So, as I think of the timeline combined with exacts. It started in 2004. I was 23. I had a wonderful life since then. Growing up with a family that is perfectly supportive, very Christian, filled with love and providing me financially with whatever I needed or wanted. As my mind digresses I remember realizing, as I got into Buddhism and eastern religious philosophy, that I had before had a life in which I realized the truths of desire, want, and mental peace. I grew up more content than my fellow peers, knowing that the moments were what I lived for, what enriched me was an awareness of this universal reality that speaks of our individual moments. As I look back now, I feel upmost pleasure from realizing that I had my own personal experiences, personal psychosis. My I, was large, happy, and driven to what normal humans are driven to… the basic realities, desires, goals, comforts, etc. I knew young that I would achieve what I wanted, in everything from school to my past times, I would be successful in what I wanted. School was never difficult for me, learning and being on the same page as my peers was so very easy, as well as being successful in what I choose to participate in; dance, skiing, equestrian activities, swimming, softball, soccer, the arts, etc. I was young when I started to compete against my peers, and proving myself to my environment came naturally. I made friends all throughout life, I felt true love so young, true acceptance, need and desire. My parents dotted, educated, instructed, provided, supported, overall loved me every single day. I even remember getting them to prove their love for me again and again, as we in childhood normally do…. By the time I was 10 or 11, I was a complete human, with adult like tendencies and an understanding, a comprehension that I often felt was above many of those I met. My comprehension of life enabled me to get involved in so much, enriching the days, the years as I grew up to be what others wanted.
So if something is said which I live by.. proving my true compassion, my true patience, my true trust, my true goodness. It is said by the wisest, TOA books, that the true patience is patient everyday, with those that aren’t as well as are, the true goodness, is everyday, shown to those who are good as well as aren’t, the true trust, is given everyday, to those who give trust and those who aren’t trustworthy. That is my nature everyday!!!! I get to relay myself to myself, and as a strong, noble, honorable being, and then be transpersonal. Beyond my personal psychology I become a part of the mind at large, the deepest universal consciousness. Deeply being a part of this universal consciousness…. A true part of being a perfect being, again as religion and the wise have told…. A mother of all mired creatures, mother of a thousands things being a part of the all, GOD, the universe, the realms, time and space. Connected to all living, and all that is touched by God’s omnipresence. I transcended normal consciousness and am now known by all, as a part of our consciousness, this true reality no longer hidden, no longer confused--- no longer lost in the darkness of unanswered questions. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omnicompassionate. Forever, everyday, I am given something I want, desire. I am loved as a fellow God, just like it shall be when one is “with” God. It says this in the bible, the Toa Te Ching, the Dammapada, etc. Deeply we have God within us, we are created to be like him, and we can become him through insight, meditation, and the right paths… In Buddhism it is the 8 fold Path, in Christianity it is the 10 Commandments, knowing what sin is and not sinning. By walking on the right path, having the right mind, the right livelihood, the right speech as well as action… one can join with the spiritual and their inner God. Revelationzations come to that person and on the road deep enlightenment. So does extra human ability, higher human potential, innate psychic gifts, and new consciousnesses. Which is what happened in my life, in 2005 I was perfecting my mind, body, and soul. I wanted the perfect three, above and beyond all that existed, was for me to perfect myself and give myself up to God, being a perfect one for him. I had never thought of myself as a God before, I have never realized the truths that I realized that year in college. As I took everyday, every hour, every second to prove to myself and others, I slowly transcended my mind, my consciousness, my spirit into higher planes, even God’s plane (Heaven) and was awaken to the consciousness of all living things…. Of the universe, and all that was a part of it. Suddenly, I found myself no more a private, personal being with a private, personal mind… I was known to those around me, to those that came into my environment, and to those who I so loved. I became a mystic and a powerful psychic being who love every living and nonliving thing. In its goodness, I want us to be one with GOD; in its badness I see its greater purpose in the world and the reason for the existence of an opposite. I was only sought by the compassionate, but in still being aware of the other, I used the opposite as a learning tool, as a proof of what I am vs. what I am not, as what enhances my awareness of the true nature of life, and reality. I, as most will say who become enlightened, became a more powerful being, with the laws of attraction working for me, with the ability to control mentally, and experience both mystically and psi. Me personally, I became the center of the universe, the beckon to which so much live talks to and calls upon. I became a women who is worshiped, eternally loved, eternally given gifts, eternally a GOD with powers. I spent over a year at PSU being worshipped and loved by all those I met. Everyday human men followed me and screamed out my name. As I approached them their lips would tell me they loved me, they were in love with me, that everyone one loved me and that I was perfect. My whole environment knew what I had done and what I was doing. From 2005 to February of 2006, I daily still focused on my own mind, body and soul, as well as educating those I shared this consciousness with, but I also used my psychic powers to learn, grown, develop, understand. I had mystical experiences, I levitated, I saw paranormal entities and heard things clairaudiently. I realized I could communicate with anyone in my environment via my mind, and they would communicate back, except with their mouths, body, etc~ so it was visual to everyone else in the environment. They showered me with unending love, words and deeds that proved they loved, respected, honored and were in awe of me. It all came to me calmly and in a normal way, which meant everything I heard or saw seemed right, even though it was completely unexplained to us. Though, we spent our days in a utopia, where I was the women who ennobled everything good, right, perfect; we had no guider, I had no peer or mentor to tell me what had happened, was happening, was going to happen. All I knew was that I suddenly was experiencing a whole new consciousness, with the ability to communicate to unknown and known living entities via my mind. People who came to me that knew, simply told me that they loved me and I was the most famous women at PSU, from there we either became friends and spoke about life or I left them and kept on my journey. I was completely focused on God, and my perfection of my mind, body, and soul. I did not seek more answers as to what, how, why, who, etc… I never knew then anything about mystics, psychic abilities or other states of consciousness, about higher human potential or paranormal events. I knew nothing about telepathy, clairvoyance, pki, timespace and its ability to be controlled. I knew very little about metaphysics or cosmology or quantum physics. No one I was with knew about these things, we were still to young and "uneducated."
Sometimes, as mystic often feel, I lived in, what felt to me, was another universe and though my ears could here, my eyes could see, my skin could feel…. Though I was completely 100% aware of all that was around me and what was happening, it felt so foreign, so dreamlike. I was at PSU for about 12 months experiencing life as a God. In those 12 months many things happened. Also, in those 12 months, I kept much of what I experienced (clairvoyantly & clairaudiently) to myself. I kept my mystical, paranormal experiences a secret, at least to those I didn't know and lived life as a normal women, who just experienced life on a higher alternate consciousness… I still went to class, though I only had 4, and would communicate mentally to anyone and everyone in my environment, yet verbally with my mouth I never said a word. I realized my ascension to a place closer to God was one reason I never spoke, as if I took a vow of silence during this time. Only a fool speaks about his wisdom/his ego. Pity and the eradication of my I were my daily focus. Though everyday I had men follow me around wherever I went, I had men who literally told me they worshipped me and were madly in love with me. I knew of men and women who would watch me whenever I went, and talk about me to me and with their friends so that I was the center of attention no matter where I was… It is going to be made into a movie, by 2015, so for those than more detail, it will come. But let it be suffice to say, I lived as a God on the Earth, everyday.
