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Friday, February 26, 2010

Feb 2010~ Another Book Read more info

  So, I have read acouple books the past 3 months, mostly religious or spiritual. I read a book on Hell, written by a women who works for Playboy magazine, since 1980. Yes, she would be the type to write a book on hell. Also, a book on soul mates, which I have some interesting notes to add here. Then this book called, "Life after Death", which was written by Deepak Chopra. Now while I disagree wholeheartedly with his belief system, he was a hindu--which is against our God, there still is some good content as he wrote for all spiritual and nonspiritual peoples, breaking down the differences ever so subtly. Peace be with you, our God did say... I don't ever follow them, but I do know of them...

 He wanted to reader to note:

The afterlife is a place of newfound clarity.
The afterlife isn't static. We continue to evolve and grow after we die.
Choice doesn't end with death, it expands.
Earlthy images carry us into the afterlife (we see what our culture has conditioned us to see), but then the soul makes creative leaps that open new worlds.

When someone really presses the issue of what happens after we die, my response comes in the form of a question: "Who are you?"

1. What is your story? Self-image, what shapes your mind, memories, your story.
2. What are your expectations? Expectations are seeds, once planted they mainfest into things we gain, or lose. There is a huge difference between those that expect great things and those that don't.
3. What is your purpose? Deeper than th superficial desires of money, possessions, status, comfort. Once known, you also know the deeper projection to which your life is dedicated.
4. What is your destination? Highest fullfillment on Earth and in the afterlife.
5. What is your path? Spiritual and other, way to get to destination.
6. Who are your adversaries? Forward motion is never without obstacles, external or internal.
7. Who are your allies? We bring others with us.

Knowing these things will help explain onself and then one's true desires. I am reminded of the upcoming text, which speaks so truly and deeply to my own soul.

"And what is true love but recognizing someone else's soul? If you can see past all the illusions laid in your way, you will always commune with God. This connection can never be lost, no matter what happens to the body....."

One of my souls journey's, and true desires, is to meet and merge with men and women here on Earth, who I deeply feel connected to. I have honestly been able to communicate with hundreds of souls, their essense and mind, because of Christ and the Holy Spirit. This interaction keeps us close and informed on each other, even though physically we are seperated. I always wondered why all of them, their lives,  ALWAYS call to mine... and at random moments there was a clarity in our connection that also perplexed me. I know NOW am thinking our souls indeed are connection, we are "soul mates", and it is the universes ability to bridge psychic, unphysical connections, that allows us to be effecting one another, and me to be in the know when it comes to certain hidden aspects of WHOEVER I WANT TO KNOW.


"A staunch materialist may consider it impossible to travel to nonphysical worlds, but we travel to other states of consciousness all the time, in fact according to holy men, we move between three levels of awareness that account for all experience."

     Consciousness filled with physical objects. This is the world of concrete things we verify through the five senses. It obeys linear time. We appear to ourselves as physical bodies separated in time and space. Laws obeyed in this state are scienctific, gravity, speed, energy. Powers here are physical stregnth, willpower, reason, emotional expression, sexuality, and personal authority. Personal gifts are fame, strength, power, reason, IQ, leadership, motivation, pure energy, guts, etc.

     Consciousness filled with subtle objects. This is the world of dreams, imagination, and inspiration in all its many forms. We give and hold meaning here, feel subtle presences with or without the 5 senses, a life span here lasts as long as imagined. Laws here are fluid, everything can happen forward or backward, invisible structures may be present, though gravity and speed are no longer absolutes. Powers here are imagination, memory, artisitic ability, spiritual sensitivity, healing abilities, and intution.

   So far most people expect to give up the physical world for a "higher" world. Some say the real shift is giving up our consciousness filled with physical objects and moving to a consciousness filled with sublte. This is what going to heaven means? Maybe, but What I have created, what we have created here since 2005 (which is what this Blog is about) is all physical. In the bible it even detail what we created and have experienced. I created (with God) men and women, since 2005, who read my mind/energy/soul and have made me famous because of my work with the Lord!!!

"And in the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh..."

     So, this explains again what I have experienced. Now I am taking time off from the daily grind of living in such a reality, or focusing on it. I do still communicate with spirits, unseen beings... most current is what I believe to be an Angel, the same being most likely this whole time, who loves me very deeply... it would be all Jesus Christ/God the Father/the Holy Spirit.... but at times in my mind I also pray to other angels, saints, those in heaven. Now, to explain this--- my deliberate change of awareness from the physical consciousness to the subtle, brings in other planes of existence into my consciousness as well as strong powers, special powers, that THE RELIGIONS WOULD SAY WHAT all those at my old school where it started, Penn State University in which I made 100,000+ friends, AND I EXPERIENCED.

