
Hi~I am cute!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Transpersonal Consciousness & Me

Deep transpersonal experiences have a glow about them. This glow is picked up by other people, as well we hope, with the person who is deeply changed. He/she comes with a new realization of his/her part in the world. Suddenly importance and connection are given to him/her, and their lives are forever successful, self worth is generated by their environment, not by the thoughts of themselves. This is what has been happening with me, while I stand with a connection to all living things, with a hightened awareness. This awareness of my I, my environment, my association to those in my environement, etc.

I thus take boatloads of information, and react appropiately. I always will use this information to "goodly" connect to as many people as personally possible. Some honest to good ways to use my transpersonal experiences, is to take any information & help others to realize the oneness and connectivity of us all, to help others achieve higher spiritual growth, and/or other's realizations of new real truths.

Transpersonal psychology…. Beyond the personal. I am Darlene Sterner. I have had paranormal transpersonal events, like everyone on earth knowing of me. See, there is a higher consciousness that knows me, and that relies on me & facilitates at times, my connection to God. The world/universe/all those within have a consciousness, and it seems at times as though their consciousness is connected to mine. I was told in 2007, studied in 2005, that I was connected with the mind at large, the universal mind, a consciousness that is begotten from God, from Toa, from the perfect being who built the earth, the universe, us and all that is.,.. this mind at large… Starting in 2005, as I was awakened, and enlightened, personally from then, I was taken from my own personal mind… to this larger consciousness with love, worship, and true compassion. On the earth in 2005, at PSU, their was a revolution. Then in 2006 it was quieter. Then in 2007 one again my mind opened and since then I have been a part of this mind at large that brings us all together. I have been told many things in life, have had many things told to me, and seen many things from this!!!! I have been deeply moved, deeply changed and now know my greater purpose is to educate as many people I can about this, about myself and about the truth of this reality… Knowing absolute truths, genius capability mixed with others will, and honest intention…

Without a doubt I know there is a God. No doubt. In fact I want to prove it. I want to prove a mind, consciousness at large. I want to prove other spiritual beings exist. I want to prove spirits exhist. I want to change our consciousness, 11:11. We are deeply spiritual beings, and should research and study ourselves as this foremost. A kind of paradigm shift… to look at the world as if we, without a doubt, know we are all deeply connected, deeply interconnected to a larger being, as well as the truth that there is a God and an afterlife. I want to prove my connection to God and a larger consciousness, as well as life after death on earth. This proof of life after death along with the parapsychology truths that exist & my transpersonal psychology or consciousness, will hopefully help me to enlighten others on earth and tune them into the knowledge of these truths as facts, which add up to prove the existence of our own spiritual selves within layers of this reality.


3 classes of paranormal phenomena:

MENTAL PHENOMENA: extra-sensory perception, unusual mental states/abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, remote viewing, psychometry, xenoglossy, mediumism, channeling, & possession) involves some type of information transfer occurring outside the confine's of one's five senses.

PHYSICAL PHENOMENA: unusual physical occurrences (psychokinesis, poltergeists, materializations, psychic healing, morphic fields, & synchronicity) mind influencing its physical surroundings.

SURVIVAL PHENOMENA: the survival of consciousness after physical death (ghosts, out-of-body experiences, astral projections, reincarnation, and near-death experiences)
"Parapsychology today attempts to find statistical oddities that can't be explained either by laws of chance or by any other known natural causes." (Robert Todd Carroll)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MY Consciousness

Individual Consciousness--- My consciousness lies with these four circles pictures above. Some of what I experience is transpersonal, situated A+B+C, B+C---states. C + D is the normal state of consciousness, which I NEVER EXPERIENCE!!!! I AM NO LONGER STUCK IN THE SURFACE CONSCIOUSNESS, BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN ENLIGHTENED, EXPERIENCED COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, I AM IN A STATE OF HIGHER EXPERIENCE, WHICH INCLUDES A ALONE OR A+B+C. Important when considering the "Intermediate zone", the region or stage of partial spiritual enlightenment that it is suggested, can be used to explain the paradoxical nature of many gurus who still seem to have authentic powers and realisation.

