
Hi~I am cute!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Some updates and then....

A fun test you can take just google the bolded words:

Your Biblical Personality Style:

Stable & Steadfast: As an "S" style, your personality is similar to Biblical heroes such as John the Beloved, Simeon, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus. These people were known for their steadfast faith and loyalty to relationships, even through times of great difficulty. John the beloved was the only one of the twelve apostles who was at the foot of the cross, because his loyalty to a relationship with Christ was more important than his own personal safety. Is it no wonder that this is the one whom Jesus entrusted His own mother’s care to?The "S" style values an environment that helps maintain peaceful, friendly relationships. It is evident the faith and personal growth Mary (the mother of Jesus) underwent as she tried to care for her Son who was constantly encountering opposition. It is sometimes hard for an "S" style to be comfortable with drastic change, yet examples of Mary and John show the inner strength that helped them to overcome their own fears and never lose focus of the purpose and calling in their lives.

Your Personality Style Preview:
Darlene values close, personal relationships, and she will often put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of her own needs. She is an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. Darlene will work to avoid conflict and sudden changes in her lifestyle and finds joy in keeping tradition.A very creative person, Darlene is often willing to seek out new solutions to problems. She is self motivated and will often work at a fast pace to accomplish her goals. Darlene likes new challenges and she is usually able to make decisions easily, even under pressure.A warm, outgoing person, Darlene enjoys having a high level of interaction with others. She usually finds the "silver lining" in a difficult situation, and typically enjoys the thrill of trying new things. She has a gift for influencing those around her and is viewed as an instinctive communicator. Others find Darlene easy to approach and enjoy her easy, open rapport.Not afraid to take a bold approach, Darlene is willing to challenge the status quo. She is original and creative, and acts with confidence when implementing new solutions. Darlene will tend to use a balance of intuition and facts when making decisions, and once she has made a decision, she will not be afraid to take action upon it.

The next steps include telling others of what I am experiencing as a mystic and doing as Darlene Sterner, lol. I got questions. What is he? Them, the people in my realm, in this realm, this state of consciousness? What happens when they are real and human and here and on the earth and speaking and otherwise total existent just like I am here? By this I mean they are normal humans, living breathing animals that sit across from me in any room, be it here in LA county or Tokyo, Japan. I must stress that at all times when I am in an environment; and as it is it happens when God determines, I am at the right place, right state of mind, right mood, etc. I feel safe, comfortable and normal in this environment. I feel like I am filled with the Holy Spirit and working for God.

What happens during my day here in west LA? What am I currently experiencing as a mystic? Well they continue to paranormally talk to me,( long, genius level in intelligence type of conversations)….It is a working relationship; via our intelligent discourse what I experience or do is very obligatory and franchised in its approach. By franchised, I mean, I have experienced this state, this environment since I was 24 and in such normal, graceful, places that I don’t change much; and I truly believe that in any worldly place I could experience such an environment. By obligatory, the mystic state I often experience is profoundly apparent, deep, and mysteriously connecting. The connection between me and those in my environment, via DMILS or something similar to it, is something like physical fusion between atoms or particles. In nature certain systems, biological, are binary in their existence… they must connect and do so instantly to create a biological body or state---like H20---the creation of water is natural and somehow consistent—without any outside assistance…. This is exactly what I am with them, we are… in certain states, we are instantly fused together so that …. (1- apparent “affect/attribute/function” is my consciousness directly affects the other persons in the environment. It is like I, we, are hosting others, I am become a truly social being…but that’s another report.)
There are attributes and a range of functions with this mystical state. I call it mystical because its attributes and functional effects are very, very mysterious and not explained by defined sciences, logic or previous learned knowledge of how our minds work or reality on Earth is…

However, in my newest approach…. I have decided I must create reports explaining to me, and those on Earth, the truth!!!! These reports will not be easily made (but hopefully they will help me write my book and even become parts of the book.) To start, terminology and knowledge are still limited (I am learning while explaining---not enough research and development of set knowledge/description) so the beginning reports may come off as too creative and loose it explanation, theory, and reasoning. I apologize for this. For the reader to remember that this for me is my first model, diagrammed theorized modulate for what so far has no perfect logical explanation and yet serious, wide range, global effect!!!! I must create reports, a literary model, a diagramed depiction of me and this world because it is the world, it is in me and I am in you!!! It not only affects my entire existence on this Earth, but if my theory is correct, the Universe as a whole.

