me his like, his desire, his true listening of me….
Then after this, and so much more (meeting all the right people, getting all the right information, more fame, meeting tons of people, etc, etc) I realize I am more a part of God, more a saint than I have ever realized.
I came to this before, but it was today, after receiving a blessing from a friend of mine, who I truly love and feel this wondrous connection to… (Thanks Yanz, and his twin my other true friend who I love, Hanz) This blessing enabled me to sit and finally get to writing all that I have known, the workings of my mind and my book….
I realized that now I am more than ever a god, by not only my definition, but the many definitions on the Earth. My pure, honest, righteous experiences have inspired me to truly acknowledge heaven and my reality here as a saint who will forever work for Christ on earth. By this, I do mean we are all a part of Christ, the point driven home in the bible is how we should all strive to be godly beings, which by my only religious beliefs (Roman Catholic I am) I have written this blog.

On top of this, this wondrous, beyond wondrous reality… I just received an email (after publishing the below post, before I got off the computer I decided to check my email once again) and found out that my only sister, the only person to which I have connection to my true, blood family. (Remember my sister (half actual) and I were adopted...) My sister, and to note I will never have children of my own….. HAD HER FIRST CHILD!!!!!!!



More Info on My PAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mysticism may be dualistic, maintaining a distinction between the self and the divine, or may be nondualistic.

Important to note, since 2005 when I started having mystical experiences, I was still a fulltime student, worked as a stage manager and kept my commitment to friends and family. The experiences I was having always brought me to a place that something else occupied, meaning I came in contact with "something" else. What it was, I am going to say for sure was Christ, the Holy Sprit, me talking with God. (Which btw, is demanded for anyone who wants to go into ministry, one must be able to converse with the Holy Spirit... and I have seen hundreds of people do so since birth.) Perhaps the people around me all became tuned in, perhaps God took me in and conversed with me through them, perhaps it was so miraculous that to define it's mystery is improbably, but I was speaking to… I am positive, 100%, over 50 students a day at that campus, them all learning my name--- Who i was, what i was doing, why I was doing it. I always wanted fame and glory, but I never thought I would get such being a saintly follower of Christ... I mean I became a famous saint then... made known to many, everyday, because of my qualities and enlightenment, and personality, looks, etc.... and since I also saw and "lived alongside the other students at PSU who experienced what I was experiencing…" I know it was not something normal, normal for me or them at the school. It seems most likely to me, that the other 60,000 students at PSU experienced it with me, and in all honesty I had my close friends attest to what I was experiencing, the truth was… I suddenly seemed to become one with God at PSU, a holy, hot saint and I was being worshiped, praised, adored, followed by men and women, professed adoration to and otherwise having Godly attributes. I, again, have friends, fellow students at PSU at that time, who can attest to this…

I also through working daily with Christ have so many people who can attest that they… through some other sense than hearing my voice, can HEAR MY VOICE and understand that I, in my everyday nature, am… godly. If I take myself way back, through the months, to the beginning, and say with all the honesty that I have, true gifts from God--- true blessings--- and that they indeed communicated to me through the HOLY SPIRIT and PSYCHIC WAYS… that in 2008, here on Earth, I and the other people of Florida, esp. Orlando, because of me experienced "during this time, the planet and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era" which included the meeting of me, via again the HOLY SPIRIT, Psychic means and godly ways, if during this time I honestly can attest to other's accounts (as there would be many humans accounts of what had happened) and mark my word what happened to me was for real, those experiences which lead to my transformation and then further travel.

