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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Encyclopedia & I

To further explain myself, I am in the middle of writing my first novel! I explained before that I was writing a book, and that it pertains to all that I have blogged about, the reality of this place (it will tie in many different sciences) and the truths that are out there which help explain my experiences with the unknown, paranormal, mystic and whatever else I came across. It helps to use exact terminology when describing myself, my gifts, and what I "work" with; as I want the reader to gain true knowledge about the existence of the paranormal, supernatural, mystic, nonphysical, etc that daily contact this world--- I hope to prove myself/my experiences while also guiding both a novice and expert into the unknown reality of mystics/physics, a first hand account from someone who knows the definite facts and the due course of thought that comes with the education about such things. First hand accounts are always helpful, but I want the reader to gain more than an insight into the experiences of a mystic/psychic. By incorporating terminology, sciences, metaphysics, psychology, and other studies the reader will also gain grounded footwork in PSI, or psience as it is being currently referred to. This new knowledge will hopefully open many doors, be an answer for the many questions we have because our reality is still so unknown. Their is a saying, Knowledge is Power. Life experiences have taught me that this common phrase speaks the truth.

I am a psychic: From the Greek word psychokis meaning "soul". ADJ: means an atonement of mind and body with subtle vibrations. Noun: applied to a person who is sensitive to spiritual influences. A psychic works solely on the earth plane and gets information purely through their gifts/sensibility.

There is a common belief among the psychic community, that all humans have psychic abilities and all can learn how to develop their own psychic gifts. While the skills/type of psychic may differ between us, we can all come together to acquire skill in such a field. Some people, of course, are naturally gifted and many psychics come to be so because of events that happened that "called" them into the field. Often people will a young age though it could happen later in life...natural psychic abilities. Many people experience the paranormal or unexplained events...serious studies have been done like CIA study in 1970's that cost 100 of millions, the popularity & interest is growing, both online and in local communities...and thus as we search for honest, true, rational & logical answers we find a door that leads to psychic wisdom which has many answers...answers that are more and more becoming socially accepted. After the mid 19th century and fame of the FOX sisters, who became world re known psychics/mediums and who started what is now called spiritualism, their is a real study of this, with billions spent on learning and being able to prove/get undeniable proof--though our conscious acceptance of their answers have been readily pushed away, their still is an awareness of those that say they "can and do"/"they know/saw/had an experience with". The more we prove our psychic selves to society, scientists, people who come looking...the greater the chance that we consciously come to realize the truth....spirits/supernatural entities/nonphysical beings exist, they can communicate with us, they can share themselves and we can be greatly effected by them.

I am a spiritualist medium: a difference to a psychic as they receive information from the spirit world. A medium connects between the earth plane and the higher ethereal plane and are often contacted by spirits---being that they come with born gifts/special ability---usually picked or chosen, not common!

My psychic/psi abilities flow naturally, with ease I am able to make contact with the spirit world, other dimensions, people of this dimension in a different time and space. Alongside this comes mediumship, which I also happen to have---Listed are gifts/skills that I have acquired, some I possess in strength and some I still want to further develop.

These listed are ways a psychic picks up knowledge, there means of communicating or acquiring information about something/someone/someplace/etc.

clairaudience: literally "clear hearing" or the ability to hear sounds and voices from other dimensions, including those that have previously lived on this dimension. It is not to be confused with telepathy. Many examples!!!

clairalience: "clear smelling" or the ability to smell scents that come from other dimensions. For me roses, dirt or stinky smell, a mix of scents that came across as a specific body odor, etc...

clairhambience: "clear tasting" or the ability to get a very specific taste in one's mouth. For me one time it was KoolAid!!!

clairvoyance: "clear seeing" or the ability to see "in the minds eye" people and things in another dimension.

clairsentience: psychic perception of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, emotions and physical sensations. Many mediums receive their information by physically sensing it, that means they sense the words that are said through them rather than actually hearing them. Or they may sense that a person is tall and elderly, rather than actually clairvoyantly "seeing" them.

claircognizance: or "Clear Knowing", is the ability to know something without receiving it through normal or psychic senses. It is a feeling of "just knowing". Often, a medium will claim to have the feeling that a message or situation is "right" or "wrong."

As a medium, my gifts are different. We use different abilities, some are:

Mental mediumship: is the communication of spirits with a medium by telepathy. The medium mentally "hears", "sees", and/or feels messages from spirits, then, directly or with the help of a spirit guide, passes the information on to the message's recipient(s). When a medium is doing a "reading" for a particular person, that person is known as the "sitter."

Trance states:

Also, while working under the umbrella of a psychic, their is a specific type of gift that is called channeling.

Type 1 Channeling, is when psychics or sensitives speak to spirits and then relay what they hear to their clients, like they are communicating with them via a channel. They don't just get information, they communicate this way!

While working under the umbrella of a medium, their is another different type.

Type 2 Channeling is form of channeling in which the channeler goes into a trance, or "leaves their body" and then becomes “possessed” by a specific spirit, who then talks through them. In the trance, the medium enters a cataleptic state marked by extreme rigidity. The control spirit then takes over, the voice may change completely and the spirit answers the questions of those in its presence or giving spiritual knowledge.

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