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Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Tremendous Lover by M. Eugene Bloylan, O.C.R. with commentary and discourse by Me.

The Tremendous Lover

"One of the Best modern introductions to the spiritual life."

"A spiritual classic that tops the list. A practicum for laymen, laywomen, those vocated to Christ."

"Richly biblical, informed by the great tradition of the Church, and obviously the work of someone who not only knew ABOUT Christ but KNEW HIM."

Dom Eugene Bloylan (1904-1964) was Cistercian monk and well known spiritual writer. He was raised in the suburbs of Dublin, had a brother who became a Carthusian monk and a sister who became a contemplative nun. At the monastery, after being ordained into priesthood in 1936, he taught philosophy. Acouple years later he founded a Cisterian monastery north of Melbourne, after this he became superior general of the monastic community of Caldey Island, located off the WELSH coast. In 1959 Boylan returned to Roscrea, in the mainland where he worked as a confessor and popular retreat master until his death by car crash in 1962. He was an amazing spiritual gifted man, who worked hard for his father and friend, Jesus Christ; devoting his entire life to the worship and work of Christianity.

I was given this book as a gift, after picking it out at the bookstore in New Camaldoli Monestory in Big Sur, California. The monastery is famed in the area, and all over the world. It's a picturesque retreat for laymen & laywomen and a place for monks to meditate and serve Christ humbly. The book became another blessing for me, helping me extensively on the practice and true service of Christianity. How does one be a perfect Christian? What steps does one take to please God, and to achieve a more perfect soul? What is the truth of Christianity, that which one must memorize and know in order to even be a Christian? These and more questions are in my mind, and I wanted to share some revelations I had while reading this book. I shall reference the book and then insert my commentary.

"In the beginning," St. John tell us, "was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (1 John 1:1) All things began with God, who himself has no beginning for he always is.

As soon as I read this I realized it ties in my oh so very strong belief that God is consciousness. Brane Cosmology, Biocentrism, Conscious Reality all tie this truth in!!! God is an omnipotent, aka all knowing (all thoughts are fed into his), omnipresent (everything is in him or he is everywhere) being. Point 1.

The consciousness of a human being (as being proven to me!!!) lives forever, or after the physical death of the body. This goes back to the idea that God's consciousness is tied to our individual consciousness, we have a soul that was to some, the same as our consciousness and it is known that one cannot be alive without being conscious. So my main point, tying in many different prominent sciences, is that our consciousness is very similar to our soul, in fact it affects our soul greatly. God judges us by reading our consciousness, or being a mind reader. He has no beginning or end because his consciousness has always been, just like our consciousness/soul lives after our physical death. Point 2

By this theory we can understand the different states Jesus spoke of, heaven, hell, purgatory, earth. As conscious beings we can feel, or live in different realms, environments, states. Just like a mystic lives in Altered States of Consciousness. Just like I have explained in this blog.... We can experience, there are :Different states of consciousness, which are directly affect by God and his judgement of "me and my soul." As a mystic we may experience different states here on Earth! While some may think that the only time their consciousness state changes is when they die. The paragraph continues:

Our life is limited in its extent and still more limited in its possession, for it comes to us bit by bit, in succession and not all at once.

!!!! I have made this statement, without correlation to what was written in this book on the first page of the first Chapter!!! Meaning I have commented on this truth, and learned it AS A MYSTIC, WITHOUT KNOWING IT WAS THE CHRISTIAN TRUTH!!!! How? Because I learned, extensively, about time and space. You will see, by reading this blog, the truth of time and space and how it affects us as humans different that other beings, including God. We feel the affects of time and space because of our consciousness, one second must happen for an event to take place in linear time...bit by bit. If we all learned about time traveling, like I did, and realized some beings travel threw time~ ie: time and space could be bent, changed, shattered even: We would understand more about the reality of Earth, the Universe, all realities and GOD!!!! God does not live in time and space like we do as a human, he is outside it!!! Point 3

"We have to let go of one moment to take hold of the next....God's life is unlimited in any way; He possesses the whole of it at once.."