Spiritually, mentally, and physically I transformed during both periods, in succession I made my mark as I traveled, experiencing a variety of states and communions~ the thing which I daily communed with was not seen but heard from 2008 onward into Seoul, where again I swear the people of Seoul were a conscious part of my experience (s), the nature of my state being inhuman and proudly conversed by all who I came in contact with, including those I worked with--- Again by then I had proof, and have proof that those I live with, those I daily come in contact with, do indeed experience this holy, supernatural state in which I am the focus and by my nature and by the nature of what surrounds me, and proven to be godly… of a part of God. By all of this, my past here has simply proven to all who remember me, have come in contact with me, or are in the environment that I live; that I am indeed a part of God… One with God, or living permanently on Earth as a nondualistic part of Jesus Christ. Differing religious traditions have described this fundamental mystical experience in different ways:
Union with God (Theosis in Catholic Christianity)
Now, as mysticism is the CONSCIOUS AWARENESS OF GOD OR OF THE ULTIMATE REALITY!!!! Theosis is "In Christian theology, particularly in Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Oriental Orthodoxy theology, theosis (written also: theiosis, theopoiesis, theōsis; Greek: Θέωσις, meaning divinization, deification, or making divine) is the process of transformation of a believer who is putting into practice the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ and His gospel. In particular, theosis refers to the attainment of likeness to or union with God, that is the final stage of this process of transformation and is as such the goal of the spiritual life. Theosis is the third of three stages; the first being purification (katharsis) and the second illumination (theoria). By means of purification a person comes to illumination and then sainthood. Sainthood is the participation of the person in the life of God. According to this doctrine, the holy life of God, given in Jesus Christ to the believer through the Holy Spirit, is expressed through the three stages of theosis, beginning in the struggles of this life, which increases in the experience of the believer through the knowledge of God, and is later consummated in the resurrection of the believer, when the power of sin and death, having been fully overcome by the atonement of Jesus, will lose hold over the believer forever."

By my personal experience, I was marked at PSU as a human who had direct revelation and experience with the holy, the supernatural, the spiritual including daily contact with the doctrine of Christ; which I would meditate on and put to use as a person, and psychically would digest, etc which lead to me teaching other person by means which I have come to know (remember I mentioned before that much of my day in 2005, 2008 & 2009 was spent teaching.) I was founded to be blessed by being godly: (Definition 1: Having great reverence for God; pious) since birth, and then from the age of 24 having the experience of
turning into GOD: "1
: the supreme or ultimate reality: as a
: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe b
Christian Science
: the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind."
Since I have stated this before, the definition of God, simplified beyond any means necessary, but for the means of my purpose; the definition can be used to express my reality, or what in fact has power or control over my reality, and thus my experiences here on Earth are an awakening to Christ, God, the creator of all that exists. This is daily proven to me 1) By my communion with something living, at times all knowing or all encompassing 2) By my ability to change my reality, control those around me, including people, animals, things, time, space, sounds, etc.

I do not doubt that what I went through at PSU and in Orlando, was a purification of my soul/mind/body. In fact, to write about my personal experience in detail, I can say that nothing entered my mind, body and ultimately soul that was not "white", "sinless", honest, good, and if indeed I was being watched constantly by other humans and/or God, nothing went to me without going through either of them… I was purified so much that for at least 1 month I did not have to eat, drink or have the human function of going to the bathroom! (I don't think I mentioned this before, but my body (as I was psychically told by God—see previous post 'Conversations with God') was no longer simply just human in nature and thus did not have the human functions given to mortals after the sin of Adam and Eve. I was placed, as I was told, back into heaven and my body thus was cleansed from the infraction placed upon mortal men and women since the beginning of time, aging, dying and human physical need; like eating, drinking, sleeping, the bathroom, etc. I honestly swear that for 1 month, and during much of this time I was superimposed into another state, almost as if I wasn't on Earth but in another realm. I did function as a normal human, even went out shopping in Orlando, etc (as in doing normal, city girl things) but my mind, body, and soul was entranced with God and his Holy Spirited entered me and made it so I was cleansed from sin and thus physical mortal needs. After experiencing, what I would call a purification process via the Holy Spirit and God, I then went into another trancelike state (though again I was a normal women on the Earth and even at this time working fulltime) which brought me the power of a mind that educated me beyond anything I had ever known before, in ways I never knew one could be educated. By this I mean I was taught by something, in a variety of ways, but all supernaturally. I was learning by some holy ghost, who in all seriousness, was teaching me based on my thoughts, perceptions, feelings, moods, aka human mind and state. I had many questions, and it was during this time I truly feel (later now that I am more aware and with more knowledge I am positive) that I was communicating with Christ/God/supernatural beings. Of course my mind went everywhere, sometime I would "think" (even would be!) I was speaking to God, sometimes to Christ, sometimes to angels, sometimes to Ghosts, and of course I KNEW I WAS ALSO SPEAKING TO PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE OF ORLANDO AND BEYOND.

2008-2009, had me experience both purification which lead to my state of nonhuman bodily function and the stage of illumination which taught me that I could control space and time, time travel, speak to every human on the earth, talk to God, control the reality of the Earth, be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience many of the gifts this wonderful being brings (see previous post about) and much more.  