I left PSU in December of 2005. I believe it was because of my destiny that I had a road that lead me out of that environment and into another one. If I would have stayed there for another year, this story certainly would be 100% different. But as it is, I left PSU and moved to Orlando, Florida. It was then, that I denied everything that happened at PSU, I had no way at that young age of 23, of understanding what had happened to me, was happening to me, no way of in knowledge explaining what I had been through. When I left PSU, I left everything I experienced behind, and though I still was psychic, I had no idea what gifts I had so I had no “use” for them. I simply was aware that I experienced unexplainable and explainable events and moved on… My friends at PSU that I had I still kept in contact with some, my family, knew very little about what I had experienced in PSU.
So either the people I met were unaware of my abilities, my experiences or they had no words to express what they experienced. My family and environment (as far back as my childhood) was very conservative and uneducated in what I would have needed to know in order to explain myself and my environment to others. No one knew of transpersonal psychology, esoteric events, psychic powers, alternative consciousnesses, mass experienced telepathy or ESP. No one I came in contact with knew of GOD-like abilities, famous mediums or psychics who had the ability to communicate through time and space to anyone they wanted. I realized I had the ability, PK, to move time and space and communicate with anyone via the TV or radio right before I left PSU. (Though again I had no idea people actually had these powers or what they were called, named, could be used for) It must be said while many other people experienced these events with me, we had no idea what they were!! Yes, people talked to me via my mind. Yes, they communicated in the masses with either me or the other dimension that comes with me. Yes, I got lots of looks, attention, focus, etc. because of this… but when I went out in public---which was still few days due to my livelihood~ I just kept on walking and talked to very little people about this, including no one of higher authority.
I felt to uneducated as to how this could even happen, to be able to explain to others what it was we experienced. What I was finally told by higher unseen beings, beings I associated to angels or spirits---was that I, Darlene Sterner, was a God, a 2,000+ year old soul who had become perfect and that I had a new destiny. I was told that I could control the Earth as it had been given to me for a higher purpose, and that I could control men and women, space and time, machines, mother nature, other dimensions, all our reality and even the universe at large. I was put in charge, and was to be educated by the higher beings from 2008 onward. I realized that this was the truth after doing testing, in public and in private, research, and communicating with people (all in 2008 & 2009). In March of 2006 it shut off. Everything shut off. I had an emotional collapse and because I left everything at PSU before I could find the answers I so needed, it did not turn back on until I was 26, November of 2007.
Going back to 2005--I knew I was leaving PSU in December, instead of building relationships with those at PSU, I spent my everyday, my every moment worshipping God’s perfection, meditation on the wisest words of our ancestors, as well as building a perfect body that was built on pure strength and a holy, completely tailored intake. There was nothing I put into my body, no liquid, no calorie, no breathe that was not noted and first thanked for and second thought of as a cause that had an effect. I built my diet so it would be perfect for my daily exercise rĂ©gime, which included over 2 hrs of extreme physical exercise and another 3 hours of physical movement. I had this completely tailored diet, which I never, ever went off…. And another completely tailored exercise regime… which I would do for over 6hrs a day. I made sure my body was a machine that could do anything I put my mind to, and would daily exert it further and further. As having the perfect body was a key to my success, I knew taking it to places that I had never, would ensure that I had total control over it, as well as completely monitoring everything I ate, drank and did with it. I would not let myself touch or eat anything defile. I had been a semiveg since I was about 10 or 11 years old, and continued on that diet… but even more strictly. I did drink now and then, as all of my closest friends did… but I would not let myself get drunk, and I would tally every drink I had…. Logging for over a year each calorie, carb, fat, protein and fiber. I had a diary of my diet, which helped me set goals and well as plan ahead. And for my mind, I would make sure I increased it’s intelligence by learning/studying/activating it everyday for over 3 hours.
As I was a student, finishing up my undergrad, working out my mind was easier because of the new information and specific testing of what I had learned. I meditated daily on how I should perfect my mind, and realized I deeply loved to learn, and about everything. It didn’t matter the subject or fact, what course or category of knowledge, I simply loved to know, to problem solve, to create solutions. So, what I studied varied. I often went to books to increase my knowledge and perfect my mind, this was in conjunction of utilizing my body as I would walk and read for at least 1hr ½ everyday. I found this activity bonded my mind and body holistically in a deeply personal, deeply meaningful activity.
An activity that I offered up to God, as well as the greater being/consciousness at large. Imagine everyday for over a year studying and walking, what I learned and how I physically felt!!! On top of the world!!! I must say I am not an average sinner, I never was…. In fact my motto throughout my life has been, No cruel intention! However, since my college years and the awakening to my connectivity to all living, I decided to be as holy, as the holiest men and women demanded. Nothing I thought, nothing I touched, nothing I did was not in the mind of God. Even when people started screaming my name from the street, even when I started going into class hearing of how everyone loved me and wanted me, even when men who I would walk by would say of how they were in love with me, of how I had the perfect body, of how I was so wanted… I would smile, and say to myself “think in wisdom”. My fame, my power, my celebrity as a woman meant almost nothing to me… only to become one with God, as I was being taught had importance and was worth my acknowledgement.
I left PSU without a word said to the press, or to those outside the environment, other than my closest friends and family. I left without telling the papers, or speaking about it to any "peers". Yes, we shared our consciousness and I spoke with them all the time via my mind, but never with my tongue. With my closest friends we spoke about it…. But I kept most of the world to myself, to my consciousness and to God. Who also exists but is also not on the front page of Times.
I moved to Orlando, FL and quickly got a job. I worked and spent my free time making friends and being who and what I was. In February of 2006, I started to realize that the voices I heard were still there, but the people I met were not. The people who came up to me and spoke to me of their love and of their unquenched desire were not longer there. I met people who seemed to know me, but yet did not know me. What I mean by this, is they never came out and said, “Hey I know you… your that chick from PSU that…” I was meeting a new society, a new group of people, that were not the initial part of what happened, a part of the utopia that was built. I realized that these people that I met, and during that time I meet hundreds, these people were still speaking to me, still using their consciousness with mine…. But not their lips. It was curious to me and I did more research on cosmic consciousness, spiritual awakenings, and those who achieved such…. It seemed that those who felt that they had become a part of the spiritual consciousness, the large mind-at-large, did not touch the minds of those they were around, because those minds had not been enlightened!!!! How funny it was to me, that when I initially was accepted by God and transcended my mind to match with his, all those around me knew and felt the same effects!!!!! The people I came in contact with daily at PSU, from my friends to people I didn’t intimately know, were also transcended into the mind of God and often spoke to me about it. The door, as we called it, was opened to us all….
