“In engaging in shamanic practice, one moves between what I term an Ordinary State of Consciousness (OSC) and a Shamanic State of Consciousness (SSC). These states of consciousness are the keys to understanding, what so many mean when they speak of “ordinary reality” and “nonordinary reality”. The state of consciousness I am writing about in my blog/book, I am going to label (ASC) for altered state of consciousness. It could also be termed (NOSC) for nonordinary state of consciousness. One specific time I was in ASC, I experienced clairaudience, and was told that I had the “keys” and “we win.” I later realized that this meant I could change my conscious state, altering my reality and even the reality of those with me, around me, or on this earth.
“The shaman, (or yogi, psychic, medium, mystic, or even meditative person) has the advantage of being able to move between states of consciousness a will. He can enter into the OSC and honestly agree with himself about the nature of reality from that perspective. Then the shaman can return to the SSC and obtain firsthand confirmation of the testimony of others who have reported on their experiences in that state.” It is important to note of Shamans who have heard of another’s report on their experience in SSC. This is just like anyone who has experienced an ASC telling another of what they have experienced in such a state or reality. Often enough the experience is already known before it is spoken. “I was now eager to solicit a professional opinion from the most supernaturally knowledgeable of the Indians, a blind shaman who had many excursions into the spirit world (aka: another dimension)….I was stunned. What I had experienced was already familiar to this barefoot, blind shaman. Known to him from his explorations of the same hidden world into which I had ventured.” Why are all psychic medium experiences the same? Why do we know have so many words and descriptions for the supernatural, psi, paranormal, unknown? Because, they are becoming known! More and more we are understanding paranormal events, spirit encounters, unexplained phenomena, psychic abilities, all which happen in an nonordinary reality, or ASC.
“The noted Gallup Organ 1996 poll showed a remarkable 72 percent of people believed in life on other planets. In a stunning 2005 poll more people are likely to believe in ghosts and the paranormal than have faith in any organized religion. And another Gallup survey, taken in June of 2005, showed that about three in four Americans profess at least one paranormal belief.” PSIENCE.
I keep hearing, being told I was already known here. What if the world, as I knew/know it, already changed their consciousness to always know me? Trained people can forever switch between realities, one dimension, one reality, between OSC & ASC. Let's say the persons able to do this (like Shaman's, yogi's, mystic's) are changed, and with this change comes the direct change in their environment, in their reality. I have the ability to at will go from a OSC to an ASC, because of my deep meditations and work as a mystic, psychic. I forever can switch between realities, meaning so does the environment I am in.... That would explain me living on two, two distinctly separate states of consciousness. One where I am known, which every human is in one ASC---this is how soul readings are done, future reports, past reports, aura reports, etc... and one where I an a normal, successful 28 year old women. Understand that I can live for days, weeks in this altered reality, in this mystic consciousness!!!! And it is not just I living there, but other people as well!!!! I have spoken with other people in this consciousness, I have written proof that it exists!!! People call themselves psychic mediums, and are trying to prove there are ghosts, spirits from other dimensions; I have experience talking with spirits while in ASC. I also have experience talking via my mind to others in ASC. I also have experience talking to divine beings, beings from other dimensions, people from this earth that aren't in my close environment (right in front of me), etc, etc, etc. If I can prove another consciousness that I live on contains not only me but also other people here on this Earth…one where I am known, and explain myself, as a mystic, psychic medium, etc.... wouldn't that lead to more accepted answers, more truths being proven, more understanding of the reality associated with the paranormal?! What I am saying is not only I experience this ASC, OTHER PEOPLE DO AS WELL!!! JUST AS OTHERS CAN EXPERIENCE A GHOST ENCOUNTER OR PARANORMAL EVENT, OTHER PEOPLE WITH ME EXPERIENCE PSYCHIC POWERS (TELEPATHY) OR HEAR WHAT I HEAR (SPIRIT CONVERSE) OR HAVE SEEN WHAT I HAVE SEEN (PARANORMAL GLOBE/BEING)!!! It is as if we share our nonordinary reality, the same reality, the same dimension; just like Shamans do, or psychics, or mystics. So, one of my goals is to prove to others the ASC, and to document what we experience while "in it."
Make sense?
Hopefully, you'll read "Way of the Shaman" by Michael Harner, a very famous book!!!!
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