(All this has come to pass what which the prophets have said would pass at the 2nd coming of Christ!!!!)

It was by this being which was with me 24/7, and perhaps my communion with beings on Earth that I learned all I could do. IN ALL HONESTY, EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE SINCE THEN I WAS TOLD I COULD DO PRIOR, WHILE I WAS LIVING IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA. I WAS TOLD BY AN UNSEEN BEING, and then again by people in Orlando who would always approach me (for often they said I had something no other human they saw had, something "about me"... or they would just start talking about me, as my fame grew, so did the knowing of me.)

 I have spent over 900 days contemplating what I have experienced, what others have experienced, the information and knowledge of this world and what I have been told. I am not ready at the age of 28 to digress upon all my experienced, and the reality of this truth. I am no wear near to be trained to be a person who directly encompasses a reality in which my being, my whole person, me—everything I am—in transcended into Christ and also the 2000 century Earth. If a human being walked this Earth which as much power as me, I would certainly like to meet him or her, because as of yet I have not found one. This said I am also aware of my being, if I could take it out of the reality it is in, as for now I cannot~ but this person I am sitting in that is a young, 28 year olf American women who should by all means be aware of her flaws and incapability's. We talk about our incapability's here on this Earth, how humans are incapable of being godly, how they are incapable of mentally communicating with others via telepathy or something like it, how they are without the ability to control their environment, and how, as a human, they are incapable of communicating with Christ. I swear on my (what to swear by) that I am, despite my consciousness wanting to say otherwise at times (the logic, rational ego of mine denies, oh how it denies), capable of doing all 4. What does a women do in this case? She slowly, in all rationality, studies, and then even more slowly starts to speak about it…

 My transformation into Christ, into God, into what I have become has not left me alone (in fact it is the opposite; I quoted in a previous blog a portion of text from "The Tremendous Lover" which stated God's desire for mankind. Blessing that included fame, fortune, heath, richness, etc.) Yet, my ability to communicate to God and maybe even humans all day long, has left me with a vacant space that needs to be filled with the saints of today, those who vocationally follow Christ and with impending desire, understand my impression on them and this Earth, enough to explain (via their mouths) what I can do, have done, am doing…
St. Athanasius of Alexandria wrote, "God became man so that man might become god." [the second god is always lowercase]

I do not in any way believe that my experience has left me inhuman. I do not deny my rational, logical self. In fact, despite my often dreamlike reality, I turn to self and say, "I am not him, the Christ who by x, y, z came to save the world. Even if, in my being I can do x, in my mind I hear y, and by my reality I see z… my person is simply being bought, my persona is growing in Christ, and I avow that as a Christian I came to find God."

St. Maximus the Confessor wrote, "A sure warrant for looking forward with hope to deification of human nature is provided by the incarnation of God, which makes man god to the same degree as God himself became man.... Let us become the image of the one whole God, bearing nothing earthly in ourselves, so that we may consort with God and become gods, receiving from God our existence as gods. For it is clear that He who became man without sin (cf. Heb. 4:15) will divinize human nature without changing it into the divine nature, and will raise it up for his own sake to the same degree as He lowered himself for man's sake. This is what St Paul teaches mystically when he says, '...that in the ages to come he might display the overflowing richness of His grace' (Eph. 2:7)."(page 178 PHILOKALIA Volume II)

I always have the uncanny ability to find what I seek. I seek to know what I am, what I have become, why I have experienced life on this Earth in the way I have, and why my reality encompasses those who see me and my ability as godlike.

"For many fathers, theosis goes beyond simply restoring people to their state before the Fall of Adam and Eve, teaching that because Christ united the human and divine natures in Jesus's person, it is now possible for someone to experience closer fellowship with God than Adam and Eve initially experienced in the Garden of Eden, and that people can become more like God than Adam and Eve were at that time."