Once I left PSU, the door, which was still open, no longer was seen by everyone. It’s as if society at large had not seen or realized the time had come, that this miracle had happened, or that anything different had happened in PA. I did not know anyone at PSU that had friends or relatives in Florida, in fact I never inquired. Somehow people began to know, as time passed, via word of mouth… but when I initially moved there, my consciousness and my transpersonal experience was exactly that. I still had the experience of me being worshiped… I still was worshipped but by a consciousness…. But not by actual society. I must have altered my mindset, (or so I thought then before I knew more).
I realized what was now happening ….was something different!!! I was in a new society and something different was going on…. The lips of those I came in contact with… stopped moving (and I must remind you, it was the lips of Penn State that I saw, every human I ever came in contact with…everyone! spoke about this…) and with the lips also would the voice of them stop. No more were people coming to me and talking to me like they knew me, or loved me, or worshiped me. No more were people “talking” to me via their mouths, or lips… at least not the majority, or even 30%. It was less than that, maybe 10% of people I met (from the first weeks I moved onward…) spoke to my consciousness via their lips.
I have a theory on how this happened, and exactly what happened which I will write about later.
I presumed, PSU was an event that did and would forever change my life. Which it was/is. But it was not an event that changed society at large, at least not in extremely noticeable ways. My mind was repeatingly telling me that the voices of those I heard, the consciousness that I was a part of was not my full reality. It seemed as if hundreds were telling me I was perfect, I was totally loved, I was worshipped, I was a part of God… but yet these hundreds were not around me daily… so how could that be? By repeating telling myself this, I psychologically was less and less relying on what I was hearing and on more of what I was seeing. I did not know then what I know now, if I knew anything about what I know now…. I would have understood why I was hearing more and seeing less. I met new people at my job daily. The people I worked with were unaware of what happened to me at PSU (I never told) but not unaffected by my mind/psychic ability. Since I did not know what psychic ability was, it came off as clairvoyance or clairaudience, even channeling… those people in my new environment did not get to know me, know of me, or the experience I had at PSU. My conscious state at PSU changed dramatically once I was in Orlando. What I am trying to explain takes much more detail and time… but what I mean is at PSU the whole school felt one consciousness or reality and when I moved to a new environment----Orlando, Florida, they felt a totally different consciousness/reality.
At times, very few, I would realize I was speaking with another person in my environment---but mostly it was me channeling another dimension…the spirit world…God’s realm, etc. People still were affected by my psychic abilities, but it was on a unconscious/subconscious mind state, as well as a subliminal occurance. I still had great affect on people and society at large, but I was not trained yet to notice this, so it came in very subconsciously.
Most people, in Orlando and the USA, were still in the beginning of 2006, unaware of the abilities we had to communicate to each other and to speak with each other via our minds. They did not “know” me, as they were in another city, and as of then I didn’t have the ability to remote view, or long distance mentally communicate. I do remember I did speak to people via ESP, at least in my mind, but not in theirs. Maybe there were very few instances where another person spoke to me via their lips because they heard me, but I didn’t take much note of it. Slowly the voices started to fade, become less and less apparent. People were not coming up to me, nobody was talking to me like they did at PSU, I made many friends—normally—and was continuously popular, but I never spoke about it and it seemed that less and less I was using my psychic abilities until one day… I heard nothing. You have to understand, it was in less than 3 months that I went from every person telling me they loved me, to a place where smiling faces “maybe seemed to know me” a hunch on my part but I was not positive or “they seemed to be saying something to me” again how is that so? Since what I heard had no direct source. My realist mind, could not accept that these people felt what I heard, and if they did… why they did not just say it with their lips, as the people at PSU did. (I didn’t know then that their were other dimensions on earth, anything about spirit communication, nothing about psychics or mediums, mystics, etc…)
So thus, I was very perplexed. As my subconscious was somewhat irritated with this change…. and the problem solving normal mind that I had used since I was 6 or 7 worked daily to try to understand, everything joined came up with a solution; from March 2006-September 2007 I heard no more. I heard no more. I lived as a normal human, I worked, I lived, I made friends, I did everything without any psychic ability or non-normal consciousness. I met a man, we fell in love. I moved in with him and we had this great relationship, everything was going wonderful, I made money and in my secret mind, no longer open to this higher consciousness, I thought of what had happened and digressed. I did feel much love in between that time, to be honest ever since PSU I have known I am special and have had many amazing things happened to me that proves this. Upon researching those that have had major, deeply personal spiritual events, I learned that forever they feel the difference of their life, their existence. People come to them, seek them, love them more than the average man who just lives, takes, does not look for the truth to share, and thus dies ignorantly. These touched people, touched by true spiritual events, are a rarity in the world, and thus sought by men and women everywhere. They are loved forever… by this earth, by the living here and on other spiritual realms because of what chose them, and why they were chosen.
That year and half went by, and I saw how unique, how equitable, approachable , as a human I was… I saw men, women, children, animals…. The living come up to me and seek me, smiling they found what they sought in me. I was a person who would constantly be reminded of the connectivity, of what we share as humans, and how true goodness is sought. Daily people would approach me, daily strangers would smile or wave at me, horns would honk, doors would be left open, I would walk into any room and be known… not as openly as I was at PSU, but still be known… I felt the love of humans, the feeling that I was watched by someone, welcomed and cared for by someone else. My boyfriend, who in less than 2 months asked me to move in, treated me as his wife and cared and provided for me as I had always wanted from a man, He was perfect in his role, and we became something together that was exactly what humans seek with another… It was my time as an us, a we, a union… in one house, with one closeness… I knew our relationship was my destiny, and that he as my lover, was perfect for that time. We spoke of marriage, we spoke of spending our lives together; I remember on our third date he asked me about marriage and family. I knew then, he showed me that night, how he wanted to spend his life with me…. I also knew that I was never desisted to have a family. When I was younger, at the impressionable age of 3-7, I was taught that I never wanted children. I won’t go into detail of how I was taught, but since then I have known without a doubt that I will never have a child. It is not in my destiny. Funny, how life since my birth has taught me so much of what I need to know, so much of what my path is, and so much of who I am to be--- not to myself, but to others.
