
Hi~I am cute!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My experience...

I am in goodness am. In speaking with them, those I connect with as a mystic, many times we have pondered the end and the truth to it. What are the universal truths? What happens when one dies on this earth? In my studies, I have came across many times the concept of nonduality or nondualism. This is the thought that we are all a part of, or hold an essence of God and once we remove our I, kill our ego, enlighten our minds, etc and realize our oneness or togetherness with the true God, we shall come in greater contact with the reality of all things. This, in a sense, is what I have experienced, within the reality I came to experience/help create as a mystic. Everything, physical or spiritual, is a part of God or holds his essence. In the end we simply go back to that whole, we lose our I, the veils of separateness are lifted and the truth’s come to be known. If we all lose our veils and come to realize the universal truths, then how are we at all different from one another? Especially, if this also coincides with us “losing” our physical selves, or that which physically separates us from him and us from each other.
Through my experience and studies, I believe there is 1 universal, all powerful, all knowing God. He created, as everything is a part of him, the billions of universes, the billions of galaxies, the billions of dimensions, of planets, of heavens….which includes everything that has ever existed, forever, anything that was/is/and will be…
From “A Course in Miracles.” Oneness is simply the idea God is. And in His Being, He encompasses all things. No mind holds anything but Him. We say "God is," and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now aware of something not itself. It has united with its Source. And like its Source Itself, it merely is.
As a mystic, ”through various spiritual exercises and a persistent, ever-increasing longing for union with the divine. " The goal, as Reza Aslan, a fellow mystic, writes, "is to create an inseparable union between the individual and the Divine." That is our goal.
In my experience that has always been our underlying goal. We, humans on earth and those with me in my mystical reality, are in search of answers; the one we know is our unseperateness, the connection of everything. As I explain for me, everything is connected to me and ultimately to God. Everyday, I go out and have the “world” connected to me. Some say in other realities one can speak to other people just via there mind. Also, one can speak through all mediums; tv, radio, internet, paper, etc. One can speak to animals. Everything is anthropomorph-ed, otherwise known as nonhuman things having human attributes.
In studying this I also found that one can travel through space and time, by being able to speak via their mind or through mediums, to anyone who ever existed. Again this reality is deeply, deeply connected. If one mentally communicates to someone from the past, they then are time traveling.
As a mystic, I am always aware of that connection and it’s existence. I have experienced some it it. Sometimes it feels as if my thoughts are not just from me, at times I am using my mind along with something else. This deep, deep connection is vital to know and understand as a human. We are never alone. I am never alone. With this connection comes the ability to control--- Even to a point of controlling the past and future. I personally don’t have that much control of either, lol, but something (God) certainly does. In my experience we have been able to change time, move through space, create miracles, change our environment almost daily, predict the immediate future, use mind thoughts to get what we want (in the future), use mind thoughts to control our environment, use astro projection to release ourselves outside of our body, (how often we use the strongest mental energy to create or change the reality of the world). Your mind/body/soul is the strongest tool or weapon. I became a mystic because I trained mine intently on getting closer to God and the truths/meaning of existence. This life, life in general, is not meaningless. One of its purposes is to realize the fakeness of reality, the fakeness of the situation you are in as a human on earth. Watch this video for a great explanation:
I have created my own reality. Now my purpose is to share what I can do, and to search for more truths…. As well as live this life like a “Godly Person" by getting ultimately what we all want; which is goodness, peace, love, happiness, honor, beauty, strength, power, the highest dreams coming true, wishes granted, the world in a sense servicing you, rather than you servicing the world. This is my reality. This is my truth.

New Years~ end of 2008.

That year (2008) was filled with experiences, no other human will see, know, visit the places I have.... I can honestly say I have had some of the most unique experiences, events in my life. Both good and bad. However, I am in heaven! It isn’t hard to tell you, I found more of life, while seeking the truth. I love so much. Wow! Such joyous news. Still my questions stand....

