March 09
So, as I research some more online, I think of how if I journal, remembering everything that happened will be so much easier. Plus it will bring up my typing skills, and fluidity in writing. Last night was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful! I got a psychic message again during the day. I didn’t see it, I heard it. I had an email from Gerald, a famous mentalist who I happened to find because of my research on telepathy. He and I have been emailing because I would like some of his contacts and what he can do amazes me, reminds me of me. He can even do something that mentally I have not!!! I want to be able to do these things, so thus prove infinitely my theories and to the scientific community, disproving theirs---He is more of a magician though and I have doubt as to what kind of help he can give me. I am not looking to become a famous magician, card tricks, parlor tricks are not what I do! Do I have the ability to entertain the masses? Of course, I would say yes, as I can create so much by my mind, by my request. For example, that wonderful cartoon that was shown on United, or the wonderful shows on the TV, I can create at a whim.....
So, as I research some more online, I think of how if I journal, remembering everything that happened will be so much easier. Plus it will bring up my typing skills, and fluidity in writing. Last night was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful! I got a psychic message again during the day. I didn’t see it, I heard it. I had an email from Gerald, a famous mentalist who I happened to find because of my research on telepathy. He and I have been emailing because I would like some of his contacts and what he can do amazes me, reminds me of me. He can even do something that mentally I have not!!! I want to be able to do these things, so thus prove infinitely my theories and to the scientific community, disproving theirs---He is more of a magician though and I have doubt as to what kind of help he can give me. I am not looking to become a famous magician, card tricks, parlor tricks are not what I do! Do I have the ability to entertain the masses? Of course, I would say yes, as I can create so much by my mind, by my request. For example, that wonderful cartoon that was shown on United, or the wonderful shows on the TV, I can create at a whim.....
Of course I also think of people who have experience in psychic ability, mental ability, conscious power. How they met others, how they develop. Do they just come out of nowhere or are we like a secret club that creates based off of similar experiences? Or a total obvious club, as it seems more than not, we spend our time telling so many people about this, that by word of mouth, people know...
I have this amazing ability to know before something happens. I also create, Like in that film, Shrek like--- or the other (numerous) I have seen, that were tied into me. Explanation needed.
Of course, on that plane ride, who knows what I heard/saw vs what they heard. But, I have met so many people who see and hear the same as me, it is a completely legit occurrence.
Because of this, I did some research on mentally distance communicate. It's very interesting, I have so much more to learn. It seems, when I am deeply in trance with "them", then sometimes I wonder if even film makers are picking up on it subconsciously. Thus showing..... will explain later.
The same goes for anything created here, inc TV/Radio... Since this started again in ‘07, now I see there are three or four new TV shows, all about what I am doing and we are doing. One even talks about psychonauts, which I studied last year, so obtuse!!!! Another about mentalism, which I def can do!!!
You know, I contacted an intelligence borough in the USA while I was in Seoul. I was worried about some paranormal activity I saw, and I simply wrote them a letter hoping they might call me or we be in correspondence, just in case I needed help. I never contact any Intelligence boroughs before. I decided not to send more than one email, I am still searching for the right people to find who know more about all this....
I do have a funny story, last spring, I was being called a superhuman, yes true story, and being told information I would have not know via my 6th sense. I noticed on the CIA’s website was a comment on superhuman’s and human’s abilities, normal or not. It was only there for a couple months, I was on the website to do some research and noticed it, which was last summer, ‘08.
Mental Distance Communication? Subconscious mental pushing? I am totally rational, very analytical, so many of these thoughts are still just that, thoughts. Perhaps this, perhaps that.
They are coming out with a movie, about ***************, I heard about it... it goes into what I was doing with in ‘08... I think the son of Health Ledger was noted to be a maybe for the cast. Anything about a ***, and I am looking into it... I am one, so it seems obvious to note if they are making any movies about it.
Another story... I had a guy--- say my name at the store the other day. It was the first store I have went into in Florida, other than a gas station, and he spoke to me. The clerk, who I never saw before, said my name. I distincly heard it, and saw his lips move. I was going to ask him how he knew my name, when I noticed the music playing in background was playing a song that seemed to tie in.... what I was thinking. I don't know the name of the song. Oh, it's my life.... RIGHT THEN I REALIZED, EVEN THOUGH I LEFT ORLANDO AND MOVED TO SEOUL, I STILL WAS INFAMOUS AND KNOWN IN OTOWN/FLORIDA. NOW THAT I WAS BACK IN TOWN, MY FAME WAS APPARENT AND I GOT TO LIVE HERE AS A FAMOUS MYSTIC GIRL.... WHICH IS AWESOME!!!!
I got this. Anywho, last night I decided to watch a movie. It was Perfection. I swear the movie changed!!! Let's see, I was thrilled to see my favorite numbers were written on all the building signs....811/4811/411 Also, The writing that was on this letter sent to the main character– well it was so similar to my handwriting!!!! No shit!!! I was shocked, I mean I realized... well I have my theories.
Also, during the movie, I started thinking of heaven, when suddenly I looked outside (it was night) and saw the most beautiful white made entity. It was only there for acouple seconds, like an orb or something, but all white and it seemed to show up to prove of a heaven-- proved of a nonbeing entity that exists with us, with me, to show what we want we shall get. Like a miracle.
Wow, right?
So, in the movie I was watching, we all loved the main character, the hero. Though because we do like a good fight on the screen and the stories of good fighting wrong--- it helps us realize the right paths to take in life---In the script, ethical dilemmas seem less challenging for the super hero. Their was this line the main character had at the end of the movie, something about how he moves to become what the city wants him to be. Instead of a white night, he is a dark hero. Someone who still does wrong by the cities standards, but yet does it for certain right reasons. It's why a hero like him would never fit in the constructed reality of our cities. He does to much damage. I thought of how I loved my role, it is much more pacifist. It speaks of right and then does it. It doesn't get involved in the wrong, period. That's almost what superhero's do... they get involved in the wrong, in order to make something right. I wrote more about this and my ideas, but to tell another time.
After those moments in the film, my mind spoke of what I was, what I was doing. I thought of if the humans on Earth heard me---us---if our true stories come to the open.... people would see people are good. Society is good. I am here reminding some of them of the supernatural, of God, of heaven, of what I love and what we love and what we can do. A teacher. I am... I teach people, often. At times I am shown this... that what I do teaches others. I can explain, and will later.
After that I thought of my lover. I thought of how he lives this life that is perfected by his choices, by the awareness of what he does. He takes his ego, and he--- it's funny now to explain it to myself again--- as if I am pulling at something, something alive--- I can feel it, it's living within me.... But to mention him, he takes on another’s ego, for the purpose, his--gift--his ability, to simply change ego's.... as if he holds a whitewash, a board he has and he writes neatly, precisely on it with this white chalk the details of a ego, only to, months later---after he has become it, become what the ego is--- takes the mind board and erases what he wrote.... thus changing his (i) again. Lover, like me, always he takes me on... he speaks and thinks like me. I could go on, and will explain more later.
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