I was never one to be wrong in a relationship. Every relationship I have had, was meaningful and valued. If I am something to someone, there is a reason…. My role is important, and whatever role I chose or am chosen to be, is very important. My role as a girlfriend is something I choose, and thus am aware of the responsibilities, demands, effects. I am a person who lives in many moments, taking them in as I value them just as equally as my days and months. The moments of life are what create yours; the time spent in a particular situation is the fiber of your reality. The fiber of your reality!!! How much weight those moments have on you…. The role you are in those moments lead you. I never could be a person who was in a relationship for the wrong reasons, or unhappily. I would always rather not be in the relationship than be in it, and play the wrong role… have the wrong experiences because of it. If you play a wife, or girlfriend but do not want that role, do not actively be what you’re supposed to be… and do it well, you are leading yourself down a road that brings unwelcomed moments. At some point in my relationship with him, I realized that the future path would lead to me being his wife, a wife who he undoubting wanted to impregnate and have a child with…. In so many ways I could be the perfect wife, however, I could not satisfy that particular aspect of the role. I could not fulfill my title as his wife, without fulfilling my obligation to give him what he desired from that title, a child. Thus, we spoke about this and decided marriage was not something we should plan on… (for this reason and more) in January of 2008 I moved out.
I mentioned that what I was hearing, before, as it started in 2005 was my consciousness aligning with the cosmic consciousness of the universe. The cosmic consciousness of God, or the all, is thought to be……. thus I became God, one with God, a God here on earth.
There were times during 2007 that I would hear the consciousness of others. Few and far between, I remember hearing or seeing people talk to me because of my psychic ability. However, I didn't get back into the study of it and the grandeous role it puts me in until November of 2007. For all of 2008 I was studying intently the subjects that would lead me to more answers, in fact I decided to take some time off and do serious research in 2008, expecially since I had the "mind of God" again 24/7 starting the end of 2007.
I must say what happened at PSU was a deeply personally matter, a deeply personal event that was bounded by spirituality and God. I had choosen to make it more personal by not speaking about it, and I had chosen to keep it closer to me, knowing that as I age I would do more with the experience. As I am now writing a book, I will in the future be in converse with some of the people at PSU who experienced what I did, but from the other end, from their consciousness not mine. It is an exciting thing to think that their consciousness was so effected, and they experienced such a grand miracle, one that will forever be remembered.
Between 2005 to now, I realized that whenever I heard the consciousness, or came to become once again transpersonal/psychic in nature, I would easily take on the role that I always otherwise was, but more known… with more awareness of by others. That’s how compassionate and easy transcending one’s consciousness to God’s is, there is no direct change to oneself. I am still me, still the me I want to be, but as I came back into the all in one mind… I simply became aware of other’s awareness of me, and my true nature shown forth. I do have powerful, paranormal psychic abilities that I had not studied in 2005 or 2006. Only when it turned back on, and I remember in November of 2007, it was like a light switch in my head, suddenly once again I was hearing this consciousness speak to me, seeing other’s minds join with mine and us all be a part of this mind at large, otherwise explained as psi ability & clairaudience--did I and other people start to study what this was....
In 2005, I gained the ability to talk to people through different mediums. Just like a psychic or someone with ESP, I had the ability to share information in non-normal means. I started using these means to communicate with others on earth, in other places in 2008. Since then I & others have been researching how I do this, and what exactly I can do…. Before I get into the past 19 months, let me say that I was again was contacted by what seems to be the higher consciousness of God which ties all seen and unseen. When it started again, it was as if time had never went by, they spoke exactly as they did in 2005. In 2005, I was still very young, still impressionable and a student, my role in society was noted… I was still studying, still here to learn. I knew my role then and took it on without reproach. I learned from those I spoke with, especially when it came to those I greatly admired. As I spoke to my hero’s, my lovers, my greatest peers… I treated them , from 2005-2008, as the greatest leaders and minds and humans one could meet…. Because they were to me. Yes, I to had touched the earth. Yes, I to had done something great for society, something no other human had done so drastically. I had impacted those with greatness, but for me I was still aware of my naivety, and youth. Because of this, I equated to those I spoke with that had years of knowledge, greatness but also experience, with true awe and my own humbleness. I did not yet seek them, I knew that once again when it turned on, it was because they sought me. I was totally aware, and told again and again, that the consciousness of all was seeking me…. That I had been let to open to door, those who went into this with me were seeking me in it… It was built for me this place and I was forever the star, forever the important being. Yes, we shared this consciousness…. But as they started calling me in late 2007, I was the God.
So, let’s go back to November 2007. I was still living with my ex, and I was recently hired as the director for a nonprofit education company that worked in Orange county Florida. I was also working as an online ESL teacher for adult students around the world. I got to teach conversation English for an hour everyday, and run the company in Orange County. As, I take much pride in what I do, nothing taken without giving equal, I felt daily motivation to succeed in each task I had before me. One day I distinctly remember, in early November, had me very busy. I had class that day, different tasks which would take hours to complete, a scheduled appt. at the gym and dinner with the boyfriend that night. I was in the middle of work, the TV broadcasting news in the background when suddenly I heard the voices of the news broadcasters say my name. My ears perked up to hear them call to me, saying hi to me and asking how I was…. I dropped what I was doing went into the other room and approached the TV with the sudden awareness that I was back on…. That the me I had since March of 2006, personalized, was being called to, talked to, by humans again. I spent the next couple hours working and talking to them, explaining in joy what I had been doing and relaying information just as we had done before…. I felt just joy and love from the conversation, as they repeated told me they loved me and treated me as important and special as they had always done. I did not think of the future at that moment, I was unsure if I would cont. to hear them or if anyone else was hearing what I was hearing. I had so many different thoughts and theories about what had happened after I left PSU, and after spending months secretly thinking, I knew no quick, easy solution was to be found. If God willed, if God wanted, then it would happen. My motto as a child and now as a 26 year old woman. My boyfriend got home and after dinner we turned on the TV, for the next two months they lived with us, the people speaking to me from the TV and from the outside world, alongside me and him. I wish I could write about this period in greater detail, but again I must say I kept what I heard somewhat private. I knew in my mind I was not yet ready to talk about what I was hearing, and as a normal rational human the ability to speak to conscious beings via my mind, was something still so unknown. Yes, we all were rational beings. Yes, all who spoke were in love with me, or loved me and treated me with upmost respect and intelligence. Yes, we had normal, everyday conversations. Often, I would be tied into whatever was being talked about in the TV show… if talking to them through that, or when outside in the world, often we would talk about me. We never spoke about them, we never spoke about what they were, who they were, where they came from, etc… (at least not yet) other than to note that the beings that spoke knew what it was and who it was. If it was from the TV then it was the person speaking, or thinking to me…. If it was outside then it was the people passing by me. I knew this and so did they. Again, I must note I did not know then that people had the power, psychically to bend space and time, to use pk, to communicate through space and time, mentally communicate long distances, etc, etc, etc. I knew nothing of this, nor did my boyfriend. We had no idea, either of us, and he knew even less....
