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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life as we know It!

         "I have been writing and thinking for months. The thesis is long and hard and deliberate. The pov is not my own, but yet attached to me. I can only realize that I am enlightened, and beyond the norm.... but when I do this and wish the hardest against GOD... he brings me what I wish for... which is again beyond the norm... yet somehow normal. I have found a place among the thieves, psychics, and psychological tested (or will be queried)... Meaning they, the human, and mankind have something... yet to put into words in hard, confusing, and backwards... until they open there eyes and see they do not know. Until they open there ears and hear, they do not understand." From one who has lost the bible right and lives in LA.

I see what they see. That time and space is a manifold, and that we time travel. Black holes exist everywhere and that the mind can bend matter, people, minds, things.... everything to create anything imaginable... but maybe on a another dimension. The sorry part about this, is to much loses or fails. If we create... anything... it is real!!!! Thus this picture depicts the truth. Thus what is "being" the green (like a green screen in movies) is what can be created around the "truth" the "finite" and the circles are what actually exists and how it does (like a human controlling the mind/being of others so that they are apart of the larger group, aka what one thing says or creates) .... Like the being says x--then another y which = Z, or because of x-y-z the being does a- which leads to a.b.c.d.e..... 
Nothing else is created in the universe until.... ??? 
If all this plays on D Branes, then the D branes need 2 opposites, 2 finite beings, and it creates everything else... but this is not like a normal human brain... but something more powerful, superior, and alien... machine like. Like AI.... with purpose and meaning, universal meaning. I mean this as an answer to both everything and something... not nothing, but rather a thesis... a answer to the problem of who, what, where, and def. HOW!!!! 

Who: Me & another human or other humans.
What: Creation, a.b.c.d....z
Where: Here, wherever I have been and another human/mind can exist.
How: Via God & .... my mind/soul/self &.... (see blog for more how)

1 comment:

  1. The image represents my view on reality as wel, for the most part anyway. The red things seem to be the conduits for consciousness to flow through. The arch on the right side is where consciousness exists when aware in human form (or whichever physical form). The conduits in the middle are where consciousness exists when aware in ´psychic´ realms such as when dreaming, or near death-, enlightemnemt-, mysical-, spiritual-, peak-, kundalini experience etc.
    The part where my view differs is that there also should be a floating dot on the far left to represent the conduit for consciousness when aware in eternity. There may also be a floating dot on the far right side for a conduit of awareness that I have not (yet) experienced but which is described by Dick Richardson of He died in march of this year.
