Well, it's been some time, and as I wrote before, I have decided to write more in hopes of "getting out" more of my book. I was reading Hemingway, the books sort of an autobiography. He talks of his writing technique and schedule, how often he writes and to what length is each session. This gave me motivation, as I write more and more, the flow of what I want to say, to convey, should come easier.
So, I do actually have something to say. I was just watching the new TV series, THE LISTENER. I saw commercials for it, and my interest was peaked. I mentioned before how new TV shows have been popping up that deeply touch on me, what I do, what I can do, what I deal with, who I am... my story more or less. It's very weird, when your a person abnormally gifted like this, and suddenly they have all these popular new TV shows coming out that talk about your gifts, even create stories around people who do what you can. The people all are mentally gifted, but to create an even more intense story, they usually spend their time fighting crime, or solving otherwise unsolvable crimes.
So this new show, follows a kid, my age, who is Telepathic!! He has telepathy, gets mental visions, has a great power of ESP and while working as an EMT helps solve crimes that would of course be almost impossible to solve otherwise. I was completely shocked, while watching the show for the first time, I saw myself, my mind, my life, my daily existence play before my eyes as the main character!!!! The chance to see yourself as another, the situations you live in, especially as someone who has ESP, telepathy, mental powers that mostly are unknown, and unexplained is unprecedented. Such a remarkable moment in my life!!!! I am (in certain states--) like him!!! I live my life like him, well except for the crime fighting. Adding to my excitement was the fact it seemed a part of my destiny to see it. See, I did hear of the TV show, but had errands to run and thought perhaps I missed it's airing tnt. I was thinking about it while at the gym, but didn't see it on any of the preset tv's. While I was sitting down for dinner, thinking the show already had been on, it so happen that the channel the TV was set to, was the same channel it was shown on, and the time I decided to sit down for dinner, was the exact time it started.
Then, during the show, he had to tell a friend that he was telepathic, at that point his friend didn't know, and just though maybe the dude was having a psychological problem. HOW hard this is for us to explain to someone who knows nothing about it!!! Nothing about telepathy, mentalism, ESP, time travel, mind control, telekinesis, psychic abilities, etc. For the normal person these things, these powers are either make believe, or for people in lab coats/the CIA. We don't usually deal with people who have these powers, and I am in no rush to tell my next door neighbor or the stranger on my street, lest I get "The look." I still haven't told anyone, at least, no more than a handful. I was so happy to see that his friend did accept the news, once he proved it to him. :)
I am so happy right now!!! His ability to read peoples minds, completely helped me by acknowledging my ability to do the same, while allowing me to see someone who does this and still lives as a normal human. He understood his ability and used it to benefit himself and others. I now have someone to watch, and can go outside and understand what I hear/see much better!!! Oh, thank you GOD!!!
I did have something happen the other day that was, for me, exciting. I was sitting in my back yard and looked over to the neighbors yard across the street. Maybe 50 feet away from where I was sitting, was a young girl, about 7 or 8, playing with a willow trees long branches. She would grasp them, jump up, and swing in the air. I smiled and thought, how nice and fun that would be. It seemed, just as I thought it, that she had heard me and responded by saying, "Yes, she was having fun." I realized this and continued to "think" to her, wondering why she said that she was having fun out load to no one. No one else was in the yard and as I watched, thought and listened I realized she was indeed talking out load, to what she thought was an invisible friend or person, just as kids that age do. Remember how when we were kids, so many of us had invisible friends that we would talk to... Well I continued to mentally talk to her, and she would respond out load, but not to me, rather just as comments that were made out load, as if someone was listening but no one she knew. SHE WAS A PSYCHIC, had psychic ability, and probably never knew it!!! She certainly didn't know I was there across the street just listening and thinking to her. I was amazed. I have talked to children before, (I mean they have read my mind,) that's a long story... but to see a small child who had such an ability was exciting. I have yet to note how many people I meet that have the mind abilities I mentioned, though I will be taking more note now that I am settled and have the time to do so....
Well, good luck to all those out there who think they have such abilities. I am excited about these new TV shows!!! Something must be happening that pushes us to create these shows!!! Maybe they are receiving information about me... (I have many theories about this...) They all certainly tie in my life!!!
Bless us all!!!
Recipe :: Castelvetrano Olive & Celery Salad
A few months back, a dear old friend of mine, Camille Styles, sent me an
email to let me know she was coming up to Seattle, and would I possibly be
2 years ago
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