
Hi~I am cute!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Known Points

Once the reader reads this whole blog, they will come to the larger picture and main points of my existence and the world at large. I live a life that is not normal, but yet in its uniqueness, I have come to learn quicker, with revelation-ary experience some of the Universal truths, while taking away the blanket that covers the eyes of so many and keeps them from seeing the true reality that surrounds us.

Questions arise that have us asking, Why are we here? What happens when we die? How did we get here? What was the point, especially if so many are blind because of said blanket ~ (would I be made mute in my points if it wasn't God's decree to have us KNOW THE TRUTH!!!)

Even for those who are scientific based, why as a species would we be in an environment where our reality is not known, where the fundamental important questions did not get answered? This blog will go into the fundamentals.

Let me start with the main points, that hopefully most can comprehend without further discussion,

1) We are an organic species, that are born--live--and die on a place called Earth. As a species we have some control over our environment and our lives, via our consciousness, our mind which makes decisions (and hopefully the best) for us, individual based on our primal nature to survive and thrive, especially in comfort and pleasure. While we have "control" over ourselves and even others, we do not yet have the capability to procure and environment in which we live a life that does not feel pain which ultimately end in death. How much pain a human being feels on Earth may be the cause of a variety of variables, but what we know for fact is every human on earth feels pain which ultimately leads to death. All organic species are this way. Despite the advancements of mankind, we cannot cure our own self from the pain of living on Earth, and wonder of wonders, some people live in a world of daily pain... unexplained anguish that haunts them beyond belief while others seem to feel very little. We may have our cures in the future for the diseases that haunt us now, but rationally as we know the history of our species, and of the million others on Earth, all life suffers and dies no matter the environment or blessing it receives.

2) Despite our in ability to cure ourselves we have come to a secure enough place on this Earth to be free from suffering long enough to truly dissect (or destruct) our environment and learn/teach what fills the spaces on earth and beyond. 1,000 years ago we had brilliant men and women who looked above to the sky and outter-space region, not knowing exactly the full facts of what was out there, but still being aware enough of what exist to be able to name and further describe the objects so place thousands or millions of miles away. This fact always fascinates people, if one truly studies the history of our species, the intelligence of beings even 1,000's of years ago was unprecedented! We have been able to find a solution to almost every problem the average human man or women has on this Earth living today. Our social economical self can be easily guided to the best road where prosperity is insured and even guided by those who have already easily fulfilled their basic needs. Think Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The bottom tier on the pyramid, depicted on the website I have linked above, is easily by human nature taken care of... Yet, as the tiers rise from bottom up, harder and harder is it for the average human to succeed in full filling their needs; We as a species don't have the power, especially individually, to EVER TAKE CARE OF OUR LIFE!!!! REALLY, TAKE THIS QUIZ! GO TO THE LINK AND ASK YOURSELF, HONESTLY, IF YOU COULD GET FOR YOURSELF EACH OF THE LISTED NEEDS IN THE PYRAMID. I DON'T MEAN THE WHOLE TEIRS, BUT EACH OF THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. AFTER MARKING HOW MANY YOU FEEL, YOU YOURSELF COULD NOT A) EASILY GET OR B) GET AT ALL WITHOUT THE HELP OF OTHER HUMAN C) COULD NOT GET AT ALL OR D) COULD NOT GET ALL THE TIME.... EQUATE YOUR ANSWER WITH MY POINT. My point being we do not, even with society, have the ability---ever---to fill all our needs all the time, thus we feel pain (maybe even more than pleasure) and then die.

3) The next main point I have, is in the history of our species, we have, in our ability used our minds to work for us. We deliberate between the truth, but the truth is this: Our species are not animals. We do not work for food and then feel free. We have a consciousness that demands that these questions be answered, Where do we come from? What is the meaning, purpose of our lives? How we come to be? How did this place and all that surrounds it originate? Where do we go after death, if anywhere at all? Is their something beyond our species, something other than what we see here, if so what? Etc... It has been proven many times that even a child, will ask his or her parents the same questions at the age of 3 or 4, without knowing the more advance knowledge that we gain through growth.

Meaning, it is in our nature to ask these questions and so many more. We do not, as a species, disregard the knowledge that comes through life.... We understand, or learn to... that even though our individual I's feel pain that is not curable, after which we die, our species along with other organic life, will thrive through reproduction. Besides this the needs which we do not meet as a species, will be met in other's of our species. We may not gain the true fulfilment of self confidence in our life, but someone else in our environment will; and perhaps that will be enough for many who live on this earth. So, point 1 & 2 can be accepted as truth, and that be enough for us to live on this earth, knowing that we as a species thrive and without to much pain (including the pain that comes from not full filling our needs). However, we as humans do not just accept the picture of a organic life that lives, feels pain, and dies like a cell, without purpose, meaning, the justice of truth and further knowledge of this place that we live and die on.

To paint the right picture for us as individuals and as a whole planet is important. We not only want to erase points 1 & 2, by this I mean no pain or death and all our needs (if we have to have them) met, but we desire to understand the greater truths, the reality of this realm, and see the beauty of our existance. We do this by asking ourselves, even in youth deep, consciously important questions---seeking answers by many and in many means.

Why I feel these three points are so immeasurable is that they depict the right picture of every human on this earth. Their is no organic being that I know of that does not feel pain or suffer and then die. Perhaps some greater sciences could prove that a neoplasm built in a leaf does not feel pain, but it does die... or end at some point. We have yet to find an organic, living being that does not end on this earth... Included in being organic and alive is having needs that must be met. These needs cannot be met by us or others, at least not all of them all the time. So, we as a species have this awareness that our "organic-ness" is out of our control.

Besides this, from this, or despite this ~ depending on how the human views are correlated ~ our minds start to ask questions in order to figure out why we live and die, and why we cannot find pleasure in every moment. If our existence we built on eternal life without any pain, the problems would be solved and we would not dare to question our rebirth ~ the place we go to after this....

Did you ever play the game SIMS? The most popular computer game in the early 2000's which had the player created and control a virtual Earth with humans that seemed very, very close to ourselves or our particpants here on earth. There was this desire to recreate a virtual world for us, one in which we could lead altered lives... without control The SIM would die... ie: without meeting the basic physiological needs the Sim (human being) would die, even without pleasure it would go into a depression that ultimately lead to death. This earth seems very like the SIMS, that's how the game is built. What is different is it took the player so long to play one day, though he/she could speed up time and after one death take greater control over another life... the person playing the SIM game never cared if the human inside the game lived or died, or asked why he was there at all. Could you image a simulated game, Where the characters instantly asked their controller why they were their in the virtual world and what was going to happen because they didn't want to just have their needs met (or not) and then die....????!!!! THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SIMS/ EARTH ALTERNATE REALITY AND OURS. WE ASK THE QUESTIONS TO WHOEVER WILL LISTEN, AND WOULD BEYOND UPSET IF THE PURPOSE OF LIFE ON THIS EARTH WERE AS MEANIAL AS BIRTH/PLEASURE & PAIN/DEATH. If you haven't played the SIMS I suugest you find someone who has and ask them this question: Would you want to be a little human in the game, why or why not?

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