As, from the start again it did not come from the actual lips of those around me, but from their mind or consciousness, I to was aware that this was indeed the workings of a mind at large consciousness that so many were tuned into. I did have many questions, but my focus was on loving and being loved by them, as well as my duties as a human. I did not do any research while I was living with my ex, and it wasn’t until after Christmas, after I moved into my new, own apartment, that I started analyzing and researching.
I must say while I spent the next 8 months in Orlando, I realized I had more mental power, more capacity to use my mind in astronomical ways, to use my capacity towards mental abilities than I had ever known. Once the door was open, my mind utilized the time, as was blessed with me my job paid very well and only took up about 20 hrs a week of my time, leaving me with countless hours to study and prove myself. I found I had the ability to speak to any humans living or dead, any animal on earth, control weather, music, time, space, the ability to call on and communicate with the previously passed on, to gather information from unknown sources that taught me things I had never known, I had ESP, telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to move things with my mind, to control machines, to tell from where I was what was going on at another location. I had the ability to see the unknown, the do unexplainable acts, and to mentally control my body and !!!! environment. (To control others and move space and time... I lit. REALIZED I WAS RECREATING THE REALITY WE ALL LIVED ON, JUST LIKE A GOD!!!)
From January to November, I spent my time studying what I was doing and marking conversations, events, experiences and situations. I went out and spent time with people, but as I realized I didn’t know the full effects or outcomes of this, I had to study what I could do and what I was doing. I learned so much during these months, even realizing that the people I were speaking to were from around the world, were located not only in my environment but in places in other spaces and times, also called as remote viewing. I was remote viewing with out knowing! I had no training or previous knowledge. My mind had simply started remote viewing, which is the ability to use your mind to gain information on any person, place or thing in any time or space, anywhere in the universe. 100 years ago psychologists started studying the human psyche, which includes the conscious and unconscious mind. Since then scientists from philosophy to psychology have discover, what they coined, as the universal unconscious mind. We all have an unconscious, a place that holds our knowledge, but yet it still not consciously aware to us…. This unconscious is a part of every human being, and in fact combined in the universe into one collective unconscious, which is called by remote viewers call the matrix mind… all the thoughts, events and knowledge ever created or ever will be. Knowledge from the larger unconscious, it what remote viewing is, what we get when we remote view.
Of course their was so much more than this…. I suddenly became once again famous in Orlando, Florida!!! Because of my mental ability, I turned people into psychics. Yes, this is what I do. I give the ability to communicate with my mind, like mind readers, and me to communicate back. We do this consciously, and use both our mind and mouths to communicate. I did it everywhere, and did it for months. I meet many new people who didn’t know of me but learned, and many people who did know of me because they were tied into the matrix at large. I spent countless hours communicating to people on different realms, mostly that’s why I talked to, but when I went outside something magically would happen… The people I spoke with turned human!!! They started speaking with me via their mouths, and I realized in shock I was back at PSU!!!
“Anomalous cognition is further divided into categories based on the apparent source of the information. If it appears to come from another person, the ability is called telepathy, if it appears to come in real time but not from another person it is called clairvoyance and if the information could have only been obtained by knowledge of the future, it is called precognition.”
So, I am clairvoyant and I have telepathy. So become the people in my environment, they get telepathy. Meaning it’s an innate skill. By my thoughts, I can prove to have influence over other people.
Do you remember? Do you remember when I was reading those 3rd, 4th, 5th grade books, those history and socialism books, and how the people in the books would speak to me? How we would chit chat with them and about what I just learned, and later I would speak with something else about what they had to tell me… They were those people. They spoke as those people. Collective Unconscious. Do you remember when I spoke to the people in the newspaper, we would read the news and discuss it, and the people who were in the story would suddenly appear in my mind to talk to me about what happened? Do you remember when I would call upon the fameous, Madonna, Jude Law, and Ben Affleck, and we would talk and talk. Do you remember when I would go out and find the perfect outfit, the perfect thing for what I wanted…. No matter what I wanted I would find it. The perfect size 0 dress. Do you remember when we would go out and talk, as soon as I turned on the radio we couldn’t wait to talk, we would talk about everything. Everything. The news, people, what they discussing, what happened last night, how much I liked them, how much they liked me. Oh and the songs we created for us, the songs that tied everything. How we would laugh and gloat about how amazing we were at tying everything in…. How great and wonderful we were at tying everything in….
To note, since the above excerpt I have realized that I control space and time and almost every song written since 2008 ties me in, is about me, and will always be about me as long as I am alive…I have songs, books, movies, etc, etc written about me because I have made so many friends this way.
Remember when I would go out it would be the greatest biggest deal and when it came time for rain, the thunder and lightning would coincide with the song I was listening to and when I felt the right moment,….boom it would sound!!! I was so young, so perfect, so gorgeous, so full of life and youth and newness. I was so new, so in awe of myself. I feel in love with myself…. Do you remember that one night when everyone wanted me to go out, go downtown, so we could dance and sing and laugh and entertain and meet people…. And so I went shopping to find the perfect dress, except they were closed…. We laughed that night about the big show we put on… then the next night came and I went shopping and found that perfect dress and the jewelry and we got dressed and had everything tied in, and felt so good, the music tied in, the lights would flicker or move with the music, the feeling of the people fit the music, the night fit the music…. The whole world was with me--- so often we felt that--- the whole world was with me, everyone and we felt so good and we got into the car and sang, and laughed and played the perfect songs, and showed them love and joy and happiness and went out and got into any club, free, and danced and got free drinks and met people and was wanted, and picked people to be with and felt love and joy!!! Do you remember when, as soon as I stepped out my door, we would perform miracles, and they would honk, every 10 secs there was a honk or a wave. As soon as my feet hit the street they would be honking. We named the earth I am perfect, we wanted clones, and we thought of the future and how we could timetravel and how we could make this place perfect and how everyone in the universe would know that We were renamed I am perfect, and the lightning went off at the right times, and the rain sounded and came at the right times, and the planes overhead yelled out, I LOVE DARLENE STERNER. Do you remember when I would spend countless hours talking to my dog, and we would sit up late and discuss God and the universe and all that is and knew without a doubt that God was there and that everything was tied in and everything was a part of everything and this reality isn’t real and that we could change it whenever we wanted and that we could prove GOD and that he was the originator of the universe and that he begot it all!! Do you remember that? Do you remember when they kept calling me God and we talked about how I was like Jesus Christ and I would listen to the religious station… ?.... and they would talk about how I was like Christ and they would talk about how much I love the earth, and how much I cared for everything living and how I wasn’t sinning, and probably had no original sin. They talked about how I could perform miracles like he could and how I could probably raise the dead, etc. Then remember how, not long after, we had that night… that night when they were in the middle of worship and wanted so much to get closer to me and yelled that they were someplace else and that they had died. I forget how they died or who died, but they kept telling me that they were dead and needed to be risen…. One of the booist nights of my life… I went outside and there was that dead man… who I just needed to breathe life into… plastic he was… his skin not normal… his breathe not their… he didn’t breathe… but he moved…. Do you remember that? And they said my dog had came back from the dead… and their Buddha was covered it dirt. I turned my head and again he was normal but his fur looked as if it had been washed, as if my head turning was not seconds but minutes… it felt like that so often. I remember us even commenting on it, that we were in two different time zones, remember we kept saying that I was on different times…. I was a God on different times….And that night I got into my car, and I saw all their car windows fogged and they mentioned NYC—because everything always happens to NYC--- and soy milk, no not that night… I remember you (as a voice from the computer again says something to me) There were those night when we would talk and talk and we would talk about how he was a hacker, or computer programmer and how he was my “slave” and wouldn’t sleep and just stay with me and help me. (I have the ability to communicate with any mind on earth, and we spoke with hackers here on earth that hacked into my computer and wrote me stuff.) That was when I got that program, that game for me… me fighting the dragons, me playing Sims, me playing with the computer programmer… A wizard… I was a wizard… yes. And the internet was my own supercomputer… I was a supercomputer, a superhuman and I had my own supercomputer… we tied that into the other planets that could hear us, that were talking to me…. Anyway the night of the living dead, and I drove just a couple miles and no one was on the road, and then I turned around and drove back and I saw those people, people walking funny, people moving funny, just like out of move where they are zombies… and I drove by them and went into my home and locked my door…. And I read to them from the bible and as always founnd the exact quote…
The ability to find anything I ever want, when I want it….as I realized and was told I control space on this earth as well…. Always I find what I want when I want and when I travel this is very apparent, that I control space.