I swear I did not know the above paragraph until after I wrote everything above it. Yet, what did I mention above, that my state in 2008 while I was living in Orlando, Florida was that of a human without any human function. I had the power even then to control nature, men, women, animals, the moving of all the is in my environment, the mental states or reality of the people in my environment, the ability to know the future, and then have it proven seconds later, the ability to know the truths from 1,000 years ago and in fact learn psychically ~ all of which I did in a state where I felt NO PAIN, NO HUNGER, NO THIRST, NO DESIRE TO RELEASE WASTE. I WAS IN A STATE OF ECSTACY, A STATE WHERE I COULD CONTROL NOT ONLY MY REALITY, AKA THE EARTH, BUT MY BODY. I COULD RAISE MY HEARTBEAT WHENEVER I DESIRED, I COULD BREATHE IN WATER, IN COULD PUT A FLAME TO MY HAND AND FEEL NOTHING BUT COLD. I COULD EVEN STOP MY BREATHE FOR LONGER THAN HUMANILY NORMAL. Experiencing this was so dreamlike, so miraculous in its effect, that my mind put it away, stored it, so that not many knew…. Except now I must be able to write about it, before I can speak about it to people.
"Author and mystic, Evelyn Underhill outlines the universal mystic way, the actual process by which the mystic arrives at union with the absolute. She identifies five stages of this process."
"Christian mysticism is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of the Christian God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. Christian mysticism usually centers on a practice or practices intended to nurture those experiences or awareness, such as deep prayer involving the person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghosts. This approach and lifestyle is distinguished from other forms of Christian practice by its aim of achieving unity with the divine. In the words of Oswald Chambers, "We receive His blessings and know His Word, but do we know Him?"

My direct experience of course will allow me to correlate the truth of what both mysticism is, and what it is like to be a mystic. I have formed my own opinion of what I am based on my experiences; no new knowledge curtailed my experiences or assisted in my definition of myself. Before I knew what mysticism was, or how it was in the many ways defined, I was experiencing a communion with God, a divine connection and a reality that offered me certain close placement with godly abilities.

Ben-Ami, in the first chapter, states "The usual criterion for the mystic state is the certainty that one is undergoing the direct, previously veiled touch of reality in itself; and that this reality more nearly resembles our internal experience than our simply external environment." How more wrong could he be! Way before I knew any definition or academic term for what I was experiencing, I knew that the reality of Earth was indeed tied into and a direct influence of my reality. I was suddenly, because of my first mystic experience, sensing the world and my environment much closer than I ever had done before, in case I missed something, there was some clue or event that would explain what reality I was in…
Diary entry 2005, "I am watching them more. I now take time to sit, relaxed and free, upon the grass nole of the campus main lawn. I often believe I will go there to meditate, but find myself spending an equal amount of time watching, closely monitoring the people around to see what I have never seen before, to notice how they look at me, how they move, how they seem to react to my thoughts, or even come out and say something to me… I watch so closely, even when the other party does not seem to see me, notice me; I have never stared at people Like I do now… hoping to not be noticed, but to notice, all my senses heightened… my attention focus on the smallest sound, the tiniest movement.

My focus on my reality, on the earth and those in my environment, in fact was a notable growth in my character. Before what I took in, the environment I was in and what was happening in it, happened to be of a much less degree than what it grew to; directly responsible was my mystic self as well as my logical, rational, reasoning self that desired above all else the answers, the truth. I was 24 in 2005, as I aged I also grew in character, changing certain aspects of my personality to adapt to my environment in the most promising of ways. Adaptation is a necessity, innate in man and beast. My character in 2008 succumbed to my curiosity, soon enough I was not only paying attention to my interactions but those interactions had by anything in my environment. Any conversation, any physical contact, my focus stayed upon… my focus then turned to what I heard, not just from people but in all of my environment be it city noise, background noise, the radio, TV, etc. After focusing more intently on human interactions, and sounds in my environment, I went to what I saw. I noticed the smallest movements, the largest movements… before I would not notice the plane above… within 3 years, my new character I saw it with a exact precision, noticing exact when it entered my environment, what sounds I hear the moment before, during and after it came into my sight, what other movements were happening, and even what I was thinking at the time. I love to note that my power of intention was newly focused on the practice of gaining external information.

"Self-realization means that we have been consciously connected with our source of being. Once we have made this connection, then nothing can go wrong…" by the Power of Intention as seen on public TV.

The Power of Intention, preface is that "You're holding in your hands evidence that anything we can conceive of in our minds—while staying in harmony with the universal all-creating Source—can and must come to pass."