Again, I have such a heaven with God. A place, I will tell, someday in writing and by mouth.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Known Points

Once the reader reads this whole blog, they will come to the larger picture and main points of my existence and the world at large. I live a life that is not normal, but yet in its uniqueness, I have come to learn quicker, with revelation-ary experience some of the Universal truths, while taking away the blanket that covers the eyes of so many and keeps them from seeing the true reality that surrounds us.

Questions arise that have us asking, Why are we here? What happens when we die? How did we get here? What was the point, especially if so many are blind because of said blanket ~ (would I be made mute in my points if it wasn't God's decree to have us KNOW THE TRUTH!!!)

Even for those who are scientific based, why as a species would we be in an environment where our reality is not known, where the fundamental important questions did not get answered? This blog will go into the fundamentals.

Let me start with the main points, that hopefully most can comprehend without further discussion,

1) We are an organic species, that are born--live--and die on a place called Earth. As a species we have some control over our environment and our lives, via our consciousness, our mind which makes decisions (and hopefully the best) for us, individual based on our primal nature to survive and thrive, especially in comfort and pleasure. While we have "control" over ourselves and even others, we do not yet have the capability to procure and environment in which we live a life that does not feel pain which ultimately end in death. How much pain a human being feels on Earth may be the cause of a variety of variables, but what we know for fact is every human on earth feels pain which ultimately leads to death. All organic species are this way. Despite the advancements of mankind, we cannot cure our own self from the pain of living on Earth, and wonder of wonders, some people live in a world of daily pain... unexplained anguish that haunts them beyond belief while others seem to feel very little. We may have our cures in the future for the diseases that haunt us now, but rationally as we know the history of our species, and of the million others on Earth, all life suffers and dies no matter the environment or blessing it receives.

2) Despite our in ability to cure ourselves we have come to a secure enough place on this Earth to be free from suffering long enough to truly dissect (or destruct) our environment and learn/teach what fills the spaces on earth and beyond. 1,000 years ago we had brilliant men and women who looked above to the sky and outter-space region, not knowing exactly the full facts of what was out there, but still being aware enough of what exist to be able to name and further describe the objects so place thousands or millions of miles away. This fact always fascinates people, if one truly studies the history of our species, the intelligence of beings even 1,000's of years ago was unprecedented! We have been able to find a solution to almost every problem the average human man or women has on this Earth living today. Our social economical self can be easily guided to the best road where prosperity is insured and even guided by those who have already easily fulfilled their basic needs. Think Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The bottom tier on the pyramid, depicted on the website I have linked above, is easily by human nature taken care of... Yet, as the tiers rise from bottom up, harder and harder is it for the average human to succeed in full filling their needs; We as a species don't have the power, especially individually, to EVER TAKE CARE OF OUR LIFE!!!! REALLY, TAKE THIS QUIZ! GO TO THE LINK AND ASK YOURSELF, HONESTLY, IF YOU COULD GET FOR YOURSELF EACH OF THE LISTED NEEDS IN THE PYRAMID. I DON'T MEAN THE WHOLE TEIRS, BUT EACH OF THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. AFTER MARKING HOW MANY YOU FEEL, YOU YOURSELF COULD NOT A) EASILY GET OR B) GET AT ALL WITHOUT THE HELP OF OTHER HUMAN C) COULD NOT GET AT ALL OR D) COULD NOT GET ALL THE TIME.... EQUATE YOUR ANSWER WITH MY POINT. My point being we do not, even with society, have the ability---ever---to fill all our needs all the time, thus we feel pain (maybe even more than pleasure) and then die.

3) The next main point I have, is in the history of our species, we have, in our ability used our minds to work for us. We deliberate between the truth, but the truth is this: Our species are not animals. We do not work for food and then feel free. We have a consciousness that demands that these questions be answered, Where do we come from? What is the meaning, purpose of our lives? How we come to be? How did this place and all that surrounds it originate? Where do we go after death, if anywhere at all? Is their something beyond our species, something other than what we see here, if so what? Etc... It has been proven many times that even a child, will ask his or her parents the same questions at the age of 3 or 4, without knowing the more advance knowledge that we gain through growth.