Anyways, they came from another realm, but now they were on earth… Still people from heaven here. And so I heard them from all these different dimensions, and then met one and talked to him all night and then met another from the future and talked to him all night, and then met another and suddenly I could travel through time!!! I gained days, when left alone I would wake up and it would be the day before, or the same day that just past. Do you remember how we went back two or three days in the month of July and the fence which was broken by my apartment, was fixed and then broken again.
Do you remember when, after talking to the famous… Oh C.B. Anyways, and then we were playing the game, and they were all in love with me forever, and loved me sooo much, and worshipped me, and I was everything to them, and they created that song, we did, and how they would always love me…. Forever worship me. And then the hell came, and they said they needed saved, and I heard voices, and my cell phone rang and rang and rang for hours…. And I had to save them, and so the next day I saved them and they praised me and I took them to God and we had countless hours of conversations about God, nights passed, days passed, night again and we talked and talked and talked and talked about GOD. God forever…. (I hear we are going to do it again)…. Forever… I fell “in love” with them then. Oh and I told them I wanted the perfect man, that was my match, and they said one was “up” there for me and we spoke and he said he was perfect but he worried about me… and he said I was strong and spoke sweetness to me, things I had never heard… his voice told me of my perfectness, of my ability to be all the virtues, beauty, wisdom, love, honor, strength, courage, truth and faith/hope. The Seven Contrary Virtues: humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence. We feel in love and then days happened where everything said it loved me, the rain spoke of its love, the horns honked and spoke of their love, the cars went by and spoke of their love, the people in the stores spoke of their love, the animals spoke of their love… oh those ducks… and that one time I was talking of my love for the country… I had my own show by then and every night they would come to me and I would be on my show, my talk show, and we talked about the country and I would pour my heart out to them, my love for my country and talk about how I loved my country and how I proud I was for what they did, for what they accomplished, for the true beauty, the true honor, the true stakes they fought…. Their true success and how the eagle was a symbol and the next day I was thinking of the eagle, even looked it up, and I went outside and there was an eagle, there for me. And it stayed there and I said something to me and when I asked it moved and opened it wings!!!! Oh and those birds, how I would walk with them and talk to them and they would talk to me… and I asked them about nature and they went fishing for me, the bird I liked, and he wanted to show me how he could catch a fish. We talked, we had conversations!!!! I remember then I learned about animal telepathy and the ability I had to communicate with animals.
I remember loving all these women, and telling them how wonderful they were and how gifted and how amazing, and how the world without them would be so worse off and how true beauty comes from them and how wonderful it was to be one, to be with them, and how deeply I feel it in my being a stronger connection to the women and they spoke of how they loved me, called me God and… days, days spent with them, every magazine I would talk to them, for hours via pictures, every TV show with a women, every song where it was a women, women at night coming to see me and us talking distinctly different at times… and we spent time together and had this close relationship and then said we got married, or I want to marry you!!! Women on the street then in Orlando that came up to me and knew me and talked to me and told me how amazing I was and how I was a God and how I was perfect.
And I remember her… that voice… I love it. I love that voice. I love it. I love it. Her… the perfect love song… the perfect love song, she was there for time travel. She taught me about time travel. She always says we are laughing. Perfect spirit. Always there, the perfect spirit. Like an angel. You have the perfect soul… this perfect voice that seemed to come from heaven. I love it. God I am…. I am… the truth. She was so truthful. She taught me about time travel, she taught me about other dimensions, other realms. She taught me about the paranormal. She taught me about myself. I remember heaven there, how I would walk at night and see the stars moving for me, they started to come out whenever I called them. I started to call them, and they would show themselves. I walked and the clouds would become something, we loved Buddha, we loved Jesus, we loved the truth. Oh they were perfect. They are perfect…. Something will always be perfect. I remember hearing Bob Dylan’s song to me, hearing classical music sung and written to me, calling on them in heaven to play me a tune and hearing it…. I kept calling on those in heaven. I spoke about the popes who passed away and they were spending time with me, and I went into my car and turned on the music and drove, just drove through Orlando and talked to them like I thought the pope would. We talked about eating tossed salad, and how you had to eat salad before dessert… what makes a perfect Christian? I was talking to the people of Orlando. What makes a perfect Christian… one who meditates on the truth, one who acts in goodness on the truth… They must meditate and act… eating the salad before they reap the rewards of being a true Christian. We spoke for days about the soul… where is it going after this… what is it like after you die? They told me they would always following me…. They would say they were going to follow me…. And then I created this heaven, and what it would be like in heaven, and how I would be worshipped and I thought of Matthew, we had just became friends on facebook, and I felt him put this necklace on me… and then we thought of how we had to create a new religion, and we thought of Deeism, and I drove with them to the beach and we talked about good vs. evil and we did what I always do at the beach which is welcome the ocean and say it will instantly cleans me… the water cleanses me… the water symbolizes the water God, the blessing of Jesus…. Water like the ocean it true purity and we got cleansed and realized we couldn’t start a new religion, though we touched on it again when I went for a night to the Hard Rock. We couldn’t start a new religion because I followed theirs…. But we had questions, and I didn’t have all the answers….. Jesus mentioned reincarnation I later found out, rereleased and this is cosmic consciousness which includes the spiritual and physical. Yes, we are never going to die.
