
Hi~I am cute!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Who I am...

I was thinking if I had to explain myself to another human, what would I tell them? How would my simple words accurately describe me, and any complexity that I have. Well, it seemed, as I thought to myself, with the help of my very profound, psychical gifted, mystical mind such a pleasant and purposeful objective, that I decided to write down my thoughts, the answer to "Who am I."

1) She is a women, very sensual, sexual, a women's heart, a women's characteristics. Very romantic and passionate about love, nurturing, truly compassionate at all times, affectionate, etc.
2) She is kindhearted, very loved and loving. Truly generous with her thoughts and self. Very good.
3) She is spiritual. A true believer, a true mystic, Patience with the truth and her understanding of this place. She relies on God, has promised unending servitude to Jesus Christ. She is innately spiritual. She seeks spirituality and truths, even if unknown.
4) She is a clean person. Especially her body, her mouth, her thoughts. She wants to be healthy, and so far hasn't had any notable illnesses. She hasn't been with physically ill in years. She always has her health, and cares about her beauty.
5) She loves her youth. She tries to stay young, sometimes very playful like a kid. She loves her innocence. Something she will not give up. Will act and keep life simple and unimportant, stress-free like a child.
6) She tries to adapt, quite adaptive. At least when it gives her pleasure, and it doesn't harm to change. She will give much time and energy to those she cares about, if they wish. She will choose to change them a bit and herself change for them, but only if the change she sees as a benefit. By adaptive, I mean she will change her personality or characteristics for fun, she will become someone else (different ego) or will let go of routine and do different.
7) She has high ethics, or by her understanding of them they would be more like morals. She will not sin. She has true beliefs, principals that she most cert. will not lesson. Though she wants room to grow so she might change her views on what is right vs wrong, she still is unsure of what exactly she values, and does not like to state her viewpoint on ethically challenging problems. More of free choice vs set answers, esp for others.
8) She will most likely keep her promises. Is trustworthy, but specifically, and cares about her intent. She won't want to wrong another person, though she doesn't always think about others inner intentions, fears, worries, or doubts. She tries to shun that and put on a happy face, but leaves the door open for the other person to explain what they are trusting her with... if detailed she can be very trusted to do the right thing. She doesn't break laws, or seek others who do. She will always try to comfort another, and show that she is trustworthy and good.
9) She is willing to sacrifice herself for others, though doesn't seek that opportunity, rather the win/win situations in life, which she believes are plentiful.
10) She directs her thoughts inward, to challenge herself and make sure she stays on top spiritually. Yet, she still manges to stay very engaged or to engage her environment. She often feels she engages her environment, that her presence is felt, though maybe not in a noteworthy way.
11) She can handle different places and situations. She doesn't mind change. She welcomes it.
12) She is willing to try something new, in facts likes the newness. She likes to be adventurous, and the challenge that comes from foreign. She seeks opportunities to do something she has not done, though if never done before she probably wouldn't think of it, except for the special profound case of her job---her mysticism.
13) She likes to learn by doing.
14) She likes to educate others, and be educated. She likes to be in a learning environment. Though she is hardly ever in the mood for straight memorization, that is not how she learns.
15) She is not very factual more feels or gets the whole picture.
16) She is open, not to regret, but to believe, to understand, to share. She is also very honest.
17) She is hopeful, optimistic. She always shares positive energy and is most likely in a good mood. She always tries to stay easy going/pleasurable to others, to help that way in social situations. She does not like to complain.
18) She does not want to harm, anything. She has never had a cruel intention. Rather she wants to help, be a important part of a system.
19) She is mental, positive but can be very reproachful if something is done wrong or in a bad way. She gets determined, and will go get what she wants. She sets goals and achieves them, though can go periods without setting many goals.
20) She falls in love. She has no fear of loving or being loved. Very normal socially and in relationships. She plays the peer, but adjusts to him.
21) She judges herself more harshly and more often than others, but only for moments. She is not really judgemental. She tries not to judge, though can and does-- then tries to help make it better.
22) She never gets bored, she finds there is much to do in life, and many things engage her. Life will not pass her by... It will never get boring.
23) She is mental, and uses her mind in wild, playful, sometimes serious ways. She is engaged by her mind, she tries to lead and tries to follow it. It amazes her, the mind, esp hers. She must be mental.
24) She is rational, yet un-skeptical. She realizes their is more out there than spoken about, or made into popular fact.
25) She will lead and will follow. She leads herself and is never afraid to do something alone. She is independent, likes her own mysterious and uniqueness; though frightened of going it to alone.
26) She is a lover not a fighter, a pacifist. A believer of a noble good that maybe shown.
27) She takes pride in herself, she is not resentful.
28) She is courageous, on days, and will show courage in the right moments.
29) Nothing is to beneath her, we are all human or living and hopefully similar in gifts.
30) She loves being part of the attention, really enjoys being under the spotlight if made to feel comfortable while the attention is shown. She doesn't mind public eye or inquiries done in public. She really has nothing to hide.
31) She doesn't like certain things, traits, social injustices, hatred or wrong doing. She really dislikes the wrong, or bad, or wicked. She doesn't understand them and their actions. One must act upright, and proper esp. in certain social situations.
32) She can live without luxuries, both social and material. Though to do so she won't commit to them. She'll break free and join a more popular mainstream crowd. She is not materialistic though she likes comfort. She likes comfort a lot, though is easily pleased and comforted.
33) She uses all her senses, to completion.
34) She loves the outdoors and the cities. Find pleasure in what she does or is doing. Often she pleases herself, get great pleasure from herself, maybe more than others, except that she loves humanity and follows them.
35) She puts great trust and hope in humanity. She prays for their future, and wants to truly help the earth. She tries to live green, and hopes to make a better mark.
36) She is financially sound. She will save and plan for the future or for others, rather than waste her money. She won't buy into image or identity, she could care less for spending money on the name or image. She just goes for what she likes, and what she likes is usually free or cost less.
37) She loves anything living, and machines and technology. She feels, is emotive but not overly. She is not that sensitive, but still is moved deeply by others pain or rejection. She cares what others think because she wants to impress, she want acceptance.
38) She is giving, likes to give... tries to take away her own self interest, and show Altruism in that way.
39) She pays her way, notes the great human mind's. Is very aware of consciousness.
40) Often feels very important, very made aware of, thought about, talked about, felt in society because of her experiences/mystically.
41) She has a true desire to be perfect. Both in mind, body, and soul. Though she might be to self-sabotaging and uneducated on how to achieve such a thing--perhaps her environment had not given way to such a task---but once... Once in her life it did happen. She was self perfect, and to show, she now has her glory---
42) She has great confidence, knows her wants and checks them, is driven when she wants. She tries to be balanced in many ways!!! (driven/easy going, outgoing/introverted, thinker/doer)
43) She seeks true wisdom over many other thoughts, ways to live.
44) She is not inclined in math or sciences. More right brained than left!!!

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