Meaning, it is in our nature to ask these questions and so many more. We do not, as a species, disregard the knowledge that comes through life.... We understand, or learn to... that even though our individual I's feel pain that is not curable, after which we die, our species along with other organic life, will thrive through reproduction. Besides this the needs which we do not meet as a species, will be met in other's of our species. We may not gain the true fulfilment of self confidence in our life, but someone else in our environment will; and perhaps that will be enough for many who live on this earth. So, point 1 & 2 can be accepted as truth, and that be enough for us to live on this earth, knowing that we as a species thrive and without to much pain (including the pain that comes from not full filling our needs). However, we as humans do not just accept the picture of a organic life that lives, feels pain, and dies like a cell, without purpose, meaning, the justice of truth and further knowledge of this place that we live and die on.

To paint the right picture for us as individuals and as a whole planet is important. We not only want to erase points 1 & 2, by this I mean no pain or death and all our needs (if we have to have them) met, but we desire to understand the greater truths, the reality of this realm, and see the beauty of our existance. We do this by asking ourselves, even in youth deep, consciously important questions---seeking answers by many and in many means.

Why I feel these three points are so immeasurable is that they depict the right picture of every human on this earth. Their is no organic being that I know of that does not feel pain or suffer and then die. Perhaps some greater sciences could prove that a neoplasm built in a leaf does not feel pain, but it does die... or end at some point. We have yet to find an organic, living being that does not end on this earth... Included in being organic and alive is having needs that must be met. These needs cannot be met by us or others, at least not all of them all the time. So, we as a species have this awareness that our "organic-ness" is out of our control.

Besides this, from this, or despite this ~ depending on how the human views are correlated ~ our minds start to ask questions in order to figure out why we live and die, and why we cannot find pleasure in every moment. If our existence we built on eternal life without any pain, the problems would be solved and we would not dare to question our rebirth ~ the place we go to after this....

Did you ever play the game SIMS? The most popular computer game in the early 2000's which had the player created and control a virtual Earth with humans that seemed very, very close to ourselves or our particpants here on earth. There was this desire to recreate a virtual world for us, one in which we could lead altered lives... without control The SIM would die... ie: without meeting the basic physiological needs the Sim (human being) would die, even without pleasure it would go into a depression that ultimately lead to death. This earth seems very like the SIMS, that's how the game is built. What is different is it took the player so long to play one day, though he/she could speed up time and after one death take greater control over another life... the person playing the SIM game never cared if the human inside the game lived or died, or asked why he was there at all. Could you image a simulated game, Where the characters instantly asked their controller why they were their in the virtual world and what was going to happen because they didn't want to just have their needs met (or not) and then die....????!!!! THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SIMS/ EARTH ALTERNATE REALITY AND OURS. WE ASK THE QUESTIONS TO WHOEVER WILL LISTEN, AND WOULD BEYOND UPSET IF THE PURPOSE OF LIFE ON THIS EARTH WERE AS MEANIAL AS BIRTH/PLEASURE & PAIN/DEATH. If you haven't played the SIMS I suugest you find someone who has and ask them this question: Would you want to be a little human in the game, why or why not?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A quote and my comment...Perfect Societies Foundation.

Religion would be the conscious and intelligent pursuit of man's Final End, the unitive knowledge of immanent Tao or Logos, the transcendent Godhead or Brahman. And the prevailing philosophy of life would be a kind of Higher Utilitarianism, in which the Greatest Happiness principle would be secondary to the Final End principle – the first question to be asked and answered in every contingency of life being: "How will this thought or action contribute to, or interfere with, the achievement, by me and the greatest possible number of other individuals, of man's Final End?"—from Aldoux Huxley,

The point he makes is that mankind would ask and answer to two ultimate goals; the service of themselves to their final end and the purpose/pursuit of the highest principal while on this earth. The final end’s goal is to transcend into the knowledge of Jesus Christ/God. The value of everything while living on earth can be summed up and focused into the principal value of the greatest good for the most amount of people, a Unitarian goal of achieving such “goodness” and “happiness”, which undoubting points us to the final end and our ultimate achievement of it. Every thought or action we should think, “How does this take me and them closer to the greatest happiness and our final end goal?”