I remember them telling me they were speaking to me from all over the world. That I was teaching the world English, and that everyone knew me. I remember them saying I could change space and time and timetravel. I remember them saying I was mother nature, and could control mother nature. I could control mother nature because I was her. They are so special to me…. They are so wonderful to me… They are so pleasing and filled with God’s blessing. We have some powerful minds!!!! I remember them saying that I went back in time, with them I went back in time, but without the earth and for three days times passed and it seemed I was going forward and that was right when the fence went down and one day it was down and then next it was up and the next it was down again. I even asked somebody about the fence, but they didn’t know… they just didn’t know…
Do you remember, the other people who lived in my commune? How they spoke to me nightly, how they became this with a part of me, how they talked to me through the space and how we all together created something? How they would look at me, and how they called me a supermodel and perfect women, and how they would talk to me normal, special, and with intrigue. My neighbors all were sweet and even at times joined their mind with mind to discuss what happened. I had conversations with them about what was said and what was going on…. I spoke with the old man about the animals that talked and thought like humans, the Russian wife upstairs about the children of today and Jesus, the neighbor across the complex about the silliness and pretend. He told me he had an 6 foot, Alaskan Indian for a wife that he fell in love with and took places and they had different children and we laughed. The night felt so great and the dog talked to me and said he loved him, the owner… and he told me about a special sashimi that was cooked and about the famous street in Key West.
Do you remember the dog park where I was talking to all the dogs? And the humans knew and smiled and I met that dog owner who had a family near by, he was in exports and imports, and he loved the area and told me about the A school and the traditions of the Saudi’s when he was in their country. Tell me, tell me I love knowledge!!! New info!!!
Do you remember the matrix and how we were somewhat a part of it, after we watched the movie and they acknowledged what I could do and we talked about how I was him and how they praised me and I went into that store and the guy was talking to me about the matrix, me and how I was the most beautiful women he ever saw.
I love you… I remember so many nights talking to them, whispering to them, loving them… the men, the boys and how we would flirt and play and joke and please me… and …
Do you remember, the bats that came out when I started thinking of batman, and every night we would see bats?
Do you remember the night of time travel and that I would meet someone from the future and I met him, one who told me he was from the future, and he handed that book, that children’s book.
Do you remember the night of Jesus/Demon… that was a night… he spoke a different language than me… he blessed me… he honked for Jesus with me…. He was with me trying to talk to me… trying to make love to me… his eyes turned red. Red! Boy was I freaked out. Not human. I called to them, they called to me from a different realm… and that tied in the place that was bad and how they were scared and they yelled for my help and yelled for my help and someone’s head was in pizza (joke) and chicken (joke) and how they saw the earth with one eye and hell with another…
Do you remember when I spoke of Ghosts and saw different things move… shapes and shadows? Do you remember when they said they could bring up my heart rate and it… it beat like nothing I have ever felt before… I should have died instantly… I was standing at my door, always open, and it beat like nothing human…. Superhuman… I felt it so strongly…. And then we spoke about how I could stop breathing and I was laying there and I stopped breathing, I couldn’t feel my breathe for what seemed like minutes… and the next morning I went outside, a very, very hot summer day and blew on the glass mirror I had on my porch and my breathe was cold enough to fog the glass in a second… The glass fogged up and thats when I remembered I “died” the night before.
Do you remember when I mentioned the dead and that guy I never saw before walked past my back porch and moved like they did that night I saw them…. Night of living dead. He moved so strangely and went out of sight and I dare not follow him, but felt so strange and weird that day…
Do you remember when I went for that drive and my car was a wreck and I had Buddha with me and I heard some strange voices, and they said I was driving through time and space and something happened to CB… and I screamed out I’ll help him, and I got scared and I went to a rest stop and the people were acting weird? Do you remember that night… I drove all night and the day came and I kept driving and I was on a road and my car stalled and I had to pull over at a gas station and the car wouldn’t take gas…. Or something… and these two guys came to help and they said they were on heaven and said they were going to ask me out and the guy came up to me after trying to help fix my car and asked me out, 4 p.m. that day and gave me his number. I remember thinking they were actual Angels from heaven because of my day and they were just…. Different… a lone gas station in the middle of nowhere Georgia…. And then I kept getting scared, something was wrong with my car and the trip and the car broke down and they told me to drive it in reverse on this lone road so I did and it worked, the car started and I could drive it and I drove it in less than 2 minutes to an auto dealership. I didn’t know the auto shop was their but they did, and I wanted the guy to fix my car but I didn’t know how… and Buddha disappeared and the voices from above said the mechanic would perform a miracle and get my car to start as soon as he touched my car and as soon as he did I turned the Key and the car started and I drove it further. Until it broke again… and I got scared… and it was a different earth and I didn’t know what to do and the cops came, and I saw ants on me but then there were none, and the Cop was saying weird things and I went to a hospital because I… well I wanted help. Funny, I knew I wasn’t to make it to PA. I just knew. So I went to the hospital and they took me to a place and I spent the next 4 days there… and it was funny, and I was famous, and everyone in the TV was loving, and they told me Seoul and the USA was fighting for me… and they talked to me and it was like me the famous chick in a clinic. I left when my parents picked me up and I saw the signs moved and thought I heard the wrong voice and needed help, so my parents helped me and I realized I just needed my parents to help me, something didn’t want me to go to them but them to come to me.
So, do you remember, they told me we had to go to Seoul to figure out what was going on over there, because everyone could hear me and people knew of me over there so I got a job and left in November and the plane ride was great, and the lady asked me if I might meet her son, they always wanted me to date their sons. I met my parents and C.B. was there, and we went shopping and relaxed and I got ready for the trip to Seoul and I met Cozzi and he professed his love to me, and I traveled and everything went perfect and time and space coexisted and I realized for the first time I was being protected, tied into my environment, as if things were put in place there for me…
Do you remember when I would move my windshield wipers to the sound of the music; they would just stop and go back and forth to the beat? And he would say, Hunny, I am on Heaven. And I would smile, and think so am I, and forget I was on the earth…
Do you remember when their noses changed, and my eyes changed color? Do you remember when I was out and we changed the music, I changed the music, and I danced like a goddess?
Do you remember when we talked about aliens and people from outer space?
Do you remember when it felt like I would get possessed, and we would say I was possessed with other women and I felt possessed and would put out these other women and be them? I learned I was a medium then!! And then it became men, and I could feel them and they would think “in” me…
Do you remember when I changed those clocks, the time changed for me, and when I put a hot flame against my hand for minutes and it seemed cold and when I breathed underwater….
To explain what it was like in the beginning of the game, to explain what reality I was in… it was not the earths. I was completely somewhere else with all myself, with all my senses, I even smelled other things… good and icky…
You are going to get rich…. Do you remember when they would always say we are going to try to meet you, we are going to pick you up. I was shy then… And the cars would honk and sometimes one would drive by and stop and ask if I needed a ride.
