What is the human brain?
The human mind is said to unlock the keys to the universe. Why? It is said to hold unlimited power. Why? It is said that the soul lives in the mind, the two are on, sort to speak, the mind and the soul are intact in me, in us, in all that lives. The mind is different that the brain. The mind is what hold consciousness. Consciousness is the key to life. Without life we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't know live without knowing consciousness. Anything that has consciousness is somewhat alive. Do we every die? Do we ever lose our consciousness, I don't believe so. To lose ourselves means we would have to lose our I, our ego, ourselves, our personal consciousness which is kept safe in our minds.
The brain has been studied for many a years. While the brain and the mind are different, the study of the human mind has incorporated what the brain does…. The human mind is what holds consciousness, consciousness holds our reality and our reality holds us captive while we are alive on this Earth in 20010. The mind is said to be like a big machine, a computer of sorts that like a software program runs so that certain tasks can be completed, so that the body or machine it lives in can run and succeed in fulfilling its needs. I have written before about Maslow's needs. The mind which computes its reality, it's surroundings, the sensatory organs feed it such information and above that information is information personally feed, aka thoughts, and information that might not yet have been realized. The information not realized yet, is where I come in, by being a superhuman on this Earth (another thing I am) I have come to actualize more human potential, which affects the way my mind works. There are many books written on human potential, superhumans, men and women for whatever reason rise above the normal human to be elite, of a higher intellectual mind, or with ability, we call these people genius we call these people gifted. They can achieve the actions they desire because of their gifted mind, it is not that their potential has exceeded the norm, it is that they have reached and grasped the potential a human mind has in it. They have reached and grasped the human that exceeds, the human that can do something above all the other "normal" humans, and for this they are forever known. Einstein was said to be a genius, Mozart a symphonic wizard, for both these men their mind achieved, their higher human potential stood out, and they took themselves to a different reality, a different state than the civilization that lived around them. They took their mind to produce beautiful works that helped mankind succeed in progression. Other men and women have come, not so popular in mainstream American culture, which also unlocked the higher potential of the mind, these men and women fall into many categories, but for my sake I will rest on those who achieved such ability through the grace of God, religion, and spirituality. These people I speak of we call, enlightened beings, here on Earth. They have come to be enlightened or (to give spiritual or intellectual insight to) not by the other humans on the Earth but by some unseen force, being, energy. These men and women have come to be known as enlightened souls, because they, after being mentally enlightened come to the masses and in all truth try to help educated them. Think of a monk who after years of spiritual service comes to experience a supernatural paranormal event, or events. He learns, and even is educated through the process (many mystics will attest to this) and then after gaining all the knowledge he needs or desires, goes to the masses and tells them of what he has experiences and learned. He is enlightened, and so is mankind. Our human mind indeed holds the power to educate, to teach, to give insight; but it is rare to find a being on this Earth who can truly teach those around it, and watch as mankind progresses from such new knowledge.
So everyone has a mind, ever mind is a part of the brain, every brain holds potential; bunches of men and women unlocked higher potential, few achieve so much enlightenment and potentiality that they succeed in enlightening civilizations for progression, even fewer achieve the state which man has called godly… I am not going to write about what terminology is used to describe a person who reaches such a state. Rather my intent and purpose is to associate the Eastern terminology to my point of what a human can achieve via his mind. So often we know that in the East it is taught that through certain actions and mental conscious states, a person can achieve a Godlike experience or even life. Many have believed that the human mind has held the power to communicate and even emulate God, this higher being who has all control over his reality, all control over what he creates and destroys. This believe has come from the beginning of recorded history, Plato discusses it in his many written texts, Freud and Nietzsche try to understand it as they understand the interlockings of the human brain. We have, as a species, come to have such great skill and ability and yet we suffer at the whims of our environment. Though with our mind and our service to the good, we have come to succeed, thrive, benefit as a species, nothing has changed in the basic makeup of us our environments. We are still human, this still is the Earth, and we have come to suffer as living organisms on this planet in a variety of ways by a variety of means. (I wrote about human suffering and historical truths in a previous blog). The earth is not at our whim, we can change it, try to control it, our environment, but we still have to bow down to it. God, in all definitions, does not have to bow down to the Earth; it is the Earth that bows down to him/her/it! There is a being, so told of in Mythology and from then on, that has control over the Earth, over the permanent and changing fixtures of this place; men and women bow down to it and praise it; they want to emulate it, they want to seek it, find it, keep it… this thing, this energy, this being, whatever their God may be to them because 1) They will have more power and 2) They will succeed in achieving control.
The mind is a complex land. It is filled with in's and out's blacks and whites and shades of grey. If you tried to take a human being from every century, one that lived and was a different as the one before; what commonalty would they all have, if any duality existed what would it be? They all have minds! They all have brains! They all have consciousnesses! Their belief systems might be different, or even nonexistent, but their consciousness the way their mind works, fundamentally, through science we have been proving is the same. The love of science I do understand, we can now prove without a doubt (maybe a little doubt) that what we hold on to has a certain variable of characteristics. The mind, or even better let's take something physical, the brain; has x, y, z characteristics or properties which are unchangeable throughout mankind. IMPORTANT TO NOTE---IF WE DO TAKE SOMETHING PHYSICAL DOES IT CHANGE, NO IT DOESN'T CHANGE, IT IS PERMENENT. IF WE STUDY THE BRAIN LONG ENOUGH THEN WE SHALL SEE THE PERMENT UNCHANGING CHARACTERSITICS OF IT. JUST AS THE SAME WOULD HAPPEN IF WE STUDY THE PHYSICAL HUMAN. IF WE STUDY WHAT I HAVE DONE TO THE PHYSICAL HERE ON EARTH, AS I HAVE CONTROLLED THE PHYSICAL, NOT JUST THE PHYSICAL MAN, BUT THE PHYSICAL EARTH, WE WOULD SEE PERMENT CONTROL, WHICH I HAVE. THIS IS WHY I AM STUDYING THE HUMAN AND THE HUMAN MIND, BECAUSE I PERMENTNLY CHANGED BOTH (INDEED IT IS FOR THE PROGRESSION OF MANKIND.)