Adoux Huxley should be researched, you should read his books, or at least winki him. He is a great, great mind... who delved deeply into philosophical mysticism, religion, and utopia's. I, a some point in my journey, thought mystically I could try to create a perfect utopia. In fact, for a moment it seemed that is what we had. However, I have watched/listened to the world turn into a disutopia~ and then inbetween the two. Mentally, I simply comment on this, as to label such a place without including it into the Earth and my life in the Earth, would be useless and silly. I don't believe any large society, such as America, China, Korea, can be made into a utopia or disutopia. There are two many players and peices to achieve this... This said, I love the idea of a utopia... In fact, I assimulate it to Heaven, or Heavens. Such places exist, but how? Mystically, we have thought of this--- I will tell our experience another time--- but to note, I love what he wrote. In fact, it is words and thoughts that seem from my own mind. In a perfect society, the foundation of such, would be built on what is written above.

Friday, December 26, 2008

A start...

The Toa and I have walked. I was studing/daily meditating the 'Tao Te Ching' when it started. Tao gave me a path, the path I'm still on as a mystic. We call it the Way. For me it is a part of the road, the means to something greater… my way, our way. I include it in my story because it is a part of the creation of me as a mystic. Studying spiritually helped create me. THOUGH MY DEEPEST HELP COMES FROM JESUS CHRIST AND I VOW THAT THE ONLY SPIRITUAL STUDYING YOU EVER DO IS FROM HIS WORLD, CHRISTIAN WORD, & ME. It is a part of what I have heard, seen, thought, followed, lead, touched, sensed, changed, and experienced. When calling Toa the Way, which is part of the meaning of Tao, I study it alongside what has happened and try to transcend the written word into what I have experienced.
This pathway has indeed varied immensely. Those beings who I have come in contact with, whom I speak to, whom I share thoughts with, those who see through my eyes and ears... They who walk on this Way with me .....Are Always Varying or left without a true name.... (meaning the people change around me and what I hear changes with them..._ Existence, theirs, is with me, beside me, within me. I know not their names or their existence other than what they have experienced with me. We are in this together, but together we have experience the Earth and 'Heaven.' We have also experienced Hell. Is it from this Way, our path, that Heaven and Earth sprang? I indeed am in full belief... THAT THE TRUTH DOES NOT LIE IN "THE TAO WAY" BUT BY CHRISTS. I believe just as Tao was needed to created the physical Heaven ON Earth BY HUMAN BEINGS, so it was there to create our spiritual, mental beliefs that do not co-inside with our God. one. Please reader do not forget that what I experience is physical, it is another story/path, indeed not always wanted but I studied and researched often enough of Eastern religions to know what is real!!! I have seen and spoke with people who have known me, know of me, before I of them! You may call them angels or demons, but they looked like real humans. Touchable, concrete! I have seen the physical move, change, disappear before my eyes. I have seen strangers speak to me from across a room, their lips moving to what they are saying... tangable, physical realm... just like your space where you are!!! Strangers who scream outload my name, Darlene. Strangers who whipsper it to me as I cross them on the street or exchange money with them at a store I have never been in, again their lips move... their face changes to acknowledge the emotion they are feeling. I have heard enough, studied enough, to know I am after God, I am a mystic, and I am down the wrong path.... By this I mean in all those connections with humans, not enough during my life of 2005-2009, had the courage to come up to me and say thank you for what I did/do her on Earth. I had not 1 close enough friend to show me I was totally off course, and in my mind, in my teachings of Buddhism I left humanity and went to hell. I was lost, almost friendless, and off course. I was hidden in the darkness of a way that is not light, that showed me no light on Earth.