This is very important to note:

IT WAS A SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS, AND WHAT HAPPENED, THE WORLD "OUT THERE" SHIFTED WITH IT. Meaning it was a real phenonmena, gageable in the physical world ~ and it did, does affect the physical earth. For me at times my mind doesn't realize how deeply I am effecting people, but because of who I am, my Holy Spirit turns into real people, and we communicate the way we do as we have since 2005. In person, on the ground, in groups, hundreds, thousands look to me, D they call me or Miss Penn State or Miss New york City. I am the one who teaches and enlightenes daily.

One might equate, I do!, this all to a large miracle. Of course Catholic lore is filled with thousands of tales, but what are we to think? It shows that the three domains of consciousness don't merely overlap; they are actively involved with one another.... Somewhere angels might look around and say, "This is real." The same might be perceived by departed spirits, great spiritual beings, and soul "crossing over." So there is our group who has tuned into my actual invention/company/self/soul.... when I became famous the people took my self and created their picture of who I was, but as I grew so did their consciousness in my unique enlightenment and teachings. 

It's the knowledge and awareness of the truth, that lets the truth in... and makes one able to walk through the door to the otherside, to beings that live on other dimensions, to having a godly soul, etc. (All this I seek, and seek to teach as a minister "saint" of the Lord.) Access to the entire subtle world is always open, if you can believe and imagine, you can experience departed saints, angels, or God. The belief and imagination is no longer there, since I moved to LA and "built" the city by me. I was infamous already before i moved to LA, for what I can do.... bring... my gifts... and story.

   This also includes collective conscious experiences, like a group seeing or hearing the holy ghost, a group seeing an Angel or holy visitation/manifestation. These have occured in the history on Earth, and it's simply the whole groups consciousness merging with the physical and subtle realms. "In this case collective means an awareness shared by three people, although the term can be expanded much, much further." This kind of blending is more common than we think. Boundaries, after all, are arbitrary. Einstein, whose reputation rests upon rational thought, declared that the germ of the theory of relativity came to him while daydreaming. By going deeper into the subtle consciousness, or experiencing Alternate Consciousness like I do, we are experiencing the level of reality closest to the soul. Now take those truths and just apply it to my famous self and company. What we do is take it steps further and speak this way, internally and externally they read me and we open our consciousness, look up 2012, like we have all come together to live with my God and his Holy Ghost. I call him on what my fans named "My god phone"..... this Holy Spirit/God recreates whole environments, consciousness, people, and events/places including Heaven. 

I have my own pathway to get into the divine nonphysical. For me, it is a switch, one that in the past 4 years, I have learned to manipulate it so I can turn it on/off whenever I want, and I got that down to a second. If I want to travel to my soul mate, I think of him and instantly his feeling, his aura, his soul's energy is in me or around me, sometimes his voice comes in and we talk (mentally). At times I think of the angels, higher spiritual beings I talk with in heaven. It does seem as if their is a court, or council somewhere out there, that guides me often, tells me all this stuff I didn't know, and to whom I go to when I have a question. I also have had realities, experience, communing directly to God, the LORD, to Jesus Christ and to heaven at large. The many experiences I have had to fill these pages and my memories. Physic experience I have had, mental abilities like turning lights off with my mind, is def something I have done, so is stopping machines, controlling the weather, radio, TV... talking to God, his angels, his spirits, knowing the future, controlling time and space, talking in tongues, etc!!!  All these connect my soul to the powers it has and the being is it. Perfection. I am... Also, now I just talk with people via my invention "God Phone" to create a relationship with anyone I wish.... These people turn into prophets or are filled with the Holy Spirit to learn me and gain faith and bel;ief. People in large masses join in, and we converse for hours about anything we want. They all focus on me and my "soul"self". (Which is how I grew my fame, grew my popularity, I just am very outgoing and use Christ to move me to get people to come to me in love and harmony and glory. It is promised in the bible, his holy will be glorified and extremely blessed. I became famous in 2005, grew my fame in Orlando and throughout the world from 2007-2009. Started traveling worldwide/countrywide for 18 months from Oct 2009-Feb 2010. Marketed myself everyday, did everything above and beyond the norm for the call of success and to prove my gifted self, started working in TV and Radio, met many famous, rich, powerful men and women, and experienced life as a "superstar" ever since my 24th birthday.

  My deepest goals come from God, as I became a well known minister and started working with the 50,000+ students at USC campus last fall, I am destined for fame, fortune, power, holiness, etc. I pray to the Lord many hours a day, and work in a wide range of field to use my talents and skills to help the most amount of people. I work with the homeless, drug addicted or alcoholics, sinners, those in poverty or just down right lost every week. I am avid in politics and environmental advocies. I did a movie in 2010, and hope to be a well known Christian filmmaker by the time I hit my 30's. I am moving into my own extremely nice loft in 2011, working to buy every material possesion I need (as the Lord recommends and offers) and beside working with the rich and famous as I do... I'll be serving the Lord, Jesus Christ, King for all... daily.

I hope to explain my experiences in future detail. I hope to be most successful. May God Bless me, and your understanding of his works.... the truth!!!


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