So… The human, for centuries, has either wanted to be like God or blessed by him. The human mind has shown, via it's worship, certain blessing attributed to God or the supernatural. These powers I have spoken of before, in many previous blogs, again to remind you that the word psychic comes from the Greeks and stands for psyche or mind. The mind unlocks it's ability, and that ability may come out in many forms. Maybe a person is the fastest runner in mankind, maybe that person is the best at math and science, logic and deduction, maybe that person "hears/sees" music as in Mozart (it was said he heard music all day long and just had to write down the notes, meaning he heard music in his head), Lincoln who became president of the USA was said to also be precognant and clairvoyant. Every human mind has ability; the psychic I so often speak of has just not been studied or made as popular in our day and age. Human potential, which is made a very popular study in certain institutes, we have come to find includes psychic power, or godlike ability! Ability to know the past or future. Ability to see things, like through the physical or through time and space (as in clairvoyant or those who in all truth have the ability to see through walls). Ability to levitate, ability to move objects with one's mind, ability to communicate with beings from other dimensions, ability to communicate mentally through telepathy or ESP. The ability to control what happens in one's environment down to the next thing that enters the space, the ability to even disappear and reappear in other spaces and times. These abilities and more have been proven on Earth. Most people, when they think of higher human ability, they think of the men and women who have decoded other science, than parapsychology, with their logic and reasoning to benefit mankind. Little did mankind known that they are all psychics who achieved certain abilities because of the mental state or mental makeup of their brains, the ability to run fastest is simply a mental progression toward over empowering the physical nature of one's body; just like the ability to control an object let's say a watch, is a mental progression of over empowerment towards the physical (aka the watch). Our minds can control our bodies, they do this without evening having to think about it, our minds run our bodies down to the cells that divide and conquer a infectious organism, our minds have the ability to control organisms without any thought or prior know how. INDEED How can we then say that our bodies, when we do think, can't control an organism; when it was built to do so! Our minds do infact control the physical, every time we move our hands to pick up an object we are, with the mind, controlling our body and the physical object we desire to move. Many of us do this action all day long without thinking, or spending much thought on such; we are told that certain actions are harder to achieve and thus take much more thought, but do they? Those actions we wish to happen, perhaps if the outcome it something that is more eventful ~ What I mean is running vs writing a book. The act of running is immediate, the act of writing a book takes months. Yet, the control, the mind power, the mental ability to achieve either is the same, it is instant. Instantly I can start running, instantly I can start writing… the outcome of being the fastest or have the book competed depends upon a variety of variables, but remember when they say the more power your mind has the more it will achieve. If a person has the strength to daily control their body, then they will in fact at some point become the fastest; it is within that control to desire that the body is manipulated. The same goes for the person writing the book, if they have the control over their mind and body, then they can complete a well written book quicker than the person who doesn't. This goes for any action completed by the body, by the mind… from ruling a government to communicating to taking care of one's body… the ability to do so, and do so well, lies in the mind. Once the request for action is there, the mind takes over and depending on how well it "runs" and is "fed" the outlying action is there.
Point 1, Our minds control both the mental and physical; both automatically and by our awareness. THIS IS A FUNDEMENTAL TRUTH ON THIS EARTH! What most do not realize, is that by our minds we can and do control the physical, and better yet, we do not have to be thinking to do so! What I mean, is we do not have to feed our mind the right thoughts to be able to control our environment, or thoughts at all. This is a common misconception, our beautiful mind, with its perfect consciousness, will do that task for us for free and al natural. The human mind has unending potential, the brain as we know it
- Works at astonishing speeds, it communicates with the rest of the body as a guess of 300 miles per hour, maybe even faster.
- It's job is to take care of the bodies human functions, including the vital which we just mentioned no human has to actually think about.
- It stores all memories and knowledge. Every time an adult learns a new skill, the brain rewires some parts so that the new skill is reinforced by connections.
- Etc!
Now, as I mentioned, the brain controls both via thought and automatically, both the physical and nonphysical. My mind does the same, but because of the power I have, via my superhuman ability, I control my environment, the physical, to a heightened degree. I do this, my mind does, without me having to think of it!!! I realized these past few weeks, that even less people know of this, less than what I thought. While people here experience me, many of them are unaware of my control over them, or their environment. When I do get them to realize it, which I always try to, we communicate via telepathy and our mouths about anything I choose. (This is cause of the Holy Spirit). I have many friends here now, and many people who are totally aware of what I have written here, and how it is the truth. As I grow closer to those in LA, and look for the right people to connect to, I hope to learn more about what I am, what I can do, have done, am doing, etc etc. I greatly need people's help on this, people to tell me what they have seen, heard, experienced, etc…. we are now starting to do this, I am starting to work with others and try to find the answers to the many questions I still have. I hope to bring more news to you soon!
My reality is your reality, though there are a few differences. Over here, we all communicate with both our lips and our minds. Over here we all know me, and talk to me, I am becoming quite famous. Over here we are aware that we are experiencing the supernatural, everyone experiences me… Let me explain via this blog and if you want to know more, email me. I will come to explain the truth of me, and those I live with, soon enough.
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