Cosmic consciousness is the concept that the universe is a living superorganism with which animals, including humans, interconnect, and form a collective consciousness which spans the cosmos. In the 19th century, Canadian born psychiatrist Richard M. Bucke had already evolved an evolutionary consciousness theory which claims that Cosmic Consciousness lies in a mystic state above and beyond Self-consciousness, the natural state of man's consciousness, just like animal consciousness lies below.

ONE OF MY MAIN GOALS IS TO GROW COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: cosmic consciousness — an emerging faculty and the next stage of human development. Bucke hypothesizes that next stage of human mental development, which he named "Cosmic Consciousness," is slowly beginning to appear but will eventually spread widely throughout all of humanity. I HAVE EXPERIENCED COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.

Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. I think and they, other people's minds, are instantly with me. This is a very positive thing, human connection, 100% all the time, all this connection, positive and loving and kind and peaceful, etc. I believe I am so attractive because I have an attractive personality, I am really good, filled with goodness and truth and honesty and safety. I will always be good, always be safe, always love, be a movie star, be close with people, talk with people, be funny, light hearted, generally happy, in joy, in peace, in knowledge, willing to share, willing to pray, willing to interact, willing to devote my time and energy toward others, willing to laugh, willing to be fameous and playful and control the world, with power and with honesty and with star quality, with depth and age and true understanding and wisdom and courage and beauty and purity and cleanliness. For over 4 years I have been controlling my consciousness, so that no impure thought, so that all whiteness, no wrong action, no dirty thought is in it. Law of Attraction being in the thought world, is that thoughts forever are spoken, and effects are had and forever I think and forever---- they follow me, being worshiped in thoughts, or with thoughts.

In my mind I devote time and energy and emotion and promises to "them", we say what we are doing next, we are in a world that awaits for the next great thing. Find it, in freedom it rings, in peace and love and happiness and joy---- in honesty and love and understanding!!!!


 So, if I started in 2005, I would have to explain experiences ranging from levitation, to telepathy, social worship in a trance state but still inknown if it was in manifested or unmanifested reality, mental communication with divine beings on other planes aka channeling, astral projection, automatic writing, life work, magnetism, mediumship, miracles, postcognition, precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, retrocognition, synchronicity, etc.... So much of this I still didn't understand or know, My whole existence went from what it was (normal women) to a mystical, Universally important, highly psychic being that was called all day for greatness.

I think that the sane and insane parts of a human being ~ aka the good and bad ~ were shown to me. It is beyond what most can comprehend---sometimes it seemed the humans on earth had an existence that was controlled down to the second, down to the wire. (Meaning I read every second that would happen, I was told this would happen, then this, then this, and I did this for days!!! I still do this...) Othertimes, I went into states where things were being dammed, or hunted by demons or possessed by the dead. (This happened only a handful of time, in Florida, PA, and Seoul.) I saw the eyes of humans turn red, or go weird like lopsided, like they were crazy... I saw humans in weird shapes, walking funny, moving strangely. I heard things, I saw dark objects move... images in my mind of scary things, I even saw the dead, ghosts, etc...

Most of the humans on this Earth (sometimes I wonder) want the answers and to know the security of truth, the safety of knowing what went wrong and what went right and what to do next. Most of them (again I wonder) see psychic experiences for what they are (a blessing!!!), and the unexplained gets explained, and not just explained by me or other people on earth; but by a higher power like the Holy Spirit/Universal Mind/Spirit Guides. This is what all the experiences I have had, have been for me... done for me.

There has been moments when the blissful reality of how we came to be, what we are, where we go, what we can do here on Earth and in Heaven. What gifts we were given (everyone turns psychic and can mentally communicate) were out in the open and then I knew the truth of the right path to be on...

I knew/know, because of the blissful moments, that I have a destiny, a path, true guides, a important destiny, a very important life here on Earth and my soul (it is always most important to me) is safe and guiding to the highest heaven here on Earth.

There also were moments, way back when I might have been afraid but not recently, which when seen, one instantly thinks of the security and help of the Bible:

1 Peter 5:8 (New International Version) Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

(The voices I hear take shape of a human or seem to change the humans consciousness, so they hear and think evil.)

The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it."

(The moments when their bodies changed, when their voices and persona changed to darkness and then they walked like something died in them.)