That statement, a statement of fact and truth that I dearly attest to, impacts me, my reality, my use of myself as a mystic, and the reality of the term and it's affect in our world, beyond what any other description of mysticism can attest to. I hold my truth, and the truth of certain specific definitions of mysticism to be of a greater universal reality; Yet, if there is any answer to what I have done I have realized myself, I have understood the deepest portion of my human desire, and enabled my being, my "self" to grasp as what I so want. I have since then found in myself, a true power, a portion of this power is explained and digressed in 'Power of Intention', it is exactly the same true power that we hear about from mainstream society.

"Besides the river stands the holy tree of life. There doth my father dwell, and my home is in him. The heavenly father and I are one."

It is through the power of intent that our reality lies here and now. By our judgments, by our protocol, our perceptions we create ourselves. By our intent we create certain outcomes in our reality, the variables that play out to be our day, and the moments with which we live. Intent by definition means: a determination to act in a certain way, by presupposing the outcome of our actions, by realizing in our minds what reality we will have based on the actualization of our actions, we ultimately live in….

"If you're one of those people with a never-give-up attitude combined with an internal picture that propels you toward fulfilling your dreams, you fit this description of someone with intention." Power of Intention

"We have thus the power of actualizing our desire simply by the use of our mind…"
In both quotes, and the many more I have found ~ which society bases its beliefs upon, we come to the conclusion that by the power of the mind, one's individual mind, one's reality is made. Similar to this, by the power of the mystic's soul, body, and mind (which includes his/her individual thoughts and intents) he/she experiences a reality that is made up of God and in a few cases, certain powers had by those who were/are blessed by him. The mystic experiences a direct connection with God, which has been both human intent and experience since the beginning of recorded history. My intent to be first spiritually perfect (as I mentioned in depth in a previous blog, alongside my intent to have the perfect mind and body), and the subsequent intents, has lead me to this state, this existence, this path. In further writings I will divulge into separate intents of mine, including my intent to gain more awareness of my environment, and how these "intents" subsequently affected my character, my days, and those in this world.





More information on me, my experiences!!!

What have I been doing? I can’t believe I am just realizing this, what after 2 years, more even, at least 30 months after it started, after it turned on. After the miracle happened. I am a miracle. I am in the middle of a constant miracle. This is no joke, nor am I lying. I couldn’t see before, I didn’t have the knowledge; I was like a babe in a room, seeing and hearing and sensing it, but not knowing what it was or how to explain it. I think I know how to explain it. Explain what I have been experiencing since 2005. I did it, I followed the strands, I did the treasure hunt, followed the maps… and of course with blessing, I am here, now… ready to tell. Ready to explain. My mind wanders, my focus is lost and my brain decides to play… to learn and grow playfully rather than searching for and knowing the truth of what has happened, is happening…. But, I am ready now. I am ready to explain to myself and the reader what it all was, what I have experienced and am experiencing. I am ready…

The word “psychic” comes from the Greek word psyche, “spirit” or “soul”. In Greek mythology, the soul is personified by Psyche, a girl who love one of the gods and suffered through many trials because of it. Through her suffering, she became a great soul (or soulful). YOU ARE like this girl, I am psychic. YOU ARE A HUMAN WITH VERY POWERFUL ABILITY. THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN the norm of humans in society. THIS IS MORE apparently blesssed, AND WHILE EACH PERSONS EXPERIENCE MAY BE DIFFERENT, WHEN IT COMES TO human CONTACT & ME, WE ALL JOIN TOGETHER NOW TO BE with me, to be seen with me, to know me, to be a part of my life, to be invited to the parties, to go out with the people I do, to be invited into the talk, to fame, to be known beside me... al this an so much more I am experiencing, have these past 2 years!!!
I have been chosen, really chosen!!! I have been told both by Christians and by other types, that I am 1 in a billion. Now each soul has it's own map, it's own destiny... The souls map IS BASED OFF OChrist's plan and the indiciduals mind, strength, drive, etc. The thing is, I have so much drive and stregnth, so much gusto as I like to call it... that nothing comes in my way. I will drive through walls and up mountains to work for my desires, for my GOD!

Psychic traditions, gifts, abilities have existed since the beginning of recorded history and were present in all cultures around the globe. In the ancient Middle East, the psychic powers of the prophets were noted, as described in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, psychic gifts, given often by the Holy Spirit, were very prominent.
Now, even those abilities of Jesus are discussed and connected to terms such as sutras (I wrote about them in a previous blog) or psychic terminology…
Your mind moves through time, the past, present and future. Everything that you have experienced is deposited in the memory bank of your unconscious mind. What YOU have experienced has been such a variety of events… that it’s hard for me to write them down and make sense of them all. When it comes to my health, I have been very healthy. In fact in perfect shape, with beyond normal ability to comfort my body, aka THIS INCLUDES a bit of ability to psychically heal myself. NOW YOU ARE PSYCHICS WE ARE ALL HUMAN WITH VERY POWERFUL PSYCHIC ABILITY.