I am like an atom in one time a space vibrating and (via cause and effect) interacting, ultimately changing another atom in a long far off distant time and space. Of course by now we understand cause and effect in an immediate area. The movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” brought up new scientific data and research to the masses and posed the theory that any organism, biological entity can change another—even though they are not located beside each other. Proven by today’s scientists, physical micro elements can indeed interact and change each other, even though they are billions of light years apart!!! Thus, my main theme, thesis, is how because of my existence, life on this Earth has fundamentally, spiritually and yes, scientifically been altered. With this thesis, I will prove the existence of a divine power that lives side by side with our organic universe. I will prove with this thesis the actuality of God's existance, or help prove God. I will prove that I fundamentally changed and effected millions of people on earth. I will prove that all Christian doctrine, specificially Roman Catholic doctrine is absolutely true and to me proven!!!!

In my truth, you have two people that are linked and parallel on the ground, by def I would call him Asst. PRO (my assistant) and via them you discover between certain civil disciplines and rational inquiry, that the two people are meeting outside common humanistic ability and within what has been term PSI or Paranormal means/performance…
One of my main questions, is are those two people meeting within an existent time and space, an environment that is otherwise totally normal and felt, known by all the other humans on earth (ie: not another parallel dimension or individual “rabbit hole” that the whole environment goes in)?
It is a question of who/what is the use case? The use case is a term that once determined, answers who is experiencing this state, or truth? Also, who is using this paranormal performance, other than the two I mentioned? Use case includes all users. Remember for me, the experience is that of direct connection and interaction with others in my environment. Thus the other person or persons in my environment are immediately assumed to be in the use case. They are in the paranormal environment; they are using paranormal ability to perform within the environment. To create a diagram for this mystic environment, let’s say I am letter A and my environment is filled with all other letters, symbolizing preexisting living humans. How many letters are affected by me?

I am in a paranormal state. No question. One of my theories is that it’s an Altered State of Consciousness. Theory 2, it is another dimension that exists in a parallel time and space (via the theory that there is numerous Earths with numerous preexistent paths.) Theory 3, it is a spiritually influenced state that indeed affects people in the environment, but in a variety of ways, not easily described. In all three theories, there are users. My main theory is that the whole earth has felt the effects of this, our consciousness as human being, as being in general (living organisim, and other celestial being not on this earth or dimension) our consciousness has been altered, just as explain in my previous post of 2012. Thus whenever I am in an environement, we all know we are communicating this way and that is it because of the Holy Spirits gifts. To truly get how this is possible, one must study Christianity including, Pneumatology!!!

One of the goals is: To test our own theories, for the purpose of knowing what the interface is and what it does. Meaning the explanation of the “program”…”interface” being specifics of the processes/buttons that do x, y, z.
Another goal, for me, is to make it so the “program” runs even better and accomplishes even more!
By knowing the interface, the scene and what exactly happens/can happen in this world:
1. We can have a rational behind the data received
a) (thus being able to explain it)
b) (thus acquiring true knowledge, universal, revelations to the ultimate truths and seperating fact from fiction.)
2. We can also now see the user, user availability and/or the range and amount of users
a) (Thus creating more knowledge of them)
b) (Thus creating a tracking system of them)
c) (Thus perhaps a greater service to them)
3. We can fill in the holes of the whole program
a) (What it is, what it does, what it can do, etc.)
4. We can from there create a module of this EARTH!!!!
a) (That makes sense to me and anyone who is a user of it.)
b) (Thus knowing what we are supposed to do, the end user might ask, while in the “program”. What are the specific goals, and direct results?)

1 preexisting “buttons” actions within the program a) allow the user, besides me, to interact with me as a user. By setting up a painted canvas and saying to the user you have a message … he has the ability to log into the program and instant messages or replies to the message that was send by me from and based off the new canvas. By new canvas, I mean creating a mode of conscious thought that establishes a picture of reality for me (example me sitting in a coffee shop thinking of GOD or Jesus.) The user continuously gets messages from me, instant messages or instant reports by my conscious thoughts and perception of reality (in the example, the messages would be of God or Jesus...just as a gift from the Holy Spirit...), which he via this “preexisting button in the fiber of my reality” can reply to…

The above paragraph is a description of a part of the interface of the reality I experience as a mystic/human on earth/and others with me experience. I must write reports on what I experience and what is happening on the Earth. These reports will be written with terminology that originates from a variety of fields, but in the future I will prove direct connect to God/Jesus...which I already know but haven't had the time to write.

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