John 8:44 (New International Version)

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

(They have no compassion and feel the darkness and death. They speak as if murder of themselves and all life would be a though/action away. They turn to darkness, hatred, ill will, lies, and sin, as a human, so much easier... I had no fear for myself, but when I heard them... I knew that evil does exist.)

Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version)

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

(Many a time, the world which can turn to darkness was cold and lost and ruled by darkness, which drove many people on this world crazy. It turned them away from knowledge and light and worship of God, and into sin upon sin upon sin. Often a human would lie when not normally would he, or not help when he normally would. They would turn from authority and love, and into darkness and themselves... I fear this is what gets into the people of our world. I do not lie. I do not sin. Ever!!!! When one does it is a bowing down to evil...)

In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority and slander celestial beings. But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them.

Now what I write above, with my many psychic gifts, by the power of God I have come to see and understand. I am highly gifted in many ways, and my experience with the dark is very limited but had a profound effect on me. I was and still am a very strong soul, strong mentally, able to go into manifested and unmanifested realities and make use of the knowledge or my purpose in experiencing different realities. I usually am lead, prior to my research and in depth study of metaphysics, parapyschology and psychic power I was "lead into different experiences" rather than leading... But what I gained, what knoweldge I learned, and the development of the psychonaut in me all lead to a grand road, a greater person, being (me) than most I meet. I have a spiritual development beyond 90% of the people I meet, and I am quite humbly proud of what I have accomplished, both as a psychic and as Darlene Sterner. 

While I have had contact with scary and mean... it has been 9% of what I have experienced, and since I am clairaudient (at least) 100% of the day,  this 9% is getting smaller and smaller. While I still seek so many answers, someday soon I will be able to explain the negative and positive I have experienced as a mystic/psychic, at least enough that the reader can get an intelligent, fact filled picture.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ideas on our life force, aka soul. Included readings.

"Plato argued that, as the body is from the material world, the soul is from the world of ideas and thus immortal. He believed the soul was temporarily united with the body and would only be separated at death where it would then go back to the world of forms. As the soul does not exist in time and space like the body, it can access universal truths from the world of ideas."

In theology, when referring to the soul, the terms "life" and "death" are different and thus distinguished from the common concepts of "biological life" and "biological death." Because the soul is said to be transcendent of the material existence, and is said to have (potentially) eternal life, the death of the soul is likewise said to be an eternal death. Thus, in the concept of divine judgment, God is commonly said to have options with regard to the dispensation of souls, ranging from Heaven (i.e. angels) to hell (i.e. demons), with various concepts in between. Typically both Heaven and hell are said to be eternal, or at least far beyond a typical human concept of lifespan and time.

Following Aristotle, the Persian Muslim philosopher-physicians, Avicenna and Ibn al-Nafis, further elaborated on the Aristotelian understanding of the soul and developed their own theories on the soul. They both made a distinction between the soul and the spirit, and in particular, Some of Avicenna's views on the soul included the idea that the immortality of the soul is a consequence of its nature, and not a purpose for it to fulfill.

While he was imprisoned, Avicenna wrote his famous "Floating Man" thought experiment to demonstrate human self-awareness and the substantially of the soul. He told his readers to imagine themselves suspended in the air, isolated from all sensations, which includes no sensory contact with even their own bodies. He argues that, in this scenario, one would still have self-consciousness. He thus concludes that the idea of the self is not logically dependent on any physical thing, and that the soul should not be seen in relative terms, but as a primary given, a substance. This argument was later refined and simplified by René Descartes in epistemic terms when he stated: "I can abstract from the supposition of all external things, but not from the supposition of my own consciousness."

(To note, consciousness is very important in our existence, and it's importance is seen in the foundation of many of my theories on life/existence/and mortality/immortality/origin of everything/etc...)

St. Thomas Aquinas understood the soul to be the first principle, or act, of the body. However, his epistemological theory required that, since the intellectual soul is capable of knowing all material things, and since in order to know a material thing there must be no material thing within it, the soul was definitely not corporeal. Therefore, the soul had an operation separate from the body and therefore could subsist without the body. Furthermore, since the rational soul of human beings was subsistence and was not made up of matter and form, it could not be destroyed in any natural process. The full argument for the immortality of the soul and Thomas elaboration of Aristotelian theory is found in Question 75 of the Summa Theologica.