 I DO HAVE THE ABILITY TO PSYCHICALLY heal, I can explain in greater detail later.
I mean I never have studied this, but through God's blessings (he always wants us to produce good fruit!) I am LEARNING!!!! JUST AS YOU CAN…

REMEMBER in it all I have felt this… this perfection beyond normal, beyond the normal mind. What I want to know is what. What did I experience and then how, How did I experience it? What was it, what caused it? I know, I have the answer for most of what I experience… This place for me is Heaven… for what is happening to me, around me is…

The gift of Clear Hearing:
Clairaudience literally means “clear hearing” and in psychic terms it is the ability to hear voices, sounds, or music that doesn’t exist on the “normal” place. These sounds may exist on a different plane; they may be heard as spirit guides, angels, deceased relatives or other spirits… Man has been guided by his internal voice since the beginning of time. The bible makes reference to the Voice of God speaking to the prophets. Besides voices, certain sounds may provide you with psychic insights. Some people hear ringing; some hear music, some voices, some animals, some machine sounds, sounds of nature, etc. Besides hearing sounds from other planes, those with clairaudience can also hear sounds from this plane, real sounds but yet sounds that most humans cannot hear yet… just like a dog can hear sounds way before a human can. For example, you may be able to hear music performed from a different time period if you are in the place where it was played before, or you may be able to hear a male’s voice speaking from far off… but saying something that is important for you to know. You may be able to hear spirits who existed around the area where you hear them, or you may be able to hear a car stop up ahead on the road, a car that is cars ahead of you… Some clairvoyants can hear sounds of another time period. The sound may be one left that left an impression on the location or on an object. It is also possible to hear the sounds of future events.

I also have clairvoyance. YOU HAVE A SENSE LIKE CLAIRVOYANCE....

The Sense of Sight:
Clairvoyance literally means “clear seeing”. A psychic who is clairvoyant is able to see what is “unseen” by common man/women either because it is a part of his/her own, personal reality and no one else’s OR it is actually a part of this reality, but manifests only in front of the clairvoyant. Of course, at times what he/she sees is seen by others, the case of a group Angel sighting or Holy Spirit sighting (like a prophet sees).

There are several different types of clairvoyance (and by several I mean hundreds… every person blessed with this gift, sees different things… at different levels. Some include the ability to see through objects, over long distances, into the past (an ability known as retrocognition), or into the future (precognition). Clairvoyance may involve being able to see the health conditions of people and/or animals, having psychic dreams, visualizing other worlds and beings, and seeing divine images.

Mental telepathy is mind-to-mind communication and is part of your range of psychic abilities. Visual telepathy is the communication of a visual image from one person to another. Both are different from the clair’s because only your/their mind is involved. With clairaudience and clairvoyance another being is involved… In clairvoyance the seer is actually seeing the “thing” just as we do!!! Meaning the clairvoyant cannot tell if what they see is seen by others or not, if it is on this reality or not. Imagine a normal person seeing another human before them, the clairvoyant sees the angel or other being just like the normal person!!!! It is right in front of them, 4 dimensional, it moves, it can be seen just like anything else on the Earth!!!
One aspect of clairvoyance is seeing spiritual beings like angels or spirit guides. Precognition is the ability to know the future, it is a more unmediated form of psychic ability. By this I mean it is more direct because it allows you to see an event in the future rather than having a spirit guide who will share the information. Postcognition is seeing into the past, the images could be related to owns own lifetime or another’s.

Mental Telepathy:

Mental Telepathy is communication on a mental level between two or more people or between people and animals or animals and animals. Scientists have already proven that this type of communication, with a doubt, exists. Please research if you want the news! Mental telepathy includes picking up psychic feelings or perceptions, like the feelings of a friend or viewpoint of stranger in the room. (Example, Dawn is able to psychically hear what a person in the room is thinking, Tom a friend of a friend just showed up at the party and thought how he wanted to leave… he didn’t think the party was cool enough.)