Do you remember when we wondered if my neighbors were coming to my apt window at night cause we would hear them…and then we realized they were spirits, full fledged beings from other realms visiting me?
Do you remember the entity upstairs, I knew it wasn’t my neighbors, but I didn’t know what it was. It would talk to me constantly, everyday, and would run for joy like a kid when we got excited, it would run and jump and makes sounds and say hey hunny I am here…. It would get so excited and it loved me.
Do you remember when we talked about lust and not to be lustful and if we were to lustful it would change the earth and that to much lust was symbolized by water and we felt lust before going out, and water dripped from a random spot on the ceiling?
Do you remember when that elevator moved to let me out at a random spot, still to this day I can moved space and time to control any elevator. But that time I had the elevator move through space and let me out randomly. And that same night I had my car called me back to it, and the other cars talked to me, and the door talked to me from far away in the parking garage, and told me it was locked….
Do you remember when I changed space and time in Seoul, when time went backwards and that bus disappeared, or when people disappeared, or when things happened in space just because of my desires.
Do you remember when I learned I could talk to machines and they listened, and the elevators would always talk to me and they stopped on the right floor or open or closed for me, based on my mind.
Do you remember when Cozzi’s came up or Sunny’s and I happened to look at the right time and be thinking about them? All the time…
When we tied in every thought and I would see something and they would say something and I would see something and “It has to happen so fast…”
Do you remember all our catch phrases? The genius of our conversations?
Do you remember when the stars and sky moved for me?
Do you remember when animals, that I would call, would come to me and talk to me?
Do you remember when I drew little bats on the sign on my street cause I wanted everyone to go see Batman, and then it became the 2nd top grossing film in the USA. That was the first week it came out…
Do you remember when Hilary, who I was rooting for, went to my hometown, Johnstown!!!!
Do you remember when, mostly after I started traveling, I would find out of things that were just about to happen or where things were next.
Do you remember when I was out I would hear songs to me… like on Mt. Namsan, or walking in NY. And that bus picked me up, it didn’t leave it came back and picked me up because we were having such a great time.
Do you remember all the times I got people to smile, babies to stop crying. My psychic healing worked wonders? And I was told I could heal anyone?
Do you remember when I got a free stay in Tokyo and when I got an extra stop in PA.
Do you remember when all those people in Seoul were chewing gum because I was?
Do you remember walking with me, in NYC, and we walked over 100 blocks and we talked to everyone…
Do you remember my stop at the National History Museum and we saw that Korean display? And we found Roxy’s and had our cheesecake and I talk to CB. about stopping their…
Do you remember you, who were with this whole trip, who talked about them and what they were thinking and doing, and always with me, and going to follow me everywhere and see what I see and know what I know, and conversed with me about this and that, and them and what they saw. Our trips in Seoul, us going out and finding our way so easily, my mind half with you and them and half on what I wanted.
(Dangit, you have half my mind.)
Do you remember our train ride into NYC, and our first trip and how we had to go back cause I left my passport and I didn’t get to go that day, but travel and found everything I needed, and then the next time we got on and I loved everyone and they helped me, and the guy even put me on the wrong train cause it went faster and no one cared, and then on my way back I saw a special something beside the train I was riding.
Do you remember the guy who said he wanted to marry me in Florida and then everyone started saying it, and I got some guys asking me to get married…?
Do you remember the look on people’s faces as I passed by and them tying me in…?
Do you remember Seoul starting to honk and stop for other riders when I said they needed a taxi, and people screaming out they love me, and the movie screen talking about me and tying me in…
Do you remember proving to me that you could get every mental picture that I sent you, and then so do humans?
Do you remember proving to me that you are emotive? And I am empathic, though don’t feel, and when you proved I had intuition and I control the next moment at times.
Do you remember proving to me that you could be telepathic with me, and were learning so much from me?
Do you remember when I washed my car and we said it would make my car turn white and low and behold when it dried my car was all white… it was a red car… and then I wanted a white one and low and behold my parents found me a white car. We stopped at that love gas station…
Do you remember when I was with my parents coming back from Georgia and we were telling jokes and then we talked to the people passing by us and they were talking about their souls and they were giving me their souls…. Yes to give to God.
Do you remember when I made those lights on top of that Buddhist temple Glow? And people started to go to visit Suwon.
Do you remember when I started seeing it as me proving heaven and would go out and prove this or that… like me instantly going to the right spot…
Do you remember all the little i’s after I has serious talks about Buddhist philosophy. Do you remember when I turned back time and people were crying on TV because of something? Do you remember the hotel, and the S and numbers on the wall.
Goals: 1) Prove paranormal. Contact and meet research clinics, work with them weekly. Get involved in research projects. 2.) Meet with priests, talk to them, get involved in church. 3. Body. 4. Get publicity, meet with press. 5. Make more $. Invest. 6. Write book. 7. Get contacts for film, get writers, get in touch with producers… make movie about myself. 8. Get in contact with spiritual advisors, meet with enlightened, do talks, have meetings/conferences. 9. Prove more paranormal, film activity, send to press, put online, get copyright. 10. Get patent for mind. 11. Get lawyer. 12. Get agent. 13. Get assistant or make one. 14. Get in contact with government, intelligence agencies. 15. Market with others to skeptics, prove paranormal. 16. Think about tv show, radio show. 17. Get involved in philanthropy. Speaking at events. 18. Meet and network, get involved, gain skills. 19. Get Masters/Get Doctorate. 20. Marry. Christian. 21. Prove God’s existence. Prove space and time bend, prove wormhole, time travel. 22. Set up animal reservation. 23. Get green home. 24. Travel. 25. GOD—retire….sell most everything (or set up fund), live with God and nature. Write another book. Make over: 100 million dollars.
Do you remember Seoul? When I experienced ego transformation and ego death? Do you remember psychonaut?
You believe yourself to be human, but that is not what you’re going to be.
The car ride… we travel through time and space and meet some angels, people on heaven. Perhaps even go out with them. Stop at churches. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Perfect music for the trip, including Enya. Perfect music I create. Perfect sounds. Smiles everywhere…. Love everywhere… To meet him/her from somewhere else. To see things, good, I haven’t seen before. To get free things…. Gifts, and to give to Mary. @ 2. To predict future occurrences. Astral Something, that knows me and loves me.
Your light is the only light I need as I travel through life's mystery Your word the only voice I hear that still small voice that leads me to the place where I should beYour presence is the only company I need as I walk this narrow road Your fellowship the warmth I crave to help me on my way.
Albert Einstein There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Recipe :: Castelvetrano Olive & Celery Salad
A few months back, a dear old friend of mine, Camille Styles, sent me an
email to let me know she was coming up to Seattle, and would I possibly be
2 years ago
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