(Yes, the question to ask him, is the soul part of a duality with the conscious mind? Do we feel an affect by our individual consciousness on the soul? Does a soul in the next life--place---have consciousness, even without a physical body? Let's suppose the answer is yes to all three questions, then by equations, and greater understanding, the soul is conscious, and has memories and thoughts at the very least.... if consciousness contains a psyche, then more of what is it to be a human is included in the souls experience, makeup. IE: soul+consciousness+psyche= it's totality on any plane of existence be it earth, heaven, hell, purgatory, other realms--like animal. VERY IMPORTANT!!!!)

Soul Readings
We all have a soul’s record. The Akashic Record contains the energy and history of everything each soul has ever experienced. By tuning into you; your soul’s record; your higher self, and perhaps a committee of beings who assist your soul; your spiritual guides and angelic guides I am able to do a reading on your soul. A Soul Reading is an opportunity to touch into and connect with yourself at the Soul level. We each are here at this time in order to embody and manifest our own very special, unique, and wonderful array of "gifts" on the earth. We each have something to express in this lifetime. In order to do a soul reading, the soul reader must tap into this eternal record that lies within the spirit plane, not the unconscious mind at large, which Freud and Jung spoke of and many psychics or those who use clairvoyance tap into, this might confuse some. Instead the reader taps into the spiritual plane, which upon it lies the book of knowledge on all souls living, their pasts, and present.

I have had a soul reading done, in a higher conscious state, by those that I would call my soul's guides. They are not physical beings on this plane, but rather live on another probably higher, most likely spiritual plane. Always when one does a spiritual reading the person being read is always asked to connect with their spiritual guides, their angels, those "other" beings that watch over them, or know them via their soul. So many times, at least 6 or 7, I had my soul read to me, by these guides, and have been told details that very much pleased me. I also have had readings done from intuitionist's, including those knowledgable in such a topic. In order to understand more of a soul reading, I was told to to read certain books from Alice Bailey, including her novel called Rays & the Initiations. I advise the reader to check out this book.

Starting story

Ok here we go. Writing my many, many, many experiences is a thing I haven't done yet, and probably should have, at least in a more permanent manner because one forgets the fine details of the past and though I had written much of my experiences since 2004, what I wrote either got deleted--via my computer crash of '05 & '08 or was not written at all, and thus most of what I am writing is from memory...tsk. But as we live we have more experiences and I have had the time to memorize what has happened, and go over again and again what was happening or is happening or will happen because of the proper equation for us to thrive!!!! I am so happy about this, and by happiness I must remind my reader what that word exactly means, and why I feel it so deeply. Happiness, for me, is a feeling internally that is produced by knoweldge that you did everything right, that your always on the right path, that in the end the right world surrounds you and you forever are in a place of bliss, of personal and surrounding environmental benefit. Most of us can be in an environment and see the blessings, the peace, the calmness, the passive go to and get and the sprawling ease that which we move through life as a higher species. We understand what is around us, be it a tree or a bench or a building or a street. We comprehend what is happening and what will happen, and feel a connection with each other that takes us to a place of certain pose with our I, a certain knowledge that I am, and we are and this is--- Mix that knowledge with our own personal control and personal desires being granted and we get a small picture that can easily bring us happiness/joy/love. I get that small picture, but on top of it, I get larger pictures. The one I just explained, as it procures happiness within me, as well as this picture: That I am the most important, that I am the being who successfully did what our souls/minds/bodies most desire--- I accomplished the highest goals--- and by achieving what I have achieved I made myself the perfect person with a perfect life.... getting what I want all day, every day--- and when a turn comes I see each second during it, who and what I am; which brings me the highest joy I can think of.... So, I have "pictures" which come from my life and experiences and give me great happiness and joy. I can choose to open up to universal ways of achieving happiness, like social interaction, personal achievement, environemental input, relationships, successes, etc--- or I can pick the page in my book which I will explain to you in detail, my own personal life/experiences/story--- which results in the happy knowledge above.

If I met a man who was me, and did what I did in my life--- I too would worship him, I too would call him a God, I too would look to him as the epitome of perfection with cards that are shocking in their suit. A clean sweep winner he would come across, and his joy would bring me the same, a feeling of peace, awakening understanding to the truths of our universe, and thankfullness mixed with blissful pleasure from our interaction/my knowledge of him.