I have written of my experiences in changing time and space. How I feel I have time traveled and how I was taught by something the true affects of time. This is no joke. I knew hardly anything about time and space, and the reality of it before 2007. I was taught via a power that was unseen, even unheard by others, how beings live without time and space, how time and space can change, how we can move through time and space like a time traveler (I did this with help). I learned how when living in one moment as a human I could, because of my deep mystic connection, change another moment in the past or future....

I have written of examples of time and space paranormally changing before, the most common is my ability to hear or see something that is directly affected by my thoughts in the moment. I highlighted this because it is the absolute truth and very important to understand. It is what I've learned certain mystics do...what they've learned they can do (like a psychic, supernatural gift)... By affecting let's say a song on the radio via my mind, the point of how time and space doesn't exist is proven; the song was written in a different time and space, yet my mind has direct influence over it~ THUS GOD CAN EASILY BRING ABOUT THE PAST TO BE AFFECTED BY THE CURRENT MOMENT, HE CONTROLS TIME AND SPACE BECAUSE HE IS OUTSIDE OF IT--HE IS THE WHOLE OF IT, THE CREATOR OF IT. If God chooses to have a moment affected by something that is not in it's time or space, but another one, he can do this!!! Meaning he time travels, yes, and can get others in their consciousness to do the same. They may not physically time travel, though people do of course, but rather in their minds be aware of how they affect music, tv, film, something in the past... How would a person know they affected the past, unless it came back to them somehow and they were shown their affect of it? The past must come to the person via the media, communication outlets we have here on Earth like radio, tv, film, print, etc. THIS IS HOW I LEARNED I TIME TRAVEL, OR AFFECT THE PAST & FUTURE. Point 4

So, as we come to understand. In Christianity we are taught God has no space or time, he created it and we feel it by our consciousness and physical mind (senses) on earth. If our sense told us of a place that had non-linear time, let's say an earth where we could go and affect the past and future (not just the moment) we would be in a different consciousness that makes the truth of time and space more apparent. As it is, certain people have had experiences with time and space that prove it is not just linear! Cont. Point 4

God is from the beginning and end, by this we mean the creation of our consciousness and the end of it, but for him his consciousness goes much further. God is omnipotent because he has read every mind since the beginning of time, and in fact is controlling time and space so that everything that should happen will, and everything that shouldn't won't. THIS LAST POINT I WILL MAKE IN ANOTHER POST AND ADD REFERENCES, AS I HAVE LEARNED SOME EYE AWAKENING TRUTHS THAT PROVE GOD'S CONTROL OVER EVERY SECOND ON EARTH, DESPITE FREE WILL!!! Point 5

So, in his knowledge is every human, every soul, every action, thought, event, etc. This is boiled down to exact pinpoint moments, including every persons existence so that whatever happens in his or her life is already seen and known by GOD!!!! A very important point, his knowledge includes all, everything that happens down to a wink of an eye, a move of a blade of grass!!!! As a mystic, I have learned this as the truth and in fact had experiences that prove these points, so that my eyes are open to his power and the ultimate truth!!! I have explained some of my experiences in previous blogs and will in future blogs. Let it be known, that as a mystic the experiences were so new in the beginning that I had to learn what was happening and what it proved. Just as life on earth teaches every human, my life and moments as a mystic has taught me, but what it taught me is God!!!

What "The Tremendous Lover" writes in the first chapter, is the beginning of time. What happened in all truth from the start of the Universe, from the start of humans. It is so very important to note what it was to be a human, the first created. Who were Adam and Eve and what were there characteristics? Also what happened back then? We are obligated to know this knowledge, more so we are curious beings who wish to inquire of our beginning as a species and as a world. As a mystic, I have had experiences that directly tie in to the truth; meaning I experienced certain events (outside my control) that lead me to understand more of the truth as it is taught by the Christian church. As I read "TTLover" my eyes were opened to what the truth was/is... and it created such a picture that fundamentally my soul, mind, views are forever changed. It's as if I saw the beginning, I was a participant in it's truth rather than a past believer being told... I shall write about the first chapter of "TTL" and my experiences in my next blog!

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