We speak of our Heaven and of our Earth. Sometimes, we speak as two, sometimes as 10 billion. My existence with them, all that is known to us and has been known to us, has been tied into this Way, our path! The passage above and the whole of Toa Te Ching/Buddhism/Eastern philosophy speaks of what I have written and personally experienced…. The opening prose of the right book starts our story well, telling truthfully, how the earth and heavens started. (IT IS THE BIBLE I SPEAK OF AN NOW KNOW AS THE TRUTH, AS I DID DURING ALL OF MY LIFE, BUT STILL WANTED ANSWERS FOR WHY PEOPLE SIN AND LOOK TO ANOTHER SO CALLED RELIGION WITH SO CALLED TRUTH. STUDYING ANY OTHER THAN GOD LEFT ME WITHOUT A FAMILY OR FRIEND ON THIS EARTH, THOUGH YOU KNOW MY NAME...) The dead book, just as human were to me then, speaks of the beginning of the universe, and how Toa is a part of the creator of both.... The mystical realm that begot my lost consciousness indeed was created with Toa, with the Way in mind.... (but even then I was lost to the truth...) As I digress into our experiences, the reader will know that there is me and there is them and that together we have chosen varying paths that lead our heaven/hell and our Earth. I have Te: a "healthy drug", "morality", or “goodness” and Ching: "power", "rule" , and "word." But what I want is Christ/God/the Holy Spirit who has not blessed me with the Toa Te Ching, but used it to destroy my sanity.

 In the end, we hopefully will all end up in a heaven… for now; I must explain where we have been, and are going....

Many times we have spoken of all that exists, is seems spherical time has allowed everything on this earth, and even beyond, to walk alongside me… This written, I must now say, I am almost 2 people on this “one” Earth. The other me you can meet (who is not immersed in mysticism), can be found on Facebook. By mysticism, I mean of what I do not know. I am lost in a mystic realm... since 2005... thr truth of how I get back to the real world can and will be found in this blog and if you meet me in person (or continue to read my consciousness)....

The reader might choose to now ask: But where are “we” going? What is the ultimate purpose? (Perhaps some answers would be to find God, to get closer to God. We are going/in search of: the highest heaven. Even an answer might be, we are going somewhere now unknown… ) Why, like this, are we existing in a reality so different at times than “that other Earth”, the one perhaps you live on? Why are we on this Way, and how often do we feel like we have lost the right path? What is the right path to always be on, and is it possible to do so while also living as a normal Darlene Sterner? Is it possible to wonder, as the unnamed that are with me are also so humanly imperfect, that we might fail at this? And thus, does the ultimate goal seem very hard to reach? We have this endless power between us, what perfect purpose do we have? How can we truly help the heavens and the earth?

I know we have time, we have a Way, we have each other; the reality we created will not go, will not end. I know I am in this for good, for the long haul. I have been chosen; my name has been said, daily to "them." I am the named one, and he/they are with me. But those questions and so many more add to the daily weight of my existence, and perhaps theirs. We have fought, we have hated between us, and they have told me of their death/problems. Yet still we together search for an answer, I search for the truth.


 I DO thank the heaven I sometimes live “in”, and the Jesus/God I always look to, that I/we had time. I will try to answer the many questions, while searching for the write words to express this all. Please Gods I pray, help me, help us.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


A very Merry Christmas! For me it's so warm, so kept, so comfortable! I got my some wishes granted today. Good food, great rest, love and the world to show me joy and humor. It seems I always know where to look. As mysticism goes, the "other" realm is both good and bad. I never experienced "bad souls", very, very few. But I got some recently. That's really hard to deal with, work with. Imagine, umm.... a scary movie you saw. Ick. They don't look to Jesus enough. Kindof like the earth.