I mention me seeing myself as another because I understand that this is what I am asking of the reader. To understand me, when they are another I, with maybe completely different experiences and knowledge. In this movie--- the movie of my life--- I would bring the audience in at moments in my life from birth to now, certain moments which speak the truth, tell the story, show her totally, and her environement. This is what I am going to try to explain to you, the reader. If you wish, putting me in a movie might be of help~ as we get to know another, I find human's common pasttime (film/tv) outlets the ability to know another.

In this "movie/story" there is the important message of how she just get this place, people, this realm... how she understands & truly knows universal truths that so many in society pass by... How she makes the right choices, decides for herself and others what is the right path, How she effects her environement, what specials gifts/skills she has...

What she did to procure the moment in which she forever changed herself and her universe. It is that big of a moment, that important of a story, what happened in 2005, during her last year as a student at Pennsylvania State University, that forever the universe with which we all live in was changed and will continue to be affected by her. Not many people can say they changed the world--- even fewer can say they changed/touched every human on Earth as well as other dimensions and planes within this Universe. I was once told, in 2007, that I was the center of the universe. That I was the being which controlled the stars and the planes and touched the dimensions and the beings within them all. I was told that I was one of the most important people in all of it, all of the universe, on earth. There is factual evidence, including the philosophy and knowledge of the East, of a book/mind that explains how we came to be, what this place is, and what we are to do while here. In it is written every event that happened since the beginning, every birth, every stroy, every death. In it is written the universal truths, the design of this place and everything that is. The makeup of the universe, the makeup of the human, the story of every soul, the story of all that exists. In it is written the goals of man/spirit/angel/God....One of our truest desires/goals as a human is to connect our soul to God's---to move from this plane we as humans on earth call home, to a higher one, maybe even to the highest heaven. We move up our souls by advancement, we try to perfect our spirits/minds/bodies/souls--- in order to achieve the best potential, and awaken more innate gifts that the universe is ready to give those that do achieve true enlightenment, awakening, lifting, connection.

For over 4 years I have been working on this goal. This includes my time at PSU when I went into esoteric, deep, profound, unprecedented practice as a sage/guru/nun in order to perfect my mind/body/soul and to connect with the GOD/HIGHER BEINGS and give myself to him/it as a gift for eternity. I have been deeply spiritual since birth. I have worshiped Jesus Christ/GOD for everyday I have been alive on this earth, and nothing or no one will ever turn me away from him.... Nothing will ever separate me from GOD and my number one goal in this life is to achieve the highest connect/duplication of him/it as I can on earth. By this, I mean I want to be God. I want to prove God here. I want to emulate God. I want perfection, and to be able to say what it means to achieve the potential of one's soul/mind/body. That is how I came to be, how my destiny came to be written, how my path unfolded and my enlightenment started. I was told in the beginning of 2007, about a year after I arose into a higher state, that I was indeed a superhuman. What one is and how one comes to be one, I shall indeed tell. For now, one must know that their was a moment when I was a normal, educated, good and loving women and a catalystic event that takes me to what I am now.... ;)

This is a lot to take in such a short time, and in writing this I realize I need to explain so much more. I don't mind being called chosen. I don't mind when people say or think I have been blessed in this lifetime. I don't mind when others think of me as gifted or talented. But these words do not represent that actual truth of what I am and what I did in order to become me. What I did do was take my human mind/body and my given soul (which has been most important to me since birth) and transform it into a guru's--- a godman's (as called in the East)--- into a mystics (Western word), a saints. If one studies the explanation of what a soul is: the soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a living being, often regarded as eternal. It is usually thought to consist of one's consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self. I must say, thus the soul is the part of you that IS ETERNAL!!!! IT LIVES FOREVER, AND HAS LIVED FOR THE LONGEST TIME!!! MOST OF US HAVE SOULS THAT ARE OLDER THAN ANYTHING IN OUR ENVIRONMENT. It is possible to be born with a newer soul, also it is possible to have strong characteristics imbedded in your soul. Certain people (in all truth!!!) can read souls---- There are guru's who have been trained by men who have been trained by practice written hundred's, even thousands of years ago, who can read another's soul. This practice is legit and honest, and used for the purpose of knowing yours and/or other's souls. What details given in a reading, I will explain another time, as I have had my soul read, and more than once, with the same results. My point is that one's soul is an individual part of them, more important than the body or mind's ego, and it goes for eternity. This thing we all have, is our vehicle into the next life/place/plane/dimension.... It can be grown, to become very powerful, very strong, very GODLY, trained by the mind & body, as well as environment. Metaphysical training, spiritual training, psychological personal training are all important in manufacturing an "enlightened" soul, one maybe even like Jesus's, or Buddha's.