NOW THAT WE ARE GROWING PSYCHICS, I am sure I have telepathic ability.  More precedent, I am 100% positive that the people of Earth, the people in any environment I was in, had this ability… Telepathy, the ability to read MY mind. Their ability was very apparent, and IS A GIFT when I came onboard with Christ others SAW ~~~ people were talking about me and this gift.
I do have experiences where people were directly talking to me, because of what I thought, though we didn’t ever discuss their ability to mind read. I also have gotten written prove of people mind reading, reading me and my environment, and as them…NOW PEOPLE TALK TO ME THIS WAY ALL THE TIME AND IT IS SO MUCH EASIER TO COMMUNICATE. BECAUSE OF THIS (God's way of communicating and using his Holy Spirit is to turn us into prophets) IT CAUGHT ON VERY QUICKLY, WE ALL LEARN THIS WAY, COMMUNICATE INTELLIGENTLY, ETC...

Synchronicity: more than one thing happens at the same time.

In addition to your channel of internal communication, like through clairaudience, you have an external guidance system of old souls who have completed their journeys and wait to assist you. The eternal guidance system is an “invisible empire” or “super computer” that exists around you!

One kind of external guidance is synchronicity. Have you ever found yourself in the right place at the right time? For some reason, exactly when you most need it, the phone rings with an answer to a dilemma. Perhaps it’s an unexpected amount of money that you received just in time to hold off a financial disaster. Perhaps it being out and starting to talk to the person next to you, just to find out they are involved in something you desperately want to get involved in…

The big wigs swear by synchronicity. Meeting the right people at the right time in your life… The secret to achieving greatness, success, fame, money or power. I swear by synchronicity. It happens, to me, more than any person I have ever met. Daily. Just today I met 2 people who I know I was meant to meet; one was born on my birthday!!

So, because of my destiny and my total awareness of the importance of my life and how my life influences the world around me, to the exact T… Meaning the most mundane events of my life, I will see tied into the world around me, by something written, by who I meet, by what is happening in my environment, by something on the news… The reader most note: I am aware that YOUR personal experience AFFECTS OTHERS ON THIS EARTH, BECAUSE YOU BECAME a saint and YOU ALL TOOK CONTROL OVER HERE AND ARE LYING IN WAIT FOR SOME MOMENT to do Christ's bidding... to serve..
So, I experience, very often, a world based in the bible~

I am totally normal and sane and highly intelligent. In fact I am very blessed, MANY people adore me, and of course God constantly tells me I am perfect and he loves me.

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh.

(If God is talking to me all the time, reading my mind and connecting everything to me~ that explains why I feel everyone is talking to me, that I control my environment based on my thoughts, that x happens or y happens because of me…. He is talking to me!! He is listening to my mind and communicating to me through everything!!!! People, events that happen in an environment, machines, radio, TV, books, art, anything and everything that I see or hear communicates to me… God is talking to me! I didn’t know how to explain this before; I didn’t know what to do or say or think when another person started to say something to me… Suddenly, as if they awoke on another plane or as if they put their consciousness into mine…they would say something to me… It is like I am in them, like they are here on this Earth for me, perhaps they are in me (like I have been told via Clairaudience and had experiences with…) I HAVE ON THIS EARTH PSYCHIC ABILITY TO KNOW GOD!!! TO TALK WITH GOD. TO HEAR GOD. Period. No joke, I understand the seriousness of this statement. I am normal. I am human, and I am here writing the truth. If anyone asked, I would say yes, psychically I can converse with the holy, THE HOLIEST~ I remember all that I have been a witness to, even if I just remember moments of my life~ I would say yes, without a doubt.

2 Questions:
1: Who controls it all, including my main focus?
2: Why is this so?

The who is God, the why is… well… longer to answer. He wants to talk to me. I am an available person. I am open to him. I do not hide my life or love from him. He is my father, more than any father figure ever known, to me he is more than my dad here on Earth… his being is more personable than any on Earth… forever… I am more a part of him, than anything on Earth. It just makes sense to me, to my consciousness, to the fiber of my being… I want him, I want to be as close as possible to him, and there is nothing on this Earth that satisfies me than just the thought of him… imagine being close enough to sense him, to hear him… There is nothing greater than this, no fame, no knowledge, no money, no love or praise, no worship on Earth, no goods or gifts, no love here that is greater than being with my God, him. Hard to imagine, hard to truly write and know… I ask the reader to take 5 seconds out and truly think of what I am saying, the above paragraph states nothing here will please me like he did, does… Is this worth it, is my love for him worth myself sacrifice… the sacrifice I might face, the ASC or cluelessness or human fears, feelings, desires etc… that I might face? I must prove my love then, because it’s all I have or so I say... by writing what I have I am entering a covenant with my God, with Jesus Christ, telling him there is nothing I love deeper or more apparently than him.