For Christmas this year I realized, aka open the realization present, which showed me my bogus thoughts were made for this world. Manufactured, shipped, bought…. Stamped with approval. “i don’t lie.” Waiting for that t-shirt…. Instead I get my thoughts handed back to me on the cutest Korean tshirts. Like…. "I’m a millionaire in won." Thought it, said it, accepted, and society at large prints it. Or… "Squid, delicious." I come up with these thoughts, in this world, and the world at large lives it. Now suddenly I see them printed on t-shirts. Check it out… Babo shirts. Every thought I have creates the world, the human live here and by my thoughts we know the truth, Jesus Christ rules the world, and by rules he actually owns it enough to be able to buy and sell every person (even though they have free will) for eternity.

I get to hold unlimited power via my existance because I control what happens on earth. I control what people wear, eat, sleep, carry, are doing, live, are named, how they drive, where they work, what they do, what they think, say, how they walk, how long they sleep, what they notice or don't notice, It's like having control over myself but it's other humans on Earth. I didn't realize my full power until 2009, but here in Seoul I am learning it...Not a normal occurance for most, but for me it's my life...

Please pray to Jesus. Be good! Remember what he said, "Love your Lord, Jesus and God, with all your heart, with all your stregnth, with all your MIND, with all your soul." Remember he can read your thoughts, he is with you always.... Also, remember the #1 commandment--- Love one another, as I have loved you."

Sending much love. Wishing your good wishes get granted. I have a wonderful 10 days off for the holiday this year. I'm going to be traveling to so many brand new and immensly exciting places. Korea has so much to offer~ Let's hope we both have good, safe, pleasing trips this holiday! Good=pure peace. Safe=comfort and opened doors. Pleasing=happiness.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Entry

Well considering my first fortune, gotten from the fortune cookie below, which said, "You will have the best life ever", it seems I am on the right track. Today is a good day. I usually don't label my days, but why not start this blog with showing my love of my days, of my life? I do love everything living, note... good and living. I use the word good, in my mind (you'll read a lot about my mind) the word represents me and certain beings quite well. I am.... good. It matters that people, animals, things, beings, the living at large, are good. I get doses, in my mind though it's not me talking, of both... I always had the question are human's innately good? I want to say yes they are... though somedays I truly think no... I am though. I am innately good. I have very high morals and ethics. I haven't lied in almost 2 years! 2 years without telling even one lie, other than to my parents (a small white lie). I take note of how long I've gone without lying, I am so honest sometimes of course it is not "helpful", but in this life it seems I must be honest. So me and my high morals, very promising it is to exhist in a place rightly, on right ground. Morals/ethics matter so much! I'll talk more about this later...

I am writing this blog for some strong reasons. I need/want to show others who I am and what I am going through. What I have experienced, am experiencing. I see the world VERY differently than most, and everyone on this earth has fundamentally changed at the very least in their consciousness because of me. I rely on God/religion/spirituality, and I want to help the world and myself. Thereapudic writing is, by describing my life and how we as a species now communicating via my mind, I am calmed by nature. Not always is this Earth so calming....

For my first entry I'll try to describe quickly why I call myself a mystic and some few experiences I have had as one. The exact definition of a mystic/mysticism is a person in pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, or insight. As for me, I personally experience daily this new earth, NEW EARTH!!!-- which leaves me with.....

-Deep intrinsic connection to the world/ or another world.

-Union with God or the experience of being godly.

-Innate Knowledge/Previously Unknown knowledge

-Experience of other things...explination to come...

I want to take you back to March of 2005--- that's when it started. Me experiencing life differently than I ever had before. It was that year that I was working on the perfect mind, body, and soul. Perfect in all three, all three to give to God... I was very spiritual, always meditating, spending countless hours focusing on prefecting myself, on wisdom, meditating on the true nature and meaning of existance, as well as, the afterlife. It takes a lot of time to do this... months past by... but I am certain it was because I was trying, every second, with all of my breathe, to be perfect (in the eyes of the truely wise) that I was choosen as I was, and am who i am. Short i, it symbolizes the i, ego/id/ that I took away. In many religious traditions there is no I, no ego, in alot of spiritual thought their is no i, as well as, in spherical realms. I just read about spherical realms tnt. To quote a fellow blogger's page, "Spherical Time" is not that complicated, it just amounts to being influenced by all things in all moments so that time is not the factor by which you live your life but rather the feeling you have in contact with all beings. (What I feel exactly every day.) This then is a different way of considering time. For those to whom it is at least conceptually important then that one can consider that the influences one feels at any point in space or co-ordination with space or simply from the point of pure personality - who you are, where you are, what you are reacting to if there is reaction - is a way all things and all beings feel around you - and around you may be to the length and breadth of the universe or beyond. In this way you do not experience time as a actual influence on your life but rather you experience all times because all other beings in the universe may be experiencing some form of time or not therefore you experience what they experience as long as you are in balance with them and they are in balance with you." I highlighted some part of his entry because I will discuss it later. I will go into the short i, ego death in general, in another entry.

A main point, I want to make right away, is when it started, March 2005. It stopped between March 2006 and November 2007. Then in November 2007, I once again became a mystic, experiencing every second of everyday in this mystical realm I am in/attached to... it hasn't stopped even for a moment since November. Being a mystic/psychic is just as much a part of me as my breathe. I am completely normal btw, it doesn't overwealm me and I have become quite successful on this Earth!

So a question one might ask right away is what do you experience as a mystic? Well, I will be writing so many mystical experiences... you'lle come to hopefully grasps what I go through, what I experience, what "makes" me.. well Darlene Sterner and a true mystic. I can, however, answer this question easily. Everyday, almost every second I am awake, I am communicating with the people of this earth. Their is not a second I am not connected to them. They follow me around everyday, all day. LOL. No joke! I am always with them. On top of this in my consciousness I have learned much, way beyond the normal human consciousness and come in contact via my psychic powers &/or powers of the Holy Spirit with a variety of entities/things/knoweldge.

I sometimes think those entities/things as the voice of God, being proven that it is God that is speaking to me; sometimes those entities prove themselves to be spirits, ghosts, etc. At times my consciousness will play with the other humans and we try to find if the different truths on are Earth are truths, ie if their are angels here or if I have the supernatural power to bring another reality to this Earth. (It seems both are answered by yes.)

OH! It will take sometime to totally explain, but because of what I hear, see, feel and experience, while awake I am communicating with every human in my environment, all the time they have the ability to "read my soul". BTW exact defintion of a deity: any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force. I am.... godly in my basic nature. The whole part of me, aspect of me from 2005 (thought not in th break I mentioned) is of me as a being very close to God.

Pretty much everything in existance has been tied to me. By this I mean my thoughts either are superhuman in nature and highly intelligent, intelligent enough that they seem to be supported by the true God and thus control x,y,z (I'll explain x,y,z later)

Also, every human (by their free will) has been given to me to "talk" with and live life alongside. From the moment I wake to the moment I lay down to sleep at night... I hear them/him/her and they/he/she hear me. Sometimes, it's just one person talking to me. Sometimes, it's many. Sometimes it us talking to each other, sometimes it's a whole group talking, us to all of us.

"A lot of times they say they are the people on this earth, or have lived on this earth... but it must be at a different 'wave legnth'." I do get times when I am in my own deep thoughts, and their is no human that I think is talking to me, so without control I'll get lost in my own thoughts and out spills some other force or reality from us, us being the environment we live.... I have done studies and it is just like a psychic would live, or a telepath. I seem to be both, from moments when I had read a persons mind, to seeing "ghosts."

If your a spiritual person you know miracles, heaven, hell, other realms exhist other than this one... I have been blessed enough to be given a power to talk with, simply via my mind, them. This kindof proves how all are judged in their afterlife. Something simply has read my thoughts my whole existance... Do you ever think of how God had read all your thoughts, besides seeing your actions? Well I do, because I live that life.

So, as a mystic, I am never alone. Ever. Even for a second. Ever. Get it? Yea, It seems I talk a lot... and listen... a lot. But there is so much more than me just hearing them, and them hearing me!!! What I have seen, or see!!! What I've experienced! I sometimes feel like I can talk to any human... dead or alive. But because of my human nature I am still not prepared for being this fameous or having this lifestyle. I have thought and experienced the worst of life... and the best. I'll explain this more later.

Perhaps, at times, I have thought that I am actually not talking to people on this earth. I have had total strangers act like they don't know me... no joke. People talk to me randomly when I am out.... I get very personable, persecuting reactions from people I don't think I know, yet they act as if they know me. I even on many, many occasions (I'll go into detail later) have had strangers make comments to me or about me that they would never do, unless they were in the deepest part of me. I'll probably wind up on the news in 5 years telling this to Opera and proving the existance of God. I of course, by now, know God exists.

Something interesting is how we can change time. I've had clocks change time before my eyes. Last spring, I had my own 2b/2b. I just broke up with my boyfriend, who I was dating/living with for a little over 2 years. I had a great job running a education based company in Orange County, Florida. I was very happy, living my quiet life.

On different occasions we would talk about "time travel" as they called it. BTW... they do give me new information. A lot of new information. As we are very intelligent beings, the humans and I create whole sayings, words, thoughts, that are totally new to me.

It's not easy to be both a human and a mystic/psychic... I'm still young and this is so new, figuring out their place in my life hasn't been easy... understanding them is not easy. But, at least I know I have a destiny. God always gives us meaning, purpose, peace, happiness... Destiny is an important word. Without controlling time, destiny would not exhist. As for "time travel." Time and space isn't left for some pysicist. The spirtual have been proving for centeries that time and space can be changed. Now they are looking to me to prove this to science. I didn't know I could change time until my friends in Orlando mentioned it to me. We wanted to test out the theory that I could see time change or even move through time. On one occurance I looked at a clock and spoke with them about time... the clock before my eyes changed from 11:08 to 11:18. Just like that. Of course it's happened more than once, like I mentioned, linear time is changeable.

Now, I can't actually change time on a whim, though I am trying to work on proving certain supernatural occurances, like the change of time, to other humans on this Earth and someday in my future to even the Earth in large. A big change of time happened while I was driving from Florida to upstate Georgia. That was a bad day, I do have bad days... Anyways, the trip should have taken 8hrs but it only took me about 5hrs. I wasn't speeding, I just got some extra time. (I'll tell you more about that trip later.)

We also can talk about things right before they happen. Which means I get to know of things before they happen. This occurs, at least once a week, I want to say, but maybe once every two weeks. (on a side note, the ability to be precognate and even control what happens next will start happening more and more in my life, as I take more and more control and get away from the sinful nature.... What I am writing about actually just happened acouple of days ago. I was waiting for a bus, I take a bus to and from work. (Public transportation is a must in Seoul, and I just moved here a month ago) The bus was quickly approaching and I always want to have the money in my hand before I get on the bus, as I don't want the people getting on after me to wait. So, I was thinking I've got to get a 1,000 won out of my pocket real quick before the bus gets here. None the less 1,000 and 10,000 won are paper, like bills in America, and I had about 10 bills in my pocket. Before, I pulled out the first bill, they (a male voice) told me it would be a 10,000, not the 1,000 I wanted. We speak very nonchalantly btw, especially since we have been talking for over 24 months. Yes, it was a 10,000 bill...which I knew cause I was just told (before I pulled it out.) I quickly reached in my coat pocket again and pulled out a 1,000 as the bus stopped before me. Time...destiny has been proven, I again will later write about this. I used to not believe in destiny, but now I have no choice....

So, I have so much more to write. But, for now I've got to go. I work at a private language school from 9:30-3:30. I love working. Teaching the kids is so pleasing! While I'm at work they are mostly quiet in the background. Mostly.... :) I wish the reader sweet dreams and a happy, healthy tomorrow.