Of course those two are part of the type of people who were born with souls that are more powerful than 99% of other's in this world. The reincarnation of a perfect soul or incarnation as called in Western religious philosophy, has happened on this Earth--and usually is what we see in those who are prophets, mystics, sages, godmen, etc... Jesus was said to have the perfect soul. Buddha was said to perfect his soul through training, but his soul is reincarnated every so many years in the man who is the chosen Dali Lama. What about John Mormon, or Gandhi? These men have certainly advanced their soul, and often those who chose a spiritual path, have chosen a road that will prescribe days in which they can advance soulfully (spiritually) as well as mentally. They choose their Hermitage, Godly servitude, spiritual catacomb for the purpose of connection & insight. This connection, this insight leads them to higher knowledge~ WHICH IS WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED TO ME~ AND EVEN A MORE POWERFUL EXISTENCE. The ability to do what is uncommon, miracles, or superhuman feats, is often explained by the power and credence of one's soul. The greater the soul, the greater the mind & body, the greater the human ability---


So, to start with what I have done and am doing, the perfection of my soul is high on my list. I lived as a sage, a student of mystic, religious, spiritual, metaphysical, philosophical texts, a nun in training and a perfectionist when it comes to my body, soul, and mind. My day was broken into studying, meditating, and perfecting my body. Hours each day were devoted to each category, a task that is much easier to explain than to do. I had the strictest regime of anyone I knew, and took my devotion very seriously. I became withdrawn from everything that didn't encompass the advance of myself, or the finishing of my undergrad schooling. While I was still taking classes, enrolled as a full time student, I had my own studio right off campus and with this wonderful enriched environment, I was able to devote myself exclusively to mental/spiritual/physical advancement. I took a World Religions/Philosophy course my last year at PSU and had the guidance of the professor who wrote me a list of books to study, mostly based in Eastern Philosophy, though I combined these texts with Western Religion and worldly mysticism, etc. I was always gifted in comprehension, the understanding written word; so I didn't need much guidance in my comprehension and understanding of eastern thought/wisdom. As I meditated on their truth, my awareness of this place, of all that is and was grew, and I was in fact awakened into enlightenment of my mind~ as well as succumbed to perfection with my soul and body. I had a body that was less than 10% body fat, with a continuous rigorous workout that lasted 3 hours everyday, and a strict diet that was analyzed extensively, I offered my body daily to God as a temple for which my mind and soul could grow. As I practiced different spiritual meditations I found it suddenly easier to accomplish things that before had been difficult or even impossible. To explain quickly: You must relate this time to a time in your life where you felt you grew the most as a human, a time where exponential growth happened and upon looking back you can say your whole person changed, grew for the best!!!!

One day at PSU, I started having mystical experiences. Now not knowing exactly what they were I kept them to myself, but they were noted and I shall explain in the future. However, because of my opening of my mind, and the transfer of my spirit to a higher consciousness, my reality shifted so much that the people around me became to know me. I was at first unaware of their awareness of me, of the power I had to open other's mind to my place, to my consciousness, to what I was now hearing and/or experiencing. But other people came to my aid and without my request or demand, the people in my environment started to talk about me, and who I was, what I was doing, what they experienced with me and what they (in general) thought of me. I was unaware of the amount of talk, of the effect my transcendence had on others, or of the power I had put in my mind and soul through my training. Though I trained my mind, body, and soul 24/7... every hour upon hour for over a year; I still felt I was quite new at what I was doing. Most of us have read stories of sages, monks, nun's, etc that devote a lifetime to spiritual growth and training. I was unaware then, that I had a imprint written on my soul from past lives/or from where I came from (God/heaven) that made it more powerful, and closer to the door of enlightenment and power than most. I mentioned I would explain in detail what was said from the reading of my soul~ I will, but to simply now note, it is said I have a soul that is determined to get what it desires. A soul that would break down anything, do anything to achieve what it's goal is--- connecting with GOD/becoming a "god/angel/perfected soul". A very determined soul, a soul that has previous been great, a soul that is in tune with it's higher purpose and it's GOD is a soul that certainly would achieve enlightenment/actualization's/power at a young age.