I know when I think of the World and the days I have had, there is nothing that passes the Lord. There is nothing better than God. Of course, and then… in the moments, as I live day to day, moment to moment is seems I love God more than fame, power, glory, richness, money, friends, etc… Do I love God more than hope for myself for my future? He doesn’t ask this from me, he doesn’t ask for my self sabotage… for me to fast and/or deny myself… He never asks for it, he just asks for love. I do love him, I can say every second on Earth, I know this… I love you. I love my true father, I  scream. I have found a portal because of this, a portal into him… for me he must sacrifice, for my blindness, my all too human failures… And the why... it comes fast... THE 2nd coming of Christ, is the why in this book. I have been promised by God's word, by the Holy Spirit, and his word is unbreakable, that the 2nd coming, the end of this Earth as me know it (2012, yes?) is coming fast and without a doubt finite and something to look for... something that will be no matter what.

In regard to this, and more, I often say my ultimate goal on this Earth is… well… I won’t write it here lest someone things I have an ulterior motive, and I don’t! ~ But let it be known that my goal directly ties into why I may be known, for being know to God. I wouldn’t sin, as if someone… something was watching me… so deeply because of my meditation, practices, experience I changed. I changed myself, I became better… just as if you were reading my mind, for GOD/Christ I became good. I still don’t try to lie, I am better, I don’t lie… I don’t think evil thoughts, I don’t pretend to be stupid, I am sane, I am rational, I am trying to be perfect… Always smart, always good, always loving, always knowing, good grief the perfect girl is… intelligent. Beyond normal. She knows herself and others and this world. She knows the facts. She is healthy. I am all that. She takes care of herself beyond norm!!! She has principals and values, and balance and ethics, morals and seeks to perfect herself. The perfect mind continues to study, the perfect soul seeks spiritually to grow in Christ, and the perfect body seeks to make itself better.

SO How often does thIS happen, ME experiencing God's holy Word or THE HUMANS AND them COMMUNICATE ABOUT WHAT I AM THINKING? I am still young, this I know… I have much to learn, much to know, but I am smart, I am talented, I am voiced here as perfect for the variety of reasons… Let’s say I stay on this path, still, as a perfecting women… a women trying to perfect herself… how does she (I) live here and without sounding to naive or girlish… listen to God? Listen to God! How does she take this, and… know what to do???


Let’s see…If I go out, they talk to me. I’ve mentioned this so many times… see the people the humans in any environment I go into, are talking to each other and I just follow the conversations which are all, tied into me… No matter where I go, since I was 25, people talk about me…

As if I am being followed, and for this reason… I must go to God, I must go to him. Of course, but how? How do I do this? How do I live here and speak to people about this, about me being the focus of not only people, but supernaturally… something higher above them… something Godly!...?

“Introduction to Conversations with God

You are about to have an extraordinary experience. Yes, you are about to have a conversation with God.  I got God.
As I realize what the writer of Conversations with God is saying, I mean it’s only the 3rd page and he is writing about how we communicate with God… God told him… I believe him, yes of course. God tells us. The writer mentions how God wants to communicate with us, not just talk and us listen, via his words… but communicate. I did this fast, I started to communicate with God in 2005, which explains everything that happened and have ever since. We communicate via my mind, of course, through it there are feelings, impressions, thoughts or voices, hunches, my deeply personal self communicating to him while he listens and communicates back… It is his communications that I got stuck on… how he communicates to me, is yes through my psychic mind ~ but also, also via you!!!

You the person talk and share his word, the bible, his good news and even information on me... on what I am, who I am, what you see. We are all one body and in Christ he can use anyone for his work. So, People, their conversations, animals, colors, the internet, the TV… I mean HE COMMUNICATES TO ME ALL DAY THROUGH EVERYTHING ON EARTH!!! Ha!!! Joy, truth, Love I feel in expressing this.