Many young monks from Eastern regions, have gotten a soul that is a number 1 soul (as they are sometimes called) or come to know that their soul is blessed. The enlightened ones are picked at the age of five or six. When I was studying, and even before this time, I had usually thought to myself that my purpose, the reason I was on this Earth was to help others, was to serve, was to find the truth and prove it to all that exist. I liked the eastern term Bodhisattva, I also like the Western idea of an angel or saint. All equate to a person spiritual guided who comes into their destiny and is sent from above or another higher plane, down to earth, to help all sentienal creatures. We find these people who will always be on this earth to help, who always share loving kindess and good, sweet words. The people who dedicate their lives to something, and give there time willing for a good cause that will certinetly benefit us in the future. They might come to us in hiding or with fame, from a nunery in Tibet or a news show broadcasted in the USA. They are people who truly effect their surroundings, and do so for the greater good each time. I was trained since youth to be such a person, and from my enlightenment, I have been since then, put on a path that demands my respect and love for all in my environment.

To end soon, now you, the reader has some idea of where I come from, who I was and what happened to me. I know I want to explain what I just have in much greater detail, with a equation to knoweldge that you might have~ common knowledge in association is always helpful, but for now I hope this will do. I live currently, in CA, and since 2005 have had many wonderful experiences that I will be explaining in honest detail. The facts are set, my enlightenment, spiritual, mental, & physical transformation happened in 2005, while I was a student at PSU, and from this the world in which I (we) live forever changed. Our goals are set, futuristically I try to study what we as mankind, as sentiental beings, as spiritual beings---desire. There is a list, I know, but as I set upon my path, I promise some of our wishes, I will make come true.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Experiences~ What I must tell you about me.

I have been very busy the last month. I left PA for CA, went into a intense work study at Esalen Institute, which is going very well, and have set up myself for my Perm move to LA/Santa B. I reached two of my goals, which I wrote in a previous post.... and am working on other goals. I met some sweet people on my travels, and am working on becoming everything I am told I am!!! I realized upon meeting and greeting with all these new people here at Esalen, that 99% of them have no idea what I work with, how their consciousness seems... to me, because of me...!!!! It seems over here, in this trance state, their consciousness has been expanded because of me and that I have superhuman abilities. They don't know how I am constantly in synergy with the other larger mind or entity that brings me great gifts, or even what gifts I have/use daily. The who and what are completely unknown and I still haven't explained it to many, so writing and saying "check out my blog" seems easier to acquire the understanding I want, without always going into a long speech.

What I deal with daily:

Parapsychological phenomena of two types have been described.
They may be cognitive, as in the case of clairvoyance (I have!!!), telepathy (I have!!!---and meet people who daily I also give this gift!!!!), or precognition (I have!!!);
Daily I can acquired knowledge of facts, of other people's thoughts, or of future events, without the use of the ordinary sensory channels--hence the term extrasensory perception (ESP), often used to designate these phenomena. I get information into my mind, not by the normal five senses, but by my 6th---which will constantly inform me---give me information. When I say constantly, I mean 24/7, even through my sleep, as in a lucid dream. Important to know~~~I always am getting/sending information from the environment!!!

The second type is physical phenomena---which is also very apparent in my life. Physical phenomena is acquired by me having the skill of telekinesis & psychokinesis, the ability to move things with my mind, or affect (physically) my environment with my mind. Also, physical phenomena is when an apparition does something to one's environment, which I have seen!!! Or by me doing psychic healing, which I have experience with or psychoportation aka: mental time travel--- the later being something to explain in depth another time.

So most of my environment, I'd say, 60-90% is affected by paranormal phenomena. I constantly read people's mind, or feel the effects of synchronicity (cognitive phenomena). Mind pushing---long distant mental communication, telepathic feedback, mental control over the physical; all are what I do, use, how I live and work, daily. The below also list my daily skills:
Psychokinesis ('movement by mind'
The ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy by means unknown to current science.) or telepathy ('transfer of thoughts or feelings at a distance by 6th sense') can be explained, by me, in detail---as I have hundreds of experiences. I do telepathy everyday and can do psychokinesis very well!!!! Precognition - (lit. pre-knowing - where nondeductible information about a future event is acquired) Clairvoyance--
I have all these skills, and used them randomly in my life. I haven't answered the interrogatives--Like How, When, Why. What, Etc and still have thousands of questions. But, I have had hundreds/thousands of experiences, and will continue to seek more answers/experiences.
If you feel your interested in this, and want proof of paranormal phenomena or want to see if maybe you have some skill in these areas, I strongly suggest you to contact me!! I am 100% honestly, intelligent, kind, Christian, sane $ successful, women!!! I am very, very happy and at times beside myself with joy at what I can do and have done. I wish only to learn more, and understand more--- as well as help during this whole journey. Many friends I have made on my path, I wish for great things for all of us!!! Feel free to contact me!!!

Overall, one very important thing to note about me is I always, all day, have Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems: meaning I interact with my environment, and strongly, (readable) affect it, WITH MY MIND!!! I have been doing this for about 2 years, though over a year of that was in a smaller environment, where social interaction was limited to close family or friends.

I am looking for research participants, as I have done research with other people, which again I will detail later. Just to note, all those books on having power over your environment, over others, over your future, over the world even--- ARE TRUE!!!! I have seen this daily, first hand!!!

So this is me, who I am, what I do, what I have experience with, or experienced etc. I have never ghost hunted or sought anything negative. I only work with the positive. I am pacient, but demand that I see results, and truly, honestly get what I want!!! I have gotten emails, letters from people I have never even spoken about this with, them telling me something I said mentally--- not via my mouth, but with my mind and that they heard with their mind. This is all true. :) !!!

There is so much more.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Things I will have...

Things I will have,

1) To be with him, somehow reading his mind, it telling me what to do, who he is, what he wants, etc.
2) To understand more of him, to go quiet and just listen~
3) To know how to help him, to have a special "task force" aka: friends that is/are jet set on helping.
4) To see his future, to see his path, to help rearrange it, as it helps.
5) To go to his side, to get pleasure from what he gets pleasure (to go to his cookie)
6) To find myself in similar situations, to gain his knowledge and prowess.
7) To not sin against him or anyone---especially in movement.
8) To get many kisses. To pleasure him. (more than any her)
9) To get him to work, to hire him, to get him to "bake for me---and then keep it in happiness"
10) To figure him out, to tell his story, to be a part of it in telling
11) To have his mind, to have his heart, body--touch--soulmate; proven/proved.

Public Enemies

Public Enemies.

There is Bale protraying another man. He plays another man in a movie, once told to us, by them who create works of fiction based in fact. There are answers to who this character I saw is/why he said and looked as he did~ For the most part, his answers are given, as he tells us in the audience who do care the reason for his protrayel. He met him, the man who he became, through rigereous detail course work and skill and training. At first it was the background of the character, then meeting his family and reading this book that was written by his son. A character who is distilled by Bale surely must be a man who he wants to become; and that is not easy. Some men are afriad of rath, some of Pervis. But he has a heart for the great and the wise. He open Purvis unto a world with men waiting to join him on the next defeat or the next win, catching criminals between the doors of FBI regulations and 1930's protocal. Bale learned the time period, the facts between the truths we knew and salvated the time when Murvin was real and here. Bale creates a man who values the dreams of his boss, Hoover, while at the same time knows his own. Was Dillinger to be defeated, a certenty, yet that man could not judge so quickly--Murvin in truth had to come to know the man he had to catch and kill. Bale stood by the two, both famed men, a tells us of how Mervin decided to play the game of cat and mouse. By the time the movie is over it is the story told of the two, Bale's representation has called us to catch onto the nuances the movie downplays, the reality being set some time ago and justly holds more depth, more explaining that what can be down by the action and lines. He is real! Bale holds him, and what we know as an onlooker in the audience of this film, is not enough to see the real Mervin Purvis. So what Bale deals us is a major decision--to be entertained in our sight, or to look closer and see the breathtaking ressurection of a